Sunday, January 13, 2013

So Cold

Yesterday I got all the snow off my car so today we decided to drive it around.  Dad was worried he had strep throat so we went to insta care.  It isn't strep, he has a sinus infection.  They gave him an antibiotic.  It took a couple back and forths but the car did come out of the snow bank.  We went to church this morning and went the whole time.  I can't remember the last time I went to all three sessions.  It was nice. It is hard not to know anyone.  I feel like the little kid looking into the building with all the people. 

 It is really cold outside.  Yesterday when we were at Sam's club, I bought a whole box of hand warmers.  I am set for the cold weather now.  There is a huge block of ice on our sidewalks but I have been trying to put salt on it everytime I go down.  It is an endless battle with the leak right there.  Well have a good week.   Good luck at the doctor's on Wednesday Robin.  I hope it goes well.  I hope they find a magic pill for you.  I am excited for you guys to go to Las Vegas on the weekend.  I bought a roast for Friday night so we can have dinner.  See you soon.  LOVE MOM

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 Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I mentally wrote a blog post but never physically did it.  Yesterday was good.  It was the last day of...