Thursday, December 7, 2017

Good Times

Isaac was still not feeling good today so we kept him home and I am glad we did.  He went to bed really early so I am hoping that he will feel a lot better tomorrow.  Casey accepted the job today and it is exciting.  I went grocery shopping this morning and Casey watched the kids which was nice.  Casey made lunch while my visiting teachers were here, it was nice to visit with them.  Oliver had school and had a fun time.  Ruthie took a nap and Isaac was laying in his bed so I was able to finish my long time gone quilt.  I love it and am so glad that it is done.  It turned out really nice and it was a lot of work.  We watched frozen twice today, the kids love it.  I had book group this evening and Randy and Terry watched the kids which was really nice of them.  Isaac was already asleep so it was just Ruth and Oliver.  It was a lot of fun and good to talk with the other ladies.  They have it once a month.  In December they have a favorite things party and I brought caramel apples, they are so good.  I am glad that you got Isaac's letter, he was cute writing it. 


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...