Saturday, March 21, 2015


Isaac and Oliver didn't slept great last night so I was tired today.  I put Oliver down for a nap a little early and put Thomas on for Isaac and took a nap and felt better.  Then we walked to the park and had a really fun time.  The train was their so Isaac got to ride that and then their were a bunch of kids at the park and Isaac loved playing with them.  They played Police and Robbers and Isaac was a Police train which made me laugh.  Then the played Dinosaurs and he was a Trex which wasn't train related.  Then we walked home and played in the backyard for a bit.  It was a pretty day.  Good job on the TV Karen.  Next time save an impulse buy when I am around.  I am never their for them any more.


Love Saturdays

Robin, I am glad you had a nice day with Walter.  That sounds fun.  Good luck on your crowns.  I really do think they are cool.  We had a nice day.  We slept in and then I cleans for a bit.  I washed the sheets and I got a new pad for the bed in Isaac's room.  I am hoping that will make it a little more comfortable.  We went to Karens and helps do some yard work and then we went to Park City on our way home and went to Hot Pots.  It was quite good and then we walked around Best Buy.  Karen found a TV for a really good deal and they are going to deliver it for free on Friday.  Have a great Sunday.  We are going to take Grandma Bodily out for lunch and then I am coming home and finishing up my cording for my basket.  I worked on it a bit yesterday and after I unpicked it, it worked out a lot better.  I agree with Robin, I am not a hoarder, I just need a bigger craft room.  LOVE MOM

Bigger the better

Good job on the TV karen that is awesome. Today was good walter picked me up and we went to red robin. It was delicious. Then we went to a friend's party of his for a bit. Then I had to work tonight. I am hoping to stay up and work on crowns after work. I also work tomorrow but only till 5 so that will be good. Have a good sunday


Friday, March 20, 2015


Those saying are funny.  I loved them all.  Thanks they made me smile.  I was so glad it was Friday.  My phone broke and it took 1/2 day to fix it. It was my work phone.  We ate at the Salvadorian place we see all the time coming home from work.  It was OK, cheap but OK.  I don't know if we will go again.  Karen good news I went to Walmart tonight so we don't have to go tomorrow.  Do you want to have lunch in Kamas?  Good luck working all weekend Robin.  Rachel, I hope Casey gets feeling better.  So I thought I would start making a plan subject to change any time for next weekend.  Thursday night me and Rachel have sewing class.  Babysitters are welcomed.  Friday I have a dentist appointment at 7:30 but we are going to play the rest of the day and night.  Saturday at noon we have an Easter Egg hunt at Kays.  Sunday we are hooking up with Walter and Robin for an activity.  I am open for suggestions.  I was thinking the zoo.  Monday we are playing all day again and then Monday night me and Rachel have another sewing class.  Babysitters are welcome.  We want to go swimming sometime and I was thinking maybe Saltaire might be fun.  I am getting excited. So far weather is looking good.  Have a great Saturday.  I am going to roundup at Karen's.  LOVE MOM


I am not participating in an march madness brackets so I have have no idea about any of it.  Today was good.  Casey was sick so he stayed home and rested.  I took the boys to Sam's for lunch and then we went visiting teaching.  Nothing too exciting.  Casey has been quoting star wars so thanks to Dad's copy we watching some of it tonight.  I hope that everyone has a good weekend and thanks for everything.



Robin my March madness is doing okay. So far I have picked 22 wins. I am just glad that I am not out in the first round. My day was good. I am glad that it is the weekend. Thanks for coming up tomorrow, mom and helping me with my yard. Well I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye

Image result for funny quotes

Image result for funny quotes


Today was good. We are doing March madness at work. Last night most of my teams lost but the other half won tonight so I'm getting pretty balanced now. I am working scheels tonight. Then tomorrow I work and me and Walter might do something in the day. I also work Sunday so no rest for the wicked. Those were cute picks of the kids. Have a good night


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Nice evening

We had a nice time at dinner tonight.  Robin got all the towels to Julie and she loved them.  She had a bad cold so we just went to dinner and then to all a dollar.  We scored there.  Isaac and Oliver are going to have a fun time at Grandma's house.  I also ordered the train he wanted.  I thought that would be fun. The Easter Egg hunt is a for sure at Kays house next Saturday at noon.  I am so glad that it is Friday.  I love your sayings Karen and Rachel.  They are cute.  I am glad you got a new computer Karen.  You are going to love that.  LOVE MOM

The Center

Robin, I forgot to say I love the crown.   That is very pretty.  Good job on the new computer Karen, that sounds awesome.  I hope that Mom had a fun time tonight at dinner.  We had a fun day today.  This morning we went to this new play center in Logan.  It is like the tree house only smaller.  It was really fun though.  They had a race track where you could pedal bikes and a tractor, that was a big hit with the boys.  After lunch Oliver took a nap and Casey and Isaac ran some errands so I got to sew for a little while.  Then we played outside all afternoon.  At dinner we were talking about hiking and Isaac wanted to go to the center again and I finally figured out where he wanted to go, the nature center.  So we hiked up their and it was really fun.  It was a pretty evening.


