Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cute Cute Cute

Rachel you are so good putting pictures on the blog and they are darling. I love your quilt. It turned out really cute. Isaac is so cute. I am glad that baby animals was fun. Next year I am coming with you. We took dinner out to Julie's tonight for Alyssa and she was doing OK. Then we went grocery shopping. WE won't starve this weekend. I bought bananas and milk and diapers for Isaac so you don't have to bring a lot with you Rachel. I am excited for this weekend. Well everyone drive safe and sound. I am going to make Casey's roast sandwiches for Saturday dinner and then Ham and stroke potatoes for Sunday dinner I thought that sounded good. HOPPY EASTER!

For Cute

Baby animal days was fun. There were a lot of people. I decided to get there when it opened at 10 and there was already a line. We waited in line for about a half and hour. Isaac was getting grumpy by the end but luckily they were selling balloons for a dollar so I got him one and that made him happy. We got to pet some goats and Isaac really liked them. It made me want to get goats again, they are such sweet animals. It was fun to walk around. It was crowded and there wasn't that much to see. We were waiting in line to see baby turtles and they were selling wooden truck so I also got him one of those. I am glad we went, it was fun to go. Next time I am going to buy the tickets ahead of time at Maceys then you can walk right in. The line when we left was 5 times as long. We parked on the second row and when we left they were parking out in the fields. It was crazy. Well I am excited for this weekend. It will be a fun Easter.

He loved the goats. :)

A baby goat.

Mr Independent.

We went to the park the other day and I put the hat Robin gave him on. I think that he looks like a red neck.

I finished my Spring quilt. I keep forgetting to put a picture on.

Moving Right along

Well I am excited to come to SLC tomorrow. I am going to just leave from work. Work is still moving right along. So my 60 days is up on duhn duhn duhn Friday the 13th. I am just lucky like that. I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. BYE

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I am glad that wensday is over that means we are closer to the weekend. I attempted to clean my room and bathroom so now its not appalling for the weekend. Not to much else happening. living the easy life


Any dream will do

Karen, that is so nice they did that. I like where you work, I am glad that they are treating you nice. That makes me happy. I am glad that Dad's heart is doing alright, that is really good news. Good luck with the invitations, we can help this weekend if you need. Robin, I am glad that you like your car, I am excited to see it. The plan is that we are going to come down and Saturday and come home Sunday. Casey isn't planning on working Sunday. Today was good for me. We went grocery shopping in the morning. It made a frozen pizza for lunch and Isaac loved it. He ate two pieces. We went on a walk after his nap and it was really windy. When Casey came home we worked on the gate some more. We have all the post set so that is nice. I am hopping that the weather is good tomorrow because I want to go to baby animal days. Everyone have a safe night.



Well I am going to work on invitations tonight and just do nothing. I made spagetti for dinner and it tasted good. I haven't made that in awhile. I am excited for this weekend. I took dad to the heart doctor today to read his monitor and it was good. So that is really a good thing. Not much else to report. I only worked 6 hours today. That was nice. I am way busy again. I have a lot to do. That makes the day go by fast. LOVE MOM


Well yesterday I stayed an extra 20 minutes at work to finish inventory. So I got 20 minutes over time. Then when I got to work they got me a thank you card and a bag of lindor chocolates to say thank you for staying late. I thought was nice of them. Work was good. I am glad that the week is half over. I am excited to see everyone this weekend. BYE

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

my baby blues

My car is so nice. I love it, I have a clock in my car!! I can now tell time by looking at the dash board. its been YEARS since that has happened YEARS!!. well that was my big news. I did laundry and went to target with mom and dad and got some stuff. LIke some cds to burn for my car listening pleasure :) have a good night I am excited for the weekend


Nice evening

I got the invitations for Marissa's shower. They are great but they will work. I will mail them out tomorrow. I am glad you had a better day Rachel. It is hard when you don't get sleep. I hope the house in Clifton is OK. It is such a cute house. Karen I am glad you don't have to work at 6 again. That is early. Free pizza is always good. Do they have a pizza place in Kamas? We went to Target tonight and it was nice to walk around. Tomorrow night I am staying home and working on invitations. Maybe cleaning up the house a little bit for the weekend. Have a great hump day. In the morning we have an appointment to go see the heart doctor to see how the heart monitor went. I will keep you posted. LOVE MOM


Today was a good day, things went a lot better. Isaac slept through the night so we both felt good today. We spent a lot of time outside. We walked to the park and that was fun. Jenn couldn't sew today because it is spring break and her kids are out of school. Casey had to go to Clifton tonight. Helen saw some water and thinks a pipe broke so Casey had to go up and check it out. That is all my news. I will talk to him when he gets back and figure out a plan for this weekend.


