We had an uneventful evening. Casey napped and I watched Prince of Persia again. It was a good night. This weekend will be fun. I think that your plan is a good compromise Mom. That will work good. I am sorry that the play is this weekend, bad timing. We have to help someone move tomorrow after work but I don't think that it will take too long. I will call when we are done. It will be good to see everyone.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Two great minds
Robin me and grandma were just talking about that at dinner tonight. I will bring some from the house. I am going to go down to the apartment place on saturday and get it all arranged for the 2 bedroom apartment. We will probably move in on the 1st of November. Just an FYI. Can I add one more thing for the end of October? I am excited for this weekend also. I am sorry but I have a hu do planned for Saturday dinner. I am afraid I got a little upset tonight. Grandma wanted to spend all day visiting everyone. So I compromised and sent out messages that we will meet for dinner at El Matador on Saturday at 5:00. I know Rachel and Casey have plans but we are with her all the time. She just misses everyone. Dad's plan is 3 hours late so he should be getting in around midnight. Poor guy he has been up like 24 hours. He is going to be one tired man. HAve a great friday. Drive careful Karen. LOVE Mom. I am planning on going to lunch and corn maze if that sounds fun. I am really up for anything.
hit a wall
I'm excited for everyone to come up this weekend. I had a question though mom do you have night lights to bring up so grandma can navigate around the apartment at night. If you don't I can pick some up tomorrow. Today I worked at lagoon for a bit, I didn't stay to long I had to work on some pieces for my zombie tomorrow. Well I hope everyone drives safe and have a great friday.
Well the got a temp at work and she is good. I am so glad that I don't have to scan any more. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am going to leave work at 4 tomorrow and then come up to SLC. Hopefully traffic and construction won't be bad. I will call and keep you updated on my progress. Well have a great night everyone.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I am glad everyone had a good day. Dad made it to Virginia safe and sound. I took grandma to get her nails done tonight and they said her toe is weeping under the nail. So I am going to have to watch it closely. The massaged it and it looks red so I put some neosporin on it and will see what it looks like in the morning. I think dad is just going to stay the whole weekend in SLC and then we will come home on Sunday. The cornmaze is open on saturday at thanksgiving point. I need to go get some books from Lucille's house sometime. I am so excited to hang out. Well not much else going on with me. Work is crazy but I am treading water. LOVE MOM
Well I had a really good day. The 48 hour film festival movie that I worked on I got IMBD credit. Which in the film world is a big deal. I was really excited. :) I have my first official movie credit. Other then that I worked at lagoon and now I am watching flash gordan and making some pieces for frightmare's zombies. :) well have a great night.
Rachel there is a fire around 1-70 which is about an hour from here and all the smoke is blowing into St. George. That is what is making it smoky outside.
Karen, what does it was smoking outside mean. Were people smoking around you or was it so hot that the roads were smoking? It has been hot. I had a good day. It went better than yesterday. I watched Prince of Persia last night and it was a good movie. I liked it. I would recomend it to everyone. Casey didn't have to work tonight so we wen up to the lab and he worked on his car. He keeps it up there becuase it is safer. I am excited for this weekend it will be fun. Everyone have a good night.
Well i am finally getting my laundry done. Amazing I know. I also went and got gas after work today. Work was good nothing too exciting to report. Just the same old same old. It was hot and smoking outside today after work. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
ditto long day
My day went by pretty long to. I kept counting the hours till I got home. I worked at lagoon for today. I just think I worked alot last week and now its all hitting at once. Well I work tomorrow nothing else to exciting. have a good day
Busy Night
It was a busy night for me. Dad was feeling better and wanted to go to IHOP for an omlet he had seen on TV so we went there and they Abbi had her wisdom teeth pulled so we went and brought her a milkshake and then we got home and paid the boy for mowing the lawn and then our VT came over and then dad left for SLC. WOW. I am glad you guys are all doing good. Tomorrow night I am taking grandma to get her nails and toe nails done. I don't like cutting them and these ladies are from Korea and amazing. I really like them. They are at Foxy Nails. Well that is all my night. Work was good. I like having monday quiet. I get a lot done.
