Saturday, December 9, 2017

One more night

We decided to spend one more night in kamas. We went for a nice walk this morning and played bomber man. We went to lunch at that diner in Oakley. It was fun. I had a lamb sandwich. We went to park city and got dad a coat for Christmas. We got it at Eddie Bauer. We are going home tomorrow probably by way of provo to see grandma. Hope you had a nice Saturday. Love mom

Friday, December 8, 2017

Karen’s place

We made it to Karen’s and decorated for Christmas. There was also some bomber man. Robin that is a lot of overtime. Rachel you take such cute pictures. Thank you. Have a nice weekend. Hope Isaac feels better.


That is a lot of overtime, that will be fun to have extra money.  Maybe you could have fun with your camera this weekend.  Today was good.  Isaac went to school but still wasn't feeling great.  Me and the little kids made cookies this morning.  I babysat for a little bit this afternoon.  When Isaac came home we went to Lee's and got the stuff we needed for his party.  Then we went to Sam's club and had dinner, the icee's were a big hit.  We just watched a show and went to bed early.  Everyone have a good Saturday.


I did it

I'm so happy it's friday. I felt a huge relief as I left work two days of no work will be amazing. I had 13 hours of over time over the last 2 weeks. I just enjoyed the evening tonight nothing crazy. I hope everyone had a good day and a relaxing weekend.


Thursday, December 7, 2017

December me

Today at work was our Christmas Luncheon.  It was really good.  We always have a slide show of the things we did this year.  I put it together and it was really fun.  I came home rom work and became the December me.  I fell sound asleep.  I was going to call Isaac and see how he was doing.  I hope he is feeling better.  I am so glad that Casey took that job.  He is going to love being out of that place.  I am excited that tomorrow is Friday.  We are going up to Karen's after work and help her decorate for Christmas.  We will be all set for the big day.  Everyone have a nice Friday.  LOVE MOM

Good Times

Isaac was still not feeling good today so we kept him home and I am glad we did.  He went to bed really early so I am hoping that he will feel a lot better tomorrow.  Casey accepted the job today and it is exciting.  I went grocery shopping this morning and Casey watched the kids which was nice.  Casey made lunch while my visiting teachers were here, it was nice to visit with them.  Oliver had school and had a fun time.  Ruthie took a nap and Isaac was laying in his bed so I was able to finish my long time gone quilt.  I love it and am so glad that it is done.  It turned out really nice and it was a lot of work.  We watched frozen twice today, the kids love it.  I had book group this evening and Randy and Terry watched the kids which was really nice of them.  Isaac was already asleep so it was just Ruth and Oliver.  It was a lot of fun and good to talk with the other ladies.  They have it once a month.  In December they have a favorite things party and I brought caramel apples, they are so good.  I am glad that you got Isaac's letter, he was cute writing it. 


Over the hill

Today went well. It was inventory today so I didn't get much done. When I left work i was at 40 hours so tomorrow is all over time. So that will be nice. I got my camera today. I'm going to play with it this weeknd. I'm over my head but I thought I would baby step. Lol. I'm glad that Casey took the job that is exciting. Congrats. I hope everyone has a good Friday



I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I am ready for the weekend. Rachel, I got Isaac's card in the mail. I will call tomorrow to say thanks. My day was good. Work is still trucking along.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


It was a fun night shopping with mom and dad. I am officially done with Christmas congrats to Casey that is exciting to have a new job. I hope it's awesome. Tomorrow is inventory so it will be a long day. I hope it warms up too I'm ready for summer.



I am excited for Casey's new job, it will be a good change.  I have been so nervous about it, it is good to finally know.  Isaac woke up in the middle of the night throwing up.  He had a rough go of it and didn't feel very well.  He stayed home from school, he fell asleep around 6 am and slept until 2 pm.  He didn't feel very good again this evening but Mom and Dad helped and told us what would make him feel better.  I had a busy day but it turned out to be calm since we couldn't go anywhere.  I was supposed to go visiting teaching and volunteer at school.  The lego airplanes were a big hit and the kids played with them all day.  The primary presidency came to visit Oliver to welcome him into Sunbeams, it was really nice of them.    Last night I finished the hand warmers and today I put the tags on them, they look cute.Everyone have a good night and stay warm.