Fast as lightening

Well I got a new computer today at work. It is so much faster than my old one. It has 8 processors in it. Other than that it was a quiet day. Work is staying steady so at least the day doesn't drag. We are doing march madness at work, just for fun. So wish me luck that at least one of the teams I pick last thru the day. Well I hope everyone had a great day.

Image result for funny cartoons wallpapers with quotes

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Well my day was good. My water was on when I got back home so that was nice, but there was another notice on my door saying it was going to be off again tomorrow from 9-5 again. I really don't have much else to report so I will sign off. Have a good one. Bye

Popcorn Popping on the apricot tree

Everything is in full bloom here in SLC.  It is so pretty.  I have been having that song in my head all week.  I am sorry that Oliver is teething at least now you know what is going on.  Try cold things, maybe that will help him when he wakes up in the night.  Get those teething rings out and see if he will chew on those that would help.  That just hurts so bad.  Poor little guy.  Robin, I love your crowns.  WOW.  That is amazing.  I will see you tomorrow.  If it gets to much I can just get the towels and you can rest.  We had cub scouts tonight and that was fun.  We colored pillow cases and then sprayed alcohol on them to make them look tie dyed.  Well have a great Thursday.  I am so excited for next weekend.  LOVE MOM


Oliver didn't sleep well again and he wouldn't nap today.  I was looking at him and I noticed that he had a tooth breaking through.  I felt the rest and he is getting his molers, poor guy.  I am glad that it is just his teeth and not something else going on.  Today went fast.  We just played this morning then the power company turned off our power for a little while during lunch so we went out to eat and then took Isaac to school.  Jenn sewed today since I couldn't yesterday.  Her son is getting his mission call this week which is exciting.  Terry and Kim came over afterwards.  Kimi is writing a paper about quilt and wanted to take pictures of some of them so we did that.  Then we went to the park before dinner and played for a while.  Isaac had fun playing with all the kids.  We gave Oliver some medicine so I am hoping that will help him sleep.  I have attached a picture of the apricot tree, it is starting to bloom.



Today was good. Nothing exciting to report. I worked at scheels so I didn't have much going on. Work has been moving fast which has been nice. Tomorrow I don't work at scheels but I'm going out to dinner with mom. Not much else have a good night


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Never mind

Never mind I checked the crown piece I embroidered and it dried and worked out. So I put a picture below :)


Today was good nothing to crazy. I'm super tired. Walter bought me a new awolnation cd.Then we went to costco for steaks and asparagus for dinner. We also watched how to train your dragon 2 it's cute. I am hoping to go to bed early but we will see. I bought a pattern for princess crowns that are lace. A girl at work said her girls will play dress up with the trail pieces. I had to use the stuff that dissolves in water so i will take a picture when it drys. Have a good night


I sew

Karen good luck with no water tomorrow.  I hope it is on before you get back home from work.  Go to the bathroom before you leave work just in case :)   Rachel I am so glad you had fun fishing.  It is so much fun to be outdoors.  Robin I do love those towels.  You are getting really good at that.  Congratulations.  I love your pictures also.  I forgot I got to go to field trip this afternoon.  It was so much fun.  The administration staff went to the Natural History Museum and we had lunch which was really yummy and then had a private tour and we got to go back where they store everything.  It was way cool.  Dad took me out to dinner to celebrate my raise.  YEAH.  I got a yearly raise.  That is nice.  Then we got home and I sewed all my strips together.  Tomorrow night I am hoping to fold them up and iron them.  This weekend I am planning on sewing the cord in it.  It sure is nice to have a kitchen table to work on.  Everyone have a great hump day.  I remembered to wear green also.  Thanks Karen for reminding us.  LOVE MOM


Cute Towels Robin, that is really cute.  I was looking at machine embroidery stuff on pintrest and there is a lot of cute stuff you can do.  Good job being productive Karen.  We had a really nice day.  I had already had my visiting teachers coming this morning so I met with them and then Randy came over and we headed up to Preston to go fishing.  The water levels were really low and all the good places to fish were not under water so we didn't catch anything.  It was still fun.  We stayed a stop for a little while and walk to a new one.  Isaac loves hiking so he liked that.  Both boys were really good today.  We got their around 11 and stayed until 3.  Randy took us out to lunch in preston at the Mexican place, I like it their.  When we got back Casey and Randy worked on his engine for a while.  Casey thinks he know what is wrong and it isn't hard to fix, he is having fun.  Scouts was canceled since they are doing a food drive Saturday so Casey's phone hasn't been working so we went to best buy and got him a new one.  We switched plans also so it will be $20 cheaper.  It isn't much but it is something I guess.  Then we got ice cream to celebrate the new phone.  Isaac and Casey got a little sunburned today, I put sunscreen on him but I wasn't very careful I guess.



