Saturday, April 14, 2018

Quiet day

We had a quiet day.  I slept in and then took a long nap.  I really needed that.  I feel a lot better.  Rachel, I am really impressed.  You guys are on fire.  I was planning on coming up next weekend and helping you if you need us.  Robin that looks like a lot of fun.  That is a lot of people.  Karen good job on  your car.  We did go to the mall to walk around and we stopped a Christopher Banks and I found some jackets for 10 bucks on clearance.  I was pretty excited.  They are jackets I can wear to work.  I am liking the chair by the couch.  It does give us a little more room to watch TV with.  Have a great Sunday.  I did sign Karen Robin and us up for a terrarium groupon class for Wednesday.  it is in a bar and you make a plant.  It should be fun.  We did look it up and they do sell burgers so we are going to try that before class.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I went this morning and got my oil changed. I also had them put on new brake pads. My brakes work a lot better. Then I came home and took my table apart. I know my new table doesn't come for a week and a half but I wanted to get ready. The door looks good Rachel, good job. Have a good Sunday everyone. Bye


Today was nice. I slept In and was lazy all morning. I feel alot better, my throat is dry but it's not swollen shut anymore. I went to impractical jokers with a girl I use to work with. It was funny there were a ton of people I was shocked. I started watching a wood carving t.v show on netflix. It looks so fun. The carvers do a really good job.  I like your new door alot rachel. You guys are booking it. I can come down next weekend and help where needed. I will have Ruth kill all the spiders for me with her shovel ha ha ha . Just kidding. Have a good Sunday


Friday, April 13, 2018


Good work on the patio. You should add concrete to the step and just make it easy. I put a picture from Pinterest of the idea. :) work was good. I actually felt like I did something with my day. I'm tired still but I am just relaxing till my throat fills better. Tomorrow I'm going to impractical jokers so hopefully that will be fun



Wow, that is impressive Rachel. That is a huge area. My day was good. I went to work. That was just the usual. Good, but busy. It snowed here off and on all day as well. I am just glad that it doesn't stick to the ground. I hope everyone has a great Saturday. Bye


We had a fun time with Mom and Dad yesterday and I had a fun time sewing.  It is awesome to be with people who idea of fun is to sew all day.  Today was cold but it seemed warmer this evening.  The kids were tired this morning and had a hard time getting going.  I took the little kids to story time and the had a nutrition lady come she had healthy snacks which Oliver wouldn't eat but Ruthie ate a ton of.  They said I had two books due today so I went home to look for them but couldn't find them so I went back to the library and I found them on the shelves, they must of not checked them in right.  I have had that happen before so I figured that was what was going on.  Isaac went with Collin after school and played until dinner.  I took Imogene home and then we went and picked up my contacts.  Casey left work early and met with his uncle and grandma about her medicine.  He brought he up to the house for a little bit but she wanted to get back for dinner.  We just worked on the deck the rest of the night and got it all out.  The step was a nice fine and the concrete looks good.  I hope that everyone has a good Saturday and gets some rest.



I was glad it was Friday.  It snowed most of the day here.  One time it looks so weird it looked like popcorn jumping around.  Dad stayed home today.  I think he is worn out and has allergies.  He did get all my laundry done so that was nice.  I moved my furniture around in the living room.  I moved the chair over by the couch.  It is great but I thought it would give us more room to watch TV with.  That was my big excitement.  Rachel, that is cool you found cement stairs.  That is really nice.  Robin have fun tomorrow.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, April 12, 2018


It snowed here most of the day as well. At least most of it didn't stick. My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I hope that everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


We made it safe and sound back to SLC.  It was a blizzard all day in Logan.  Weird weather.  The kids were so cute and we had a really fun time.  Isaac is having a opera on Thursday so I went over and helped him paint this afternoon.  It was fun.  Last night we all slept on air mattresses.  It was fun to have a sleep over.  It will be strange to go to work tomorrow.  Oh well just one day.  Karen that recipe did look really yummy.  Robin, I am glad you are doing OK.  I hope I didn't make everyone sick this weekend.  Maybe I just have another cold.  Either way the antibiotics seem to be helping.  LOVE MOM

One more day

I'm glad to tomorrow is Friday. My throat still hurts but I figured it takes a few days to heal. I have just been relaxing mostly because I'm being dramatic and I don't want to go to the gym. So in taking it easy lol. It rained and snowed all day. I'm ready for some sun and warmth. Have a good friday!


Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Just breathe

Last night my throat felt sore and all day today it was swollen and dry. I went to the store and got more airborne and claritin. The girls at work said a humidifier helps so I bought one. I feel bad don't other then my throat is swollen. I hope you drove safe mom to Logan and the antibiotics helped. I'm so glad tomorrow is Thursday it's been a long week



I am glad that the week is half over. Work is still busy. So it goes fast at least. After work i made a chicken, rice, and broccoli instant pot recipe. It tasted really good. I will have to make it again. I hope mom and dad made it to Logan safely. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


Mom, Casey hasn't had time to work on the car so don't worry about driving the CRV up unless you want to.  Sorry about that.  I am glad that you went to the doctor and I really hope it helps.  I love your wood carving Robin, it turned out perfect.  I babysat this morning and we played outside a lot which was nice.  Stanley was running around which is rare for him, it was fun to see.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time, he was happy afterwards.  Ruthie took a good nap and I sewed while Oliver was gone and then me and Oliver worked on the deck.  We rode bikes to school today and that was fun.  Imogene came with us and it turned out good.  The boys had swimming lessons today and they were so excited and happy about it.  They did really good and they are so cute to watch.  The missed being able to swim outside afterwards like you can in the summer.  We worked on the deck a bit and then I went to young women's.  They played volley ball and I just watched and talked with the leaders.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and if you don't feel up to it, it is ok.



Robin I am impressed with your wood burning. Good job. Things are going good here in Kamas.  Work is still busy so it us going by dast. I hope that the antibiotics help your head mom. Have a good one. Bye

Love it

Robin, I love your wood burning.  It looks just like the apricot tree.  Rachel, I love your star quilt.  You did a really good job.  I did feel great today and decided I had had enough so I went to instacare after work.  He said my sinus' can really wreck havoc with my balance and dizziness.  He gave me an antibiotic and he said he hoped that would help.  I hope it helps as well.  We are going to Logan tomorrow after work.  I think we will run home after work and grab the CRV and bring it up.  I will keep you posted on that.  Not much else to report.  LOVE MOM


Today was a busy day. My boss that is "training" has been busy with who knows what so I just walk in circles answering  questions all day so I'm not getting much done. I was tired so I decided to do laundry and I started my wood burning. I thought I had wood stain but I must have organized it somewhere special so I need to go buy some. Then I can add some color. Hope everyone had a good day


Monday, April 9, 2018


I made it to work today.  My headache was better but my stomach was touchy.  I think I am over the worst of it.  Work was good.  I kept busy so that was nice.  After work we went to Liberty park and feed the ducks.  We just walked a little bit because I was tired.  It was nice to have some sunshine.  It is hard to get back into the groove after having a long weekend.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  Karen I hope you love the watch.  LOVE MOM


Today was a long day. Nothing too crazy just has the case of the over its. I had to work late but hopefully tomorrow I will leave early. I got my federal tax returns back because I didn't add enough postage so I went back and added a billion more stamps and mailed it off. I bought some bread and more cereal. My stomach started to feel bloated and gross so i just came home and relaxed and started to feel better. I think I just needed to lay down and stretch out. Hope everyone had a good monday


Today was good, I babysat this morning and the weather was so nice we played outside which was nice.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time.  Ruthie took a nap so I was able to finish the star quilt, I love it.  Me and Oliver went outside and I worked on the deck and he played and then I worked on the deck after we picked Isaac up.  Isaac has been complaining about his shoes so we went to the mall and got the kids and myself a new pair of shoes.  Oliver wanted the same kind as Isaac so Isaac was upset.  It was the only kind of shoe that had a wide so they both ended up with the same shoe.  Me and Casey worked on the deck some more when we got home which is good.  We are going to ride our bikes to school tomorrow so wish us luck.  I am excited you got your watch Karen, that is fun.


Oliver was freezing this morning

Ruthie saw a spider and tried to kill it with a shovel.  I killed it and she wouldn't come back outside until I removed the body because she was scarred.


Well I made it thru Monday. That always seems like a major accomplishment. My day was good. I made it thru all the emails that built up while I was gone Friday. Then after work I went grocery shopping.  My new watch also got here today. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, April 8, 2018


Today was chill for me I slept alot I did go over to spaghetti factory because I was hungry and didn't want to cook. Thanks again for the fun week and thanks for the help with my car.



Casey came and got the car.  I had a bad headache after I took my nap and it made me sick to my stomach.  I hope it goes away soon.  We did go walk the mall and man was it crowded.  I guess everyone had the same idea we did.  It was so cold and windy outside.  We even got hail this morning.  I love the pictures Rachel.  I am glad the shelves worked out.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


Thank you guys for the awesome time this weekend.  It is so nice to spend time together.  This morning I put together the shelf for Isaac's room and we cleaned things up.  It looks really nice.  The second one didn't fit so I put it out with the toys and I love it.  It really cleans things up.  Isaac even played with his hot wheels when we got home from church which was fun to see.  Church went well and the boys had a really fun time.  I went with Ruthie to the first part of nursery but she gets so upset when I leave I took her to my class.  I had to teach but she did really well, I think she was just glad not to be in nursery.  Casey is on his way home and had a fun time.  He did find his friend and it rained but nothing too bad.  He had a lot of fun.  I hope that you are feeling better Mom.  Love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...