Sorry I haven't blogged in two days. I was at lunch today with Mom and I realized that I had forgotten. We made it home safely. We put together the high chair and it is really nice, I think that he is going to love it. We let him jump in his jumper when we got home and he loved that, he even jumped a couple times by himself. He was a little fussy on the way home but eventually fell asleep, he woke up in Sardine canyon and Casey feed him a bottle and he lasted until we got home. There was a car on fire in the canyon, it looked like it had just started. It was really scary, I am glad that the fire didn't hit the gas tank when we drove by or we would have been in trouble. Thank you everyone for the fun weekend, it was a mini vacation for me. I am excited for next weekend for Karen to come home.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Nice Saturday
Me and RAchel and Isaac went to Baby's r Us and Rachel bought a high chair and I got him a jumper that hangs on the door way. He is all set to eat and jump now. We went to Wheeler Farm afterwards and it was so much fun. They were having a may festival and there were booths and dancing. I had so much fun. Then we took Grandma Bodily to dinner. It was a nice day. Well I am tired. I am off to bed and I am going to sleep in.
Well today was good. I had a photoshoot in the morning that was fun, then I went out with josh again. we went to noodles and company, then I came home and went out to dinner with grandma bodily and the fam. It was fun but now I am really full and tired. Tomorrow I work at zions. woot. well have a great night
Well it took me forever to find some chocolate coins. I went to 5 different stores before I found them. I also drove out to the new airport today. I thought it would be a good idea to know where it was before my flight on Thursday. It is way out there. You have to drive clear out to the Arizona border and then turn left and drive several mile before you get to it. So that was mainly my day. I drove around alot. I did see something that I thought was good. I saw a sign that said that a Paradise Bakery was coming soon. I can soon take care of my salad cravings without having to drag you guys there every time I come up. Well I hope that you guys all had a great day. BYE
Friday, May 20, 2011
No contraband
Don't worry about bringing herbs with you on the plane. I am with you that might not work. I will get them when we go down there. The wedding was nice. Everything looked really good. I wasn't a big fan of Angela's dress but everything was good. I am tired. I didn't have to work as hard as I thought I would but I am still really tired. The tables and chairs were all put up before the wedding and everyone helped to take them down. It was nice. Well Rachel and Casey are staying one more night. Casey has to work so we are going to baby-r=us because Rachel has a 20 dollar gift card. I think they are going to buy a high chair for Isaac. Well that is all my news. Wait I have one more item. Dad is going to Logan in the morning to meet with Harold. I am going to stay in SLC because it is just too much for Grandma right now and I thought I would give her a break. LOVE MOM
Today was angelas's wedding. It was really nice they looked cute together. I went to lagoon this morning to work. It rained off and on all day. I'm glad that your doing well karen we missed you :) see you next week
I made it thru Friday. I hope that everything went well with the wedding. Did it rain? It rained for about 5 minutes here today. My plants have been liking this cool weather. I had to trim my herbs. My oregano and thyme were like a bush. Mom I would bring you some but I don't think taking it thru the airport would be good. They might think I am trying to smuggle drugs. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Safe and Sound
Rachel and Isaac made it safe and sound. He has the cutest Tux for the wedding. He will be the star. We went to the mall and ate and then walked around. Grandma bought Austin a Missionary Bear and I bought her a shirt. She is really struggling. I am worried about her. She was so pale when I got home from work. She kept sliding out of her wheelchair tonight. That is the first time she ever has done that. We are going to go help set up at 10 tomorrow. Julie said there were be a lot of people. Should be a lot of fun.
Well it was nice here all day except 10 minutes before work was over it started raining. It is still pouring. Work was good. I finished my project I was working on and now I need a new one to work on. I hope that Rachel and Isaac made it safe to SLC. I hope that you all have a fun night. Well have a good one bye.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Wash day
I got all my laundry done tonight and even got some ironing done. It was nice to get that done. I am slowing catching back up on my ironing. I don't know how I got so far behind but it is bad. I am excited for you to come down Rachel. Thanks for picking up grandma's pills. I appreciate it. It has been raining all night. We stayed home and I cooked dinner. Have a nice Thursday. I am excited not to work on Friday.
I forgot to tell you yesterday I got seat covers that are black for my car. I love them. Also rachel just FYI I don't have to go to lagoon tomorrow so we can hang out in the afternoon. I might go to a play at night though. but other then that life is good. working and working. The costume designer hasn't brought us any costumes yet so hopefully by next week we will have something to work on. well not to much happening have agreat night
I had a good day. I pick up the prescription for Mom. I did laundry and the dishes. I finished all the blocks for the quilt I cut out at sewing night and I sewed four rows together. I like the quilt, it is pretty. I will put a picture on when I am done. I am excited to start all my new quilts but I need to finish this one and the Sea Urchin quilt so it is motivating me. I am excited to go to SLC tomorrow, it will be fun.
