Saturday, August 22, 2015

Second Best

Well with Grandma here I am second best.  Both boys wanted grandma to put them to sleep.  She is really popular.  We had a fun day.  We mostly stayed around the house and played which was nice.  We went to the mall for lunch and that was fun to walk around.  Mom bought Isaac a ghost cookie cutter.  So we made cookies today.  We had to wait for Casey to come home to roll out the dough but it was fun.  Tiffany is in town so we met them for icecream and that was fun also.  Everyone have a great Sunday.



Well my day has been good. I got my lawn mowed this morning. Then I weeded for a little bit. Then it got hot so I went inside. Then later I went to home depot and got some round up. It was super windy when I got back so I decided to do that another day. I did wash my pillows today. I was hoping that would unflatten them a bit. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye


Today was crazy. I slept in which was nice. Then I reliezed it was the last day of joanns sale. They had 60 percent off fabric. So I went and bought fabric for my queen of hearts jacket and saved $$. Then I just checked my account to make sure bills and everything were coming out. I noticed a 3.42 charge to red box in Illinois and a refund of 3.42. So I called wells Fargo to make sure there wasn't a scam going on with red box. I guess it wasn't but some one had my card # and tried to make a 300 dollar purchase at Walgreens that they denied. So I canceled my card before they started spending money. So this week I should get a new card. Luckly I had a photoshoot with Joe so I will use cash for the week. Then I worked at scheels tonight. So it's been a day. Whew... Karen that recipe looks.good. I hope it goes well. Rachel Isaac looked like a disco dancer in his picture. Lol well have a good night


Friday, August 21, 2015

I did it

I made it to Friday.  It was a good day at work and then after work we went and took dinner into Grandma and Jani.  Grandma doesn't look so good.  I am worried about her being all alone.  Jani leaves on Sunday.  I am excited to come up tomorrow.  I think I am just coming up and dad will join us later.  Karen that is a really good recipe.  The barley will soak up a lot of the water so at the end you might have to add a little more juice.  It will be really good.  Robin that is wonderful about the 5th.  That will work perfect.  Are we going to have sewing day at Karen's place?  Good luck with your photo shoot with Joe.  Everyone have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM


We are having a soup luncheon on the 4th so I was wondering what everyone thought of this recipe.


    • 2 lbs beef round steak or 2 lbs beef chuck, diced
    • 2 cups chopped carrots
    • 1 stalk celery, diced
    • 1/2 green pepper, diced
    • 1 large onion, chopped
    • 1 (16 ounce) cans tomatoes, cut up
    • 1/2 cup frozen corn
    • 1/2 cup frozen green beans
    • 2/3 cup barley
    • 1 tablespoon dried parsley flakes
    • 1 tablespoon beef bouillon granules or 2 beef bouillon cubes
    • 2 teaspoons salt
    • 3/4 teaspoon dried basil
    • 5 cups water


  1. In skillet brown beef.
  2. Place carrot, celery, green pepper, onion, corn and green beans in crock pot.
  3. Put meat on top.
  4. Combine tomatoes, barley, parsley, bouillon, salt and basil.
  5. Pour over meat.
  6. Add water.
  8. Cover and cook on LOW for 10-12 hours.

yea for Friday

Well I am glad that it is the weekend. Work was good. They brought us doughnuts this morning so that was fun. It is also the end of the shipping day today. So I got to help assemble things this afternoon. Have a great weekend everyone.

Day Off

We were driving to go grocery shopping this morning and Isaac said he just wanted a day off.  So after that we just stayed at home and rested.  It was nice, I think that Isaac was tired.  Oliver slept all night which is a miracle.  I think his tooth must of broken through so I hope that it is better from now on.  We are excited to have Mom come up tomorrow, thanks for coming.  I hope that Karen and Robin have a good weekend.


Isaac wanted me to take his picture like this

I have been trying to sew a little and have made progress on this quilt.  I have the blocks in rows I just need to sew the rows together.

Oliver hasn't been eating well so I moved his chair to face the table and it has helped.