Ho Ho Ho

Robin took us out for dinner tonight for my Christmas present and bought me a new outfit at Gordmans.  It was a lot of fun.  Thanks Robin.  I had a lot of fun.  Karen it is so cold but no snow so you will freeze but you don't have to snow blow :).  Rachel tell Casey congratulations.  That is so exciting for him.  I am sorry that Isaac has the stomach flu.  That is miserable.  I hope it doesn't make its way through everyone.  LOVE MOM


Well it is still cold in Kamas. I am hoping we get back to the double digits (above zero not below) in the mornings soon. Work is still busy, but I am making progress. Congrats to Casey on the job offer. I hope it is an awesome one. Also good job to Robin and Isaac on getting thw mystery oreo flavor right. I hope you win the contest. Well I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Mom tomorrow is great I will text you tomorrow but I can come pick you up. Today was good busy as usual. Tomorrow we have our work christmas lunch. Hopefully it's good. Have a good night



It was cold here too, not fun.  The Lego calendars are really fun and the kids love them.  Today was a gingerbread house, it is cute.  I babysat this morning and Casey was feeling nervous so he cleaned.  Oliver had school and had a fun time.  After we picked Isaac up we went and got a cookie at Shaffers.  I needed to bring cookies to young women's so we went to Papa Murphy's and got their cookie dough and breadsticks for dinner.  I gave the kids a early bath before I had young women's so it wouldn't be too late when I got home.  They had fun with Randy and Terry and had a good night.  We delivered cookies around the neighborhood for Christmas.  I finally remembered to bring out the Christmas pictures and they look really cute.  Everyone have a good night and love you guys.


Is it Friday yet?

It was a long day at work today.  Just so many stressed out people.  It can wear on me.  I am trying to be strong and just do my work but sometimes that can be hard.  Other than that not much going on with us.  It was a cold one today.  There is no snow in the forecast for days.  Robin do you still want to hook up tomorrow or would another day be better?  I am good with anything.  I was going to call tonight and all of the sudden it was really late.  Rachel, I hope that swing shift isn't too bad.  Karen did you get all your groceries?  LOVE MOM


Well it was super cold here today. It was 8 degrees when i left for work. Work was busy but good. Then after work I went grocery shopping. So now i have food again. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, December 4, 2017

New one

Today was busy as usual. Our new girl started today so that will be nice. I worked on the board for frozen it didn't look great but it's the last one I have to do. I am only doing one next year and keeping up all year. Thanks for the fun weekend. Everyone stay warm and safe.



Man Rachel you guys got a lot of snow.  We didn't get much at all.  I am glad the kids love it because that might stay now until spring.  Work was good.  I got a lot done.  I worked my lunch hour and I wasn't feeling great.  It was nice to be able to sneak out a little early.  I hope I am not catching something else.  Nothing new at work, just everyone wondering what is happening.  I think that is neat that they called references.  Dad was pretty excited about that one.  Swing is hard but Casey might feel better on swing.  He can sleep in a little bit.  Someone to help get everyone off to school will be nice as well.  Have a nice Tuesday.  I can't believe it is December already.  LOVE MOM


It snowed last night and the kids loved it, especially Oliver.  Oliver was outside any chance he could get, he loved it.  Isaac is president this week and is having fun with that.  Oliver had school today and that makes him happy.  We baked a lot today also which was fun, we made lemon bars and cookies.  Casey had his interview this morning and he didn't think it went very well but they called and checked his references afterwards so who knows.  He started working swing today which isn't the greatest but it will be ok.  We handed out the invitations at school and walked around and gave out two more.  I think we handed out 7 and 3 so far are coming.  Everyone stay warm and have a great night.



Well it was really cold here all day. We only got about an inch of snow last night so it wasn't too bad. Work was good. It went by fast so that was nice. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Quiet also

My day was quiet also. I did go and get gas for my snowblower just in case, but that was about it. I had a fun time yesterday. Thanks again everyone. I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye

Quiet day

We had a quiet day today.  We got up and dad made omelets.  They tasted really good.  We went and walked around Lowes for dad's terrarium stuff he wanted for Christmas.  Man was it windy.  While we were there the storm came and it was really cold.  I love that Ruth's binkie matches her princess outfit.  We didn't get any snow yet.  I sure had a nice time yesterday as well.  Bingo was a really good.  It was fun to hang out.  Well wish Casey best of luck.  I sure hope he gets that job.  LOVE MOM


It was fun yesterday being with everyone, thanks guys.  I hope that everyone had a good day today.  We are loving the Lego calendars, they are so fun.  Isaac makes a scene and it looks good.  We have had a train, a snowboarding guy and a fireplace.  Thanks Karen.  I had a meeting this morning for two hours.  Everyone wasn't feeling church today so they went grocery shopping and I went to young women's and that was nice.  Isaac wanted something at Khol's so Casey took the kids there but they didn't end up getting anything.  It snowed this afternoon and the boys loved it.  They played out there for a long time.  Isaac is going to be president of his class next week so he had to fill out a poster.  He is so excited he might burst.  I was glad we took pictures so we had something to put on his poster.  Casey has his interview tomorrow and then is working swing shift.  I called Randy and he is going to watch the kids for young women's and for my book group.  Everything is going to work out.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...