I made hotel reservations for the picking Robin up in December. That made me so excited. I need to do the airplane next. I just have quite figured out how to get the one way ticket for Robin. I think I am going to have to do it two different times. It was a nice day today. Same old, same old. I am glad everyone had a quiet weekend. Those are precious. My cold is doing good. Still there but not bad. Hope that stays. I wish we had stake conference this weekend. I could really use a nap.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Well 7 Brides for 7 Brothers was good. They sang a couple of songs that weren't in the movie, but they did a really good job. I am going to have to get the movie sometime. It has been forever since I have seen it. Well today was a quiet day. I took a nap which was really nice and tomorrow is stake conference so I can take one tomorrow too. It is a great weekend when you can do that. I did wash my car and vacuumed my living so I wasn't totally lazy all day. Well I better go. BYE
Today was nice and laid back. it was nice to have a day off. I went shopping for Imats. I think I have most of everything now just a bit here and there. I am going to practice different things through out the week just to have various options. We don't know what the pieces look like we are going to apply so i'm going to try to make things generic. Yesterday we moved down stairs to another class for creature design. I took all my fashion stuff home since you don't really need it, then I don't have to drag my stuff everywhere when I go to a job site. Its amazing how stuffed my room is now. I have a lot of wigs and costumes from all my photo shoots. I think I'm going to go through and organize it all so its easier to pack. well nothing else exciting have a great one.
love you
Friday, November 6, 2009
six weeks
I am so excited for you to come home and we can all be together for Christmas that will be so much fun. Not much going on here. Dad got home safe and sound. I am starting with the cold. My ear is all plugged up. I keep hoping Casey get better fast. Poor guy. Have fun at the play Karen. I will think about how much fun you are having while I am in SLC. LOVE MOM
Congrats Robin on being done, I am glad that it is all over. I asked for the time off of work to pick you up. I am excited for you to come home. That sounds fun to go to a play Karen, that sounds great. I have some exciting news, the Temptations are coming to Wendover Dec 4 and me and Casey are going to go. It will be really fun. I am not sure how many original members are still alive. Casey is still hanging in their. It is a tough flu. I hope that everyone has a good weekend.
Well I am glad that I am in St. George instead of Logan it sounds like you all are getting sick up there. I am still working hard to avoid getting the cold that is going around down here and so far so good. I hoe that the airborne works for you mom. Well tomorrow I am going to go and see 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, a group from church is going so I said that I would go also. It is being put on by a high school down here and i have heard that they do an awesome job on it. I am tired today it has been a long week. I think it was because I had to take a test. Tests always make the weeks seem longer. Well i hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE
I"M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) : ) :) :) :) :)
hell week is over. I am so relieved. I can't even believe how crazy this week was. I'm so glad its over. :) now I start creature design i'm excited to start that course, and there will be no stress or nothing compared to this week. I only have 6 weeks left. I'm excited to come home and have it be christmas. well I better go I;m going to enjoy freedom while I have it. :) :)
love you
Thursday, November 5, 2009
They love me better
I did get a whole lot more icecream. It was my lucky night. Boy Robin I hope you are going to rest sometime. I am glad you got the package. I was worried about that. We had a fun time in class tonight. It was the first time where I was not the worst quilter. It was kind of nice. Dad is going to come home tomorrow so that will be nice. I feel the start of a cold so I took airborne tonight. That cures everything. Not much else going on here. LOVE MOM
They Love Mom More
We had a good time at the quilt class and we learned a lot of putting borders on quilts. Their were four of us including me and Mom. They other two ladies were beginners so the class went slower and it was nice. After we went to get Spoon Me, because it is so delicious. It tasted really good but the girl gave Mom twice the delicious yogurt and twice the toppings. They liked her a lot better than me. It seems like everywhere I go I am shorted on food because the people I am with are more likable.
This morning I was a idiot and I will share what happened. The power was out in the offices in front of me and Michelle had stepped away from her desk so Margret asked me to call maintenance to fix it. The guys name is Tyler Johnson but when I called I called Tyler Nelson. I work with him a lot and he is really nice but I didn't realize that I had called the wrong person until well into our conversation. When I called I was like this is Rachel in Customer Care and he was like I know and then I told him about the power and asked him to come and fix it and he said that I had the wrong Tyler. I felt so stupid. It was really embarrassing. Then later in the day he had a question to ask me. When he called he ask me to come over and fix his power. It was funny. I need to wake up a bit. I am embarrassed.
Casey is feeling a little better but still has the sickness. Hopefully by this weekend he will be felling a lot better.
This morning I was a idiot and I will share what happened. The power was out in the offices in front of me and Michelle had stepped away from her desk so Margret asked me to call maintenance to fix it. The guys name is Tyler Johnson but when I called I called Tyler Nelson. I work with him a lot and he is really nice but I didn't realize that I had called the wrong person until well into our conversation. When I