3 days

Today was good. Me and a girl at work are going to the 3 days grace concert so at lunch we went and bought tickets. Then we went to panda. I got the 5th off for sewing day so we are set. I also got an email from a embroidery place and they have a new set of pumkins. I might buy them for sewing day. Well have a good night. Tomorrow I have joe and scheels so it will be a busy day


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Nice day

It sounds like we all had a nice day.  The dentist was nice.  I liked him.  He took a 3 d xray of my mouth and on Tuesday we are going to meet again and see what options there are.  Dad went with me and he needs a crown. We will get that done.  He was a the dentist and started hurting from a kidney stone.  Poor guy.  We went home and has been resting.  I meet Kay and Julie and Jen for dinner.  It was a nice visit.  I bought me an air mattress so I am all set for Logan.  I am glad you and Walter went to dinner.  I hope it was good.  Karen didn't they just do road construction there?  That is crazy.  Rachel that is fun that Tiffany came and visited.  That is fun to hang out.  Have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Isaac and Casey camped in green canyon last night.  Isaac slept in this morning until 10:30, he was pretty tired.  Tiffany and her boyfriend came to Logan today.  She came over and visited for most of the day.  It was good to talk with them.  We went over to Randy's house for dinner, they had tacos and it tasted really good.  They are doing good, they are driving around seeing cool things and thinking about moving to a new place.  I hope that everyone has a good Friday, don't work too hard.



Today was good. I just worked so the usual. I didn't have to work tonight. I met up with walter he took me out we went to training was good. We had a good talk..I am tired I'm really glad tomorrow is friday it's payday for me. A girl at work wants to go to a concert so during lunch tomorrow we are going to go by tickets so that will be good the concert is on thursday next week. Well not much else have a good night



Well I was out of apples today so I decided to go grocery shopping after work. They are going road construction in the pass between here and Heber so it was a little annoying to drive thru. Work was good. It is smoky here also. I felt like I should mention that since everyone else did. I hope the dentist was okay today mom. Have a great Friday everybody. Bye

Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Today was good we had a cafe day at work for a girls bday. I brought Italian sodas they were yummy. I'm glad tomorrow is thursday. This week is cruising by. I met up with mom and dad to give mom her blocks. I got a mouse for my computer. My little mouse in the laptop won't read my finger sometimes. Well have a good night



Me and dad are trying out a new dentist tomorrow.  Someone from work said he does good.  I will let you know how that works out.  I have been staying a little late to make up the hours but tonight Robin texted and said she wanted to give me her cute blocks so we went and picked her up and took her to dinner and went looking at computers.  I think dad has found the one he wants.  His has been acting up lately and we decided we better start looking for a new one.  Not much else going on with me.  I think that is fun that Isaac and Casey went camping.  That will be fun for them.  It is so smoky here as well.  You couldn't see the mountains this morning.  Wish me luck with the dentist.  LOVE MOM

Left Behind

Today was good, it wasn't as busy.  The smoke is getting pretty bad and it was hot today.  Isaac and Casey slept in the backyard again.  Casey didn't sleep well so he slept in for a while.  Isaac and Oliver can ride their bike and jump on the trampoline all day long so we did this morning.  After lunch the neighbor girls came over and played for a while and that was fun.  Randy called and took us out to dinner for Mexican which was fun.   The went to the great basin national park last week, it made me want to go back their.  It has been a while.  Their said that they were lot of trains on the way down and a train museum in Ely.  After dinner Casey and Isaac headed up green canyon and are camping up their tonight.  Since Oliver didn't sleep well last time and he has a cold/teething we decided to just keep him home so I stayed with him.  This week is going so fast, I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday.



Things are going good here. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I hope that your dentist appointment goes good tomorrow mom. I am glad that the week is half over. Have a great one everyone.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

All by myself

Today was busy the other girl that I work with her grandma isn't doing well. So she took the day off. It was busy day I had double the work. I went to Orson gigy tonight. It's a really cool store I bought some dipping chocolate for our cafe parry tomorrow. Have a good one


That is cool

Rachel, WOW that is amazing.  Good job.  You have your years supply.  That is a lot of work.  I am glad it is cooler up there.  It has been one hot summer.  Karen, I am glad the service man came and looked at your fridge.  Did he give you any hints how to keep it going until they fix it?  Robin I am meeting Kay and Julie for dinner on Thursday.  I wasn't sure if it was date not for you and Walter.  I wasn't sure when he got back from Snowbird.  We went grocery shopping on the way home tonight and then I did laundry.  I think we are going to take dinner into Grandma and Jani on Friday so I am coming to Logan on SAturday morning.  LOVE MOM


