Thursday, January 17, 2013

Vegas baby

I was sad to leave isaac to. :( he's a cute kid. thanks for the fun day rachel. ;) I am not as prepared as karen but I am exicited. I need to pack. I can drive if you like but my trunk doesn't open. well tomorrow I am going in to the doctors it hopefully will go well. Have a great night and drive safe everyone!! I don't work again tomorrow so if you have anything you need me to pick up for the weekend I can run some errands. night Robin

Let the good times roll

I think I am all ready for the fun weekend.  I get to leave work around 3:00 tomorrow so that will be nice.  Rachel we will see you later in the evening.  Robin do you want to come over for dinner?  I am putting a roast in the crock pot.  Might just as well come over and visit for awhile.  Not much else going on with me.  It was a long day for me as well.  Not because it was slow because there is just so much to do.  I will be glad when the lady comes back off maternity leave on Monday.  She is taking back all of her work.  That will be nice.  Have a nice day and I will see you all soon.  Good luck with you scan tomorrow Robin.  I hope all goes well.  Ultrasounds aren't bad at all.  You will just have to lay there.    LOVE MOM 

Fun Times

Good Job Karen.  I am mentally ready to go.  I am going to pack tomorrow.  We will leave after Casey gets done with work.  It will probably end up being around 6 and we will get down there around 8.  I am excited.  We had a really fun day with Robin.  Thank you again for coming up.  Isaac was sad when you were gone when he woke up.  We went to the pet store and looked at the fish and birds.  Then we walked around the mall for a while.  We meet Casey at the Italian Place and went to the fabric store.  Then we went tot eh fun park.  It was really nice to get out of the house.  This weekend will be fun, thanks everyone.


Ready to go

Well my bags are pack and I am ready to go. Today was good, work was a little slow but I made it thru. I am glad that you and Isaac are feeling better Rachel. Apparently Saturday is National Popcorn Day. We are celebrating it at work tomorrow though. So it will be major popcorn tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone had a great day and I will see you all tomorrow. BYE

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Feeling a lot better :)

We are feeling a lot better today, it was a lot better day today.  It is really nice to be getting better.  Robin made it up and helped me dye some fabric.  It was really fun to do.  Her apointment went well and she is going back in on Friday for a scan.  Karen I think that we will all just bring our IPods and then we will have all our music at our finger tips.  We can listen to One Direction the whole way down and Josh Groban the whole way back.  It will be awesome. :)


Big City

Way to go Karen you made it to the big city.  You were busy.  We went out to dinner and then went to Walmarts.  I got a bunch of fun stuff for Isaac to do this weekend.  I think we are all set for him to have a good time.  I am excited for you guys to go to Vegas but I am more excited to babysit.  We are going to have fun fun fun.  Tomorrow is going to be a quiet day for me.  I am hoping to get a lot done.  That will be good.  Well don't work to hard.  I hope you have a fun time in Logan Robin with Rachel.  LOVE MOM

2 more days

Robin I hope that your doctors appointment went well. My day was good. Work went by pretty fast. then I went to Heber and checked the mail at my apartment. then I got my car washed, my hair trimmed, and went grocery shopping. I was wondering if Rachel and Robin were going to make road trip music for our weekend adventure. My Robin should make it or we will be listen to that broken road or broken door group she is in love with. :) Well I hope that everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. BYE

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January Blues

I think we are all the same.  I am so glad you guys are going to Vegas.  You  need sunshine.  It has been so cold and nasty outside.  I know I have been struggling also.  It was nice today to come home in the light.  It is staying light a little bit longer.  This is such a hard time of year.  Stay strong.  Good luck tomorrow Robin with the doctor.  I am jealous also that you get the rest of the week off and get to play with Isaac and Rachel.  Have a great time.  Karen I was wondering if you have been getting the fog in Kamas.  I wasn't sure if they got inversions.  Hump day tomorrow.  WE can do it.


drag on

today was hard, nothing really crazy happened I just think I was ready to not work. I am ready to have a few days off. Not much else to report with me I think I am going to drive up to logan after my doctors appointment tomorrow. other then that have a great night and have a good wensday! robin

The Same

We are about the same as yesterday.  Isaac seems to feel better in the afternoon and has a rougher time in the morning.  I think that we will be doing better tomorrow.  I am excited for you to come up Robin, thanks coming.  We are excited.  Everyone stay warm and have a good night.