Well my day has been good. They brought cupcakes and cookies in to work today. They were yummy. I did remember to wear green so I didn't have to worry about getting pinched. When I got home from work there was a notice on my door saying that my water was going to be turned off at 9 and will be off for 8 hours. At least I will be at work for all but a half hour of that. I did dishes and laundry tonight. I feel like I have been very productive. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, March 16, 2015


Today was super busy. Monday came in swinging. I worked at.scheels tonight as well and I was busy all night. I liked how fast the time went by. Tomorrow we are doing a pot luck at work so that will be fun. Walter kidnapped a pepsi of mine and is holding it captive. I am making steaks tomorrow for randsom. It better be chilled when it's returned! Mom Thursday will work great I will bring the towels. I posted a picture of the April towels. And some other random picts. I will hopefully have the towel for next week when we meet up. Have a happy st. Patties day!


Made it through

I made it through Monday.  I was glad about that.  We had our pie contest today and I made a veggie pizza pie.  It wasn't my best.  I put too much ranch dressing on it.  OH Well.  I am not a very good cook.  Rachel, purple makes Isaac's hair look really red.  I thought that was cute.  Good luck fishing tomorrow.  Oliver looks like he has a bad runny nose.  Poor guy.  Karen thanks for reminding me about wearing green.  I had forgotten.  Not much else going on with us. Robin, I told Julie you were off on Thursday and we could go to dinner and you could give her the towels.  I hope that was OK.  Let me know if that won't work.  Alyssa is going in for a colonoscopy on Wednesday.  When we went out to dinner she got really sick.  They are going to make sure she is OK.  Have fun fishing.  I think that sounds like a good time.  LOVE MOM


Today was wear purple at Isaac school, he looks good in the color.  It is so cute to see all the preschoolers in the same color.  Tomorrow we are wearing green and then Wednesday is blue.  Oliver did not sleep well last night so we were all tired today but it turned out to be a nice day.  We went grocery shopping for a few things this morning.  Casey has been interested in a truck that goes up for auction on Thursday so while Isaac was at school him and Randy went and looked at it.  It doesn't go in reverse and something else was wrong so he doesn't want it any more.  I am glad that they looked at it.  We are going fishing tomorrow with Randy.  We kept telling Isaac we could go fishing when it was spring so he says that tomorrow is spring since he is fishing.  We played outside for the rest of the day.  Casey put up Oliver's swing and Isaac really wanted a swing set so we decided to go look at them.  We went to three places and only one store had them and it wasn't what we wanted.  We will have to keep our eyes open for one.  It was fun to walk around though.  Well everyone have a good night and I hope that everyone sleeps better than Oliver, just kidding.



Well don't forget to wear green tomorrow. If you do you might get pinched. My day was good. It is always hard getting up on Monday mornings though. Work is still keeping me busy so that is nice. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, March 15, 2015


We had a quiet day also.  Dad has a cold so we didn't go see Grandma.  It was nice to just veg.  I took a nap and got my pie made for tomorrow at work.  I also got all my strips pinned.  I am going to sew them tomorrow.  I sure had a nice time yesterday also.  It was 82 in our apartment today.  It is hot.  Karen I wish I could send some of it to you.  Robin I am sorry you back is not feeling well.  You and Rachel both are in pain.  I did get all my taxes done tonight so dad is going to call tomorrow and it them taken to the tax dude. Not much else to report.  I am glad everyone is doing good.  LOVE MOM


Thanks Mom, Dad and Karen for the fun time yesterday.  We had a fun time and I dreamed about model trains all night.  The boys were tired today so we just took it easy.  We slept in and Oliver took an early nap so we skipped sacrament so he could sleep and just went to the last two hours.  I had a good time and my lesson went well.  Afterwards we played outside and the boys were covered in sand and water so they got new outfits.  I don't think Tiffany is coming this week anymore.  We are still going to try to go fishing.  Thanks again for the fun time yesterday.



Well I have had a quiet day. I got a nap. It was nice. It is windy here today. I had a fun time yesterday with everyone. It was fun hanging with the kids and Rachel. Although Rachel did kick my but at guitar hero at Fat Cat's. Well I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Yesterday me and Enoch went to antelope island, it was fun, we went on a small hike. Then we came back and Enoch had some things to work on so I took a nap and watched Houdini, it was an interesting show, I did laundry today which really needed to get done so that was nice. I talked to Enoch about Sunday the 29???i think the day after the Easter egg hunt. He stayed he would like to do something if we decide to get together. I went over to his family's for dinner tonight. His sister liked the blanket, not much else p. I have a huge knot in my back so I'm just going to relax. Have a good week, 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...