Thursday, April 5, 2012

For Cute

Baby animal days was fun. There were a lot of people. I decided to get there when it opened at 10 and there was already a line. We waited in line for about a half and hour. Isaac was getting grumpy by the end but luckily they were selling balloons for a dollar so I got him one and that made him happy. We got to pet some goats and Isaac really liked them. It made me want to get goats again, they are such sweet animals. It was fun to walk around. It was crowded and there wasn't that much to see. We were waiting in line to see baby turtles and they were selling wooden truck so I also got him one of those. I am glad we went, it was fun to go. Next time I am going to buy the tickets ahead of time at Maceys then you can walk right in. The line when we left was 5 times as long. We parked on the second row and when we left they were parking out in the fields. It was crazy. Well I am excited for this weekend. It will be a fun Easter.

He loved the goats. :)

A baby goat.

Mr Independent.

We went to the park the other day and I put the hat Robin gave him on. I think that he looks like a red neck.

I finished my Spring quilt. I keep forgetting to put a picture on.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...