Well it was snowing when I got up this morning. It didn't snow much so that was nice at least. Work was good. I am staying busy so that is nice. Robin I am jealous that you don't have to work the rest of the week. I am getting excited for the weekend. I hope that Rachel and Isaac are feeling better. Have a great one. BYE

Monday, January 14, 2013


Robin I am so jealous that you only have one more day left of work.  That is so much fun.  I am glad your class went well.  Rachel, I am so glad that Casey was able to fix the furnace.  He is superman. Broken shoulder and fixes furnaces.  Karen,  I didn't think it could get that cold.  You do know how to do extremes with weather 117 degrees to -17 below.  That is so cold.  You will have to wear shorts when you go to Vegas.  Kay picked me up from Trax's and Jen and Rylee and Jen's friend went out to see Jen's house.  It is all framed and the roof was being put on when we were there.  She took us through the model home that is exactly like hers and it was just beautiful.  She is going to love it.  We went to Kohls afterwards and they were have great clearances.  Jen got 4 lamps and a dress for 60 dollars.  She saved over 400 dollars.  It was so much fun.  I did buy Isaac two new books and a new outfit for when he stays with us.  They were featuring Dr. Seuss books.  I bought the Cat in the Hat and the ABC book.  I thought he would like those. I know he likes to watch the Cat in the Hat.  I have to go to work at 7:00 tomorrow so it is going to be a long day.  I am going to drive.  I was going to use the extra hour for Friday so I could leave a little early for everyone.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

1st day

Today was good. My class will be fun. I am excited. I feel so far behind though but Its hard to baby step though the classes. I wish I could just wake up with knowlege and be done. sigh. I'm sorry your sick rachel that is no fun. I will plan on coming up wensday if that is ok. I have an apt. at 2:45 so Don't wait dinner or anything I will call you when I am done and we can make plans from there. One more day of work for me. YEAH!!! Robin

The Sickness

Well me and Isaac caught Casey's cold.  Casey came home on his lunch and brought some Advil for Isaac and that made him feel a lot better.  We had a good afternoon.  Isaac didn't take a nap and fell asleep at 6.  I hope that he sleeps well tonight.  The furnace stopped working today.   Casey fixed it, he had to replace some pipping and the filter.  I am glad that it is working again.  I am excited for you to come up Robin.  You should come up Wednesday and spend the night.  That would be fun.  I am excited to have you come up.  I think that we will be feeling better soon.  I hope that starts feeling better too.



Well work was busy today. It was nice cause the time went by fast. Yesterday I used my new washer and dryer for the first time. They are nice. Robin I hope that your first day of school goes good. Rachel I am sorry that your furnace broke. I hope that you got it fixed. It is way to cold to have a broken furnace. It was -17 when I got to work this morning. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Till tuesday

well today was chill I did go buy a notebook and pens for my class. hopefully its not a huge disaster its been a while since I've taken classes. But this week will be nice I only have to work until tuesday. then wensday starts vacation day :). I'm not sure yet but I'm thinking thursday maybe going to logan if that is ok rachel. If it is I'm not sure if its best to go up wensday after my dr's. appointment. or just come up in the morning? well not to much else going on have a great monday robin

So Cold

Yesterday I got all the snow off my car so today we decided to drive it around.  Dad was worried he had strep throat so we went to insta care.  It isn't strep, he has a sinus infection.  They gave him an antibiotic.  It took a couple back and forths but the car did come out of the snow bank.  We went to church this morning and went the whole time.  I can't remember the last time I went to all three sessions.  It was nice. It is hard not to know anyone.  I feel like the little kid looking into the building with all the people. 

 It is really cold outside.  Yesterday when we were at Sam's club, I bought a whole box of hand warmers.  I am set for the cold weather now.  There is a huge block of ice on our sidewalks but I have been trying to put salt on it everytime I go down.  It is an endless battle with the leak right there.  Well have a good week.   Good luck at the doctor's on Wednesday Robin.  I hope it goes well.  I hope they find a magic pill for you.  I am excited for you guys to go to Las Vegas on the weekend.  I bought a roast for Friday night so we can have dinner.  See you soon.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...