Tuesday, August 18, 2015


We canned and froze a lot of food today.  This morning the spaghetti sauce was done so we froze that.  I got four containers which wasn't bad.  Then we did the green beams and I got 6 containers of those that I froze.  I had one more batch of blackberries to juice so we did that this morning also.  We canned the jelly all afternoon.  I did the math wrong yesterday but today we figure that we could do 40 pints and we got done 32 so that was really good, we did five batches.  It tastes really good.  Their is enough for everyone.  Casey had to go to scouts early so he had an hour to get ready and eat dinner.  It was busy.  Isaac and Casey are sleeping in the backyard again.  It is cooler up here also so I hope that they are warm enough.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...