We canned and froze a lot of food today.  This morning the spaghetti sauce was done so we froze that.  I got four containers which wasn't bad.  Then we did the green beams and I got 6 containers of those that I froze.  I had one more batch of blackberries to juice so we did that this morning also.  We canned the jelly all afternoon.  I did the math wrong yesterday but today we figure that we could do 40 pints and we got done 32 so that was really good, we did five batches.  It tastes really good.  Their is enough for everyone.  Casey had to go to scouts early so he had an hour to get ready and eat dinner.  It was busy.  Isaac and Casey are sleeping in the backyard again.  It is cooler up here also so I hope that they are warm enough.



Well it has been super windy here today. It has also been chilly here today. My house was 66 when I got off work. Work was good. Just the usual for  Tuesday. I still have blisters from the kingdom ball. They are getting better but they are still tender. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, August 17, 2015

Made it

I made it through Monday.  It was a good day at work and quiet tonight.  Robin, that picture you did was way gruesome.  You do amazing work.  How did you get the teeth like that?  Karen I am assuming you had no repair man today.  I guess he will come tomorrow.  Rachel, WOW! that is a lot of food.  You are farmers.  I think that is funny about the tram.  We might have to try that again if he is ready.  Not much else to report on my end.  I think I might be getting a cold.  I am meeting Julie and Kay for dinner on Thursday we are going to Chen Waw's.  LOVE MOM

Harvest Times

Today we were busy with the garden.  I had two bowels of tomatoes ready so I made some crock pot spaghetti sauce and we are going to freeze that.  I have two more bowls of tomatoes that aren't ready yet but I am going to make stewed tomatoes with those.  I picked the rest of the beans and we ate them for dinner and then we are going to freeze the rest of them tomorrow, we didn't get to it today.  Casey spent over an hour picking blackberries and we have a ton and a ton frozen.  We are juicing them and then going to make jelly with it.  I was thinking we could give them out as Christmas presents if you guys wanted.  Casey and Isaac are sleeping in the back yard tonight and then going camping on Wednesday.  Isaac had a big plan to turn our house into snowbird and make a tram.  Casey and Isaac started to work on it but I think tomorrow they are going to do more.  He thinks of funny things.  Everyone have a good night.



Today was busy. I had a factory that switched from clear sequins to silver with out approval. So my week just just got crazy. Brides are not happy. So other then that things are good. My boss sent me an email and said she appreciated everything that I do and bought me a back massage. A girl comes into work and gives people 15 minute massages. I definitely have knots all over. But I thought that was sweet. Then in worked a scheels so it was a pretty chill night  have a good one



Well my day has been good. Work is staying busy so that is good. I am enjoying my new router it is making my internet run better. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, August 16, 2015

The weekend

Robin, that should work.  Casey can't come on Saturday but we will be their.  Thanks for arranging your schedule, this will be an epic sewing day.  This weekend was pretty good.  Yesterday we went to the farmers market.  It wasn't very fun this time, their were no snow cones and it was really hot.  Isaac was tired so I thought we could return our movies and get new ones but the library doesn't open until 12 on Saturday so I thought we would just buy a new Thomas movie.  So we went to Shopko and they didn't have any and then Smith's market place and they only had one that we had.  Isaac did get a doughnut at Smith's so he was happy and I got Oliver some chips.  I think we just played the rest of the day at home.  Today we stayed in our pajamas until church which was nice.  I took Oliver to nursery and he doesn't love it yet but he is getting more used to it.  Isaac's teacher brought over a pin wheel for him yesterday and wanted him to think how he showed love to his family so he was excited to go to church today.  We thought of a ton of things he does but he chose camping.  I am glad that the ball went well, that is nice of you guys to help out.


Nice weekend

I had a really nice weekend.  Thanks Karen.  The kingdom ball was really nice this year.  It wasn't so hard to set up and take down.  I even got several naps along the way.  I feel a lot better.  We did go to Park City and Karen made a major purchase of a new router.  It is really fancy.  Everything sure works better now.  I really love those blocks Robin.  Thanks for making them for me.  I don't really have much else to report other than we made it home safe and sound.  It sure is smoky in the valley.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...