Friday, April 13, 2018


We had a fun time with Mom and Dad yesterday and I had a fun time sewing.  It is awesome to be with people who idea of fun is to sew all day.  Today was cold but it seemed warmer this evening.  The kids were tired this morning and had a hard time getting going.  I took the little kids to story time and the had a nutrition lady come she had healthy snacks which Oliver wouldn't eat but Ruthie ate a ton of.  They said I had two books due today so I went home to look for them but couldn't find them so I went back to the library and I found them on the shelves, they must of not checked them in right.  I have had that happen before so I figured that was what was going on.  Isaac went with Collin after school and played until dinner.  I took Imogene home and then we went and picked up my contacts.  Casey left work early and met with his uncle and grandma about her medicine.  He brought he up to the house for a little bit but she wanted to get back for dinner.  We just worked on the deck the rest of the night and got it all out.  The step was a nice fine and the concrete looks good.  I hope that everyone has a good Saturday and gets some rest.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...