Well it has been stormy here off and on all day. Work was good I finished 2 projects. I am glad that the week is half over. Things are just the same old same old down here is St. George. I hope that you are not snowed in up north. Since it is still chilly this late in the year I am hoping that we will have a short cool summer here. But it probably be 110 before I know it. Well have a great Thursday everyone. BYE
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Cook Books
We went to Trolley Square tonight and got dad some cook books. That was fun. Not much else exciting came along. We did have a blizzard this afternoon. That was interesting. I am glad you got Isaac and new book. I did the same think. I wonder if we bought the same book. I got mine at Shopko also. Oh well he will have it in two places instead of one. I am glad you got your tax return Karen. I mailed ours the same time so it should be coming soon. Have a great Wednesday. WE are half way done.
I'm glad that you like bones to karen. Its a good show. Lately I put it on and fall a sleep half way though so I never know who the killer is. o well. today was good I worked in the morning and then went to lagoon. I finished early because we ran out of costumes. So hopefully tomorrow they bring in the rest of the costumes so we can work on them. well not to much else is going on. Have a great one
Reach out
I had a good day, it was kind of rainy up here but we didn't get any snow. I watched the weather and it isn't supposed to freeze so I think that the garden should be alright. The cucumbers are having the hardest time, I am not sure if they will make it. I watched Glee tonight and it was good. Isaac was supper tired and he barely made it through Glee before he fell asleep. We went to Shopko today to walk around since it was cold and they had a ton of kids books so I got a few. It was fun. Well everyone stay warm and safe.
I can't believe you guys got snow up there again. It was just windy and cloudy here. It is suppose to be really rainy here tomorrow though. My day was good. I am almost done with a tedious project I have so that is really nice. Robin I have started watching Bones and now I am hooked. I am going to lose sleep staying up to watch it that is for sure. Rachel I went on face book and saw your Isaac photos and he is just so cute. Oh I forgot to blogg that I got my tax return. Well have a great one BYE
Monday, May 16, 2011
cha ling
Today I got my tax return so I am a happy camper. I love money. I think I am going to buy a new swim suit. Down east has really cute ones. Work went well. It was nice to have a change of pace a bit. I love the pictures of isaac on facebook he is so freak'n cute. well not to much else happeneing hope everyone has a great night
back to normal
Well grandma is a lot happier today. We got back to our normal schedule. We went out to dinner and then dad had to go back to work so we went to RiteAide and ShopKo. Casey is the owner of a new shirt. I am glad you guys had a nice day. Rachel thanks for taking care of the assessment. I appreciate it. I hope Lagoon was good. I am going to have to communicate with you through the blog now as I will never see you except asleep.
Karen, is the new engineer single? You should check on that tomorrow and chat with him a bit. I had a good day, just did house work and went on a walk. Casey came home tonight and I made chicken for dinner. It was fun. Mom, the assessor called and he is going to come tomorrow at 11. I don't have anything else going on, everyone have a good night.
Well we had a new engineer start work today. He seems like a nice guy, but I really only said hi to him when he was being introduced. It was really windy here all day. It is suppose to be rainy here tomorrow and Wednesday. I think that is because i washed my car on Saturday. It seems like every time I wash my car it rains within a week. It is a magic power. I hope that your first day at Lagoon went well Robin. I better that you feel like you are running around like crazy. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday and that you all have a great rest of the week. BYE
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Well today was sunday I had to work till 5. and then I came home and ate some of moms spagetti. It was tasty. I worked on my brown skirt a bit I put the lace trim around the neck. Then I did some laundry. Now I am blogging. I have to work all weekend. I am starting lagoon on monday so it will be an all day event. well have a great monday
Well i had a headache this morning so I skipped church altogether. I am felling better now. I think that I am just having allergies. It is super windy here also which is not helping the allergy situation at all. I made shredded roast beef for dinner. I love crock pots. Well i hope that everyone has a great week. BYE
We had a good day. I made it through all but 20 minutes of church with Isaac which was really good. I talked with Sylvia and she said I could come over anytime to quilt. Kelly's car broken down so Casey went over and fixed it for him. Terry made Isaac a quilt and they brought it over. She hand quilted it. It was nice of her. She showed me how to make a bow tie quilt sewing the bow ties instead of folding them. It was pretty neat. Well I am excited for this week also, it will be fun to play for a day.
Pretty day
Not much going on with me. I did make spagetti for dinner and that was nice. I have been reading my book all day. I just feel tired. Not much else to report. I am looking forward to only working 4 days this week, well really it will be the next 3 weeks. Boy that does feel nice.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...