Saturday, August 22, 2015


Today was crazy. I slept in which was nice. Then I reliezed it was the last day of joanns sale. They had 60 percent off fabric. So I went and bought fabric for my queen of hearts jacket and saved $$. Then I just checked my account to make sure bills and everything were coming out. I noticed a 3.42 charge to red box in Illinois and a refund of 3.42. So I called wells Fargo to make sure there wasn't a scam going on with red box. I guess it wasn't but some one had my card # and tried to make a 300 dollar purchase at Walgreens that they denied. So I canceled my card before they started spending money. So this week I should get a new card. Luckly I had a photoshoot with Joe so I will use cash for the week. Then I worked at scheels tonight. So it's been a day. Whew... Karen that recipe looks.good. I hope it goes well. Rachel Isaac looked like a disco dancer in his picture. Lol well have a good night


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