Made it

Well I made it thru my 6 o'clock work morning. Yeah! I am glad that is over. I did get to go into the clean room. I am glad that I don't have to wear all that stuff all the time. I am so ready for a nap now though. I did get free pizza for lunch. It was good. How's that car Robin? Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE

Monday, April 2, 2012

Oh what a ride

Robin's car is really nice. I am excited for her. Congratulations Robin. You did it!. Thank you Rachel and Casey for all your hard work. WE do appreciate it. Karen why 6 in the morning. Does such a thing exist. Good luck with that. How many days do you have to do that. I have the best kids. You are all amazing. Tomorrow night I am going to Inkleys to pick up the bridal shower invites. I hope they turned out nice. Have a great day. LOVE MOM I am excited for Easter Weekend.

zoom zoom

I HAVE A CAR!!! I am so excited, its a nice car, I will take everyone on a joy ride. My chair fits in the trunk of my car. SUPER bonus. I now have a back seat for people. Also at work today there is a park in colorado that is a yogi bear park. They had a miss print on one of the banners. So I am going to cut out the yogi bear part and hang it up. I am excited. Isaac is so cute and growing so fast. Its a good thing they give you free soda karen. Drink lots of caffeine, :)



Karen, that is early. Isaac has been waking up at that time and it is kicking my butt. I hope that you don't have to do that too much. Congratulations on your car Robin. I am supper excited. I can't wait to see it. Well Isaac still is waking up early. He goes right back to bed but it is making me tired. Today after lunch I tried putting him down for a nap and he was restless. So we went in my room and watched the truck movie and we both fell asleep for two and a half hours. I felt a lot better after that and Isaac acted a lot better. We went to shopko this morning and I bought Isaac a pair of sandals, they are cute. He is wearing socks in the picture because it was cold outside. When Casey got home we went to lowes and got stuff to finish the gate on the side of the house. Isaac loves pushing the flat beds and it was really cute. Thank you Mom and Dad for letting us do that. It has been fun to work outside. I am excited for it to be done.


Well I am helping with inventory tomorrow so I get to go into work at 6. That means I have to wake up at 5. Ugh! That is early. Oh well I will survive. I spent today making drawing change forms. They are being looked over for approval now. That will be so nice to have. Well robin I hope that the car stuff goes good for you. Have a great one. BYE

Sunday, April 1, 2012


The apricot tree has been blossoming and the bees are going crazy. I love listening to them. I was worried about the blossoms with the wind today but they seemed to have held up alright. We had a good day. Casey worked for a while. I watched as much of conference as I could with Isaac. What I heard was good. I made a roast for dinner and that turned out good. I am excited for your car Robin. Good luck. Thanks for the sand and water table mom, Isaac is going to love it. Well good luck with your Monday everyone. I hope it is good.



well hopefully if everything goes well I will be in my new car tomorrow :) I am excited. well not to much else happening. have a good monday


Another nice day

I had a nice day today. I slept in and then we watched conference and then we went and saw Grandma Bodily for a little while. We watched the second session of conference and then I did laundry in while conference was going. I had a good day. Robin helped me made the bridal shower invitations and that was good. I will pick them up tomorrow. Last night I ordered Isaac's Easter present. It was the sand/water table. I think he will like it. I don't know if it will get here before Easter though. My bad. It did snow here also but nothing really bad. Tomorrow after work I am going to meet up with Robin and hopefully get her car. Have a great Monday. LOVE MOM


Well I did get a nap it was super nice. It snowed/rained for a little while here, but nothing suck to the ground so it wasn't too bad. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...