Long Day
My day was good but it seemed to be really long. After work was good, I picked Casey up and we went to dinner and he bought me gas and a car wash. It was nice. Well I don't have much else going on, I am watching Glee and it is pretty good.
Well I am feeling better today. I think that it is allergies. There is also smoke hanging around from a fire around i-70. I hope that dad is feeling better. I am glad that everyone had a good night last night. Work was just the same old same old. Have a great one everyone.
Well today was my day off. I was pretty busy but it was good. I got some things to make some prosthetic pieces. Then I went out for dinner with rachel and casey. I came home and did some laundry which really needed to get done. I then decided I wanted to dye my hair. so I bought a box and dyed my hair. It turn out dark as usual but it always lightens so I'm not worried about it. ;) so it was a productive day. I am going into lagoon tomorrow and then play the rest of the week by ear. well have a great night
Monday, September 27, 2010
Karen, I am sorry that they didn't hire anyone, that sucks. Mabye soon they will get someone. I had a good day, work went well. Me, Casey and Robin went out to dinner and had a good time. Then me and Robin went shopping. I got some batting and some candy. It was fun. I don't have much else going on, everyone have a good night.
maybe the same lettuce
I only got the title started and grandma wanted to go downstairs. So I left it. I guess you can't do that. Karen I hope you aren't getting sick. Dad is not doing so good. He really has the flu bug I am afraid. He is still sick to his stomach and not eating anything. If you need me call and we can come down. We can also rearrange the weekend if you don't feel well to another day. I am glad that Rachel and Robin got to hang out. That is fun. It is such pretty weather. I love this time of year. Not much else going on with me. I did laundry and ironed all my bow ties. I also started a miter edge blanket. I wanted to see if I could do it all by myself. I got it all pinned but I got tired so I will sew it tomorrow night. Have a great day.
Well the girl that I thought they hired on Friday was not hired. She only wanted to work 5 hours a day and they didn't like that at work, so it is just me. SO I guess I owe mom a milk shake, maybe. I am still holding out hope that they will hire someone. My stomach is a little upset today I hope that I am not getting sick. Or I did buy a bag of lettuce maybe it is salmonella. I am excited to see everyone this weekend. Well I hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Well today was a shorter day at lagoon so that was nice. But then some people from work wanted to go to chili's so I didn't get home till late again. But it was fun. Monday we have off. yeah i am excited i have been working a billion hours. I am definatly going to sleep in and do laundry. I don't know if it will wash the sparkles out but maybe it will evenly coat all my cloths so they look the same. :) anyway I like your quilt rachel its super cute. Do you want to go out for dinner tomorrow? I will text you. I am excited for karen to come up. although I will work most the time it will be nice to have you in slc :)
love you
Quiet DAy
It has been a quiet day here. I slept in and that felt nice. Me and dad went to Relief Society and High Priests. We are trying the building for one thing. HOpefully the smell will start leaving soon. It was nice to go to church. Next week is General Conference and the week after that is Stake Conference. I got dad's hair cut and now I need to pack him up for Virginia. He leaves on Wednesday. Rachel I love the blanket it is darling. It matches so cute with the pack and play. By the way it is in dad's jeep. It is heavy you will need help getting it out. Casey will have to help you. Not much else going on here. LOVE MOM
I have had a good weekend. I didn't do much yesterday, I went grocery shopping and I read my book. I also downloaded a ton of new music that I wanted, it was fun. The new girl that sang on Glee, her name is Charice Pempengco, and I downloaded her and I really like her. Casey went fishing with his friend Kevin and with Collin. They had a good time, Casey was the only one to catch a fish. His muffler fell off though and he got stuck in the mud and a tow truck had to come and pull them out. Casey is working today. Yesterday I was looking through my fabric stuff to find m binder clips so I could start pinning some quilts and I have two tops done that I need to quilt, I also found that table top thing me and Mom did as a class where we learned how to do borders. I need to finish that. Today I tied the Monkey quilt. here is a picture of the finished product. It looks kind of wrinkly in the picture, but I think that it look better in real life. I think that this week I am going to work on getting the other four quilts all finished.

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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...