Friday, June 19, 2020

Fun day

We had a fun day at lagoon . We did lagoon a beach and the little kids are too little for the slides. Isaac was the only one tall enough. But we had fun in the pools. It is a nice place. We ride rides and it was crowded so we did get to ride too many. Thanks for meeting at the park tomorrow for father's day. Love mom

Thursday, June 18, 2020

My friday

I didn't want to brag but it is my Friday today. I do have to take minutes for a 10 minute meeting but that is all. Rachel made it safe and sound. I made a roast for dinner and it tasted so good. We played Catan. Isaac is getting good. And monopoly. Good luck with your test Karen. Robin I grow good weeds also but Karen dies the best. The guy next door doesn't weed. Love ya mom


Today was good. Work went by fast so that was lovely. Am excited tomorrow is Friday! It always is the best to be so close to a few days off. I weeded a bit outside because I think that is the only thing I can grow successfully. We are starting to get our apples turning red. We are going to have a ton. I'm already pinning recipes. 



My day was good. I worked until noon and then I went to my eye exam. It was good and he said my eyes are good. Then I came home and took a nap because getting my eyes dilated gives me a headache. Then after dinner I have been studying for my test tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sound asleep

I feel sound asleep on the couch last night and never woke back up.  Work is slow so I read a book for part of it.  It felt nice.  We did go grocery shopping for the weekend and that felt nice.  I am going to make a veggie pizza for Saturday.  It is the one that is cold with ranch dressing. I thought we could meet around noon if that is OK for the picnic. Not much else to report on my end.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


I decided my hair was uneven and frizzy.i did a crazy a line a few months ago and it didn't grow out nicely. So I went and got it evened out. She cut it shorter than i thought but it's nice to get it all trimmed up. I mowed the lawn today and we went to the food trucks. We brought a blanket and Jenkins. It was fun. Jenkins was running around like a wild man. We had Jurassic tacos and it was good. 


Today was raining and cold again.  I walked and in had to wear a jacket.  Oliver had art class and the made animals with leafs.  It was cute.  We went to the jump zone this afternoon.  Ruthie got a big rug burn on her forehead which hurt.  Oliver and Casey fell asleep in the couch while I was making dinner so they ate later when the woke up.  Casey helped me take apart my sewing machine to fix it.  We think oil got on the circuit board making it not work.  We are headed down to SLC tomorrow.  Love you guys.



Things are going good here in Kamas. It did rain late last night here. It only got up to 60 here today, but it was really pretty outside. Work went good. It was just the usual. Tomorrow I have my eye appointment. So yeah! Dilated eyes are in my future. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


I agree with Robin it is a lot less stressful working from home.  I am all caught up.  I have 8 emails left to do.  Karen, I am sorry your arm is so sore.  That just hurts.  I hope it clears up soon.  Just one more weekly shot and then you can go monthly.  Rachel, I am glad the kids are loving the classes.  Robin, I think that is so funny how Jenkins protected you on the couch.  So brave.  We went to the mall after work to walk.  It was so nice to get out of the house.  Bed and Bath is open but there was a long line to get in so I am going to wait and buy some foam soap a little later.  The lego store closes at 5 so that was tough,  We had a really go thunder storm here just now and it was so nice to watch the lightening.  We got some good rain.  Everyone enjoy hump day.  I am looking forward to having the Logan Bunch come down on Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Today was nice. I like working from home. It's less stressful for some reason. While I was working the wind popped the door open. Jenkins was barking and sat on the couch and made sure no one can in. Lol I left it open for a while because he was cute. Then me and Jeramy have started watching bear grysll and celebraties go out on outdoor adventures it's been fun to watch love you



My day was good. I went and got my allergy shot this morning. My arm is still sore. I will survive though. It was meeting day at work so that took up all my morning. We didn't get any rain here. It does look like it could rain at any time though. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was rainy all day which was nice.  Oliver had his first art class this morning and had a really fun time.  He loves it.  We picked up doughnuts afterwards because he said we never get them.  I cleaned up the garage so we could park the van in their again.  I also brought out all the toys downstairs.  Ruth had dance class and also had a fun time.  She was so excited to go.  We went to the jump zone when Ruth was done and it was really busy today.  After dinner we watched Momma Mia 2, Ruth wanted to watch it.  Randy and Terri came over to see how everything turned out.  Everyone have a good night.


Monday, June 15, 2020


It was payroll Monday so that took all morning.  I just kind of did nothing the rest of the day.  Not much else to report on my end either.  Rachel I am glad you get to go to exercise class.  That is nice to be able to go and see everyone.  I did get approved to take Friday off and also to help Karen with her teeth on July 1 and 2nd.  I also asked for Rachel's birthday off just because.  Robin was thinking of wearing black shirts and jeans for our family pictures.  Does that sound like a good idea?  I was going to book hotels tonight but I just spaced that out.  I will do it tomorrow.  I don't think I even made it outside today.  I am going to have to do better tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I made it thru work. My computer was being stupid so it was a little annoying. After work I came home and worked on homework. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I was able to make it to exercise class today and it was fun to go.  The kids had fun playing with their friends.  After lunch we went and got some blinds for Isaac's room and chocolate milk for Oliver.  We went to the jump zone and the kid had fun. I finished course 4 today.  It was on sql and I really like that but all the labs took some time.  Love you guys.



Today was good. I worked from home. I like to work from home it's less stressful for some reason. I had a 3d printing issue so dad helped me tonight and I'm trying to reprint it. Then I just relaxed the rest of the night. 


Sunday, June 14, 2020


Thanks for reserving Lagoon Mom and for the kids classes.  That will be fun.  Today was good.  Casey worked today.  I had a meeting and dropped off birthday books to primary kids.  I got Isaac's room back together.  I haven't found his curtain so he is sleeping in Oliver's one more night.  I just played with the kids this afternoon.  After dinner we went to Lowe's and got some baseboards.  Casey finished the last strip of floor and we were able to put up all the baseboards and they look really nice.  I like your 3d prints Robin.  Good job.


Home again

We came home after lunch and had naps.  It felt nice.  I had to work tonight because tomorrow is payroll and I didn't want to get up at the crack of dawn.  It is nice to be able to do it from home on Sunday.  I will never go in early again on Monday.  I love your 3d prints Robin.  I am glad you had a quiet weekend.  I made reservations to go to Lagoon on Friday.  I am excited.  Not much else to report on my end.  It was so pretty up in Kamas this weekend.  I just love this time of year.



My day was good. Mom and dad hung out til lunch then we went to Red Rock and I got some brucetta. It tasted really good. Then I came home and took a nap. Now I am doing laundry. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Good job on all the house updates you guys worked hard. It all looks amazing. We just kept it easy all weekend it was nice. I printed a few things. Jeramys sisters wife wanted a few things so I printed some things she wanted. I also got a heat changing filament. I did a baby dragon it in.i like it. We took Jenkins on walks and napped. Have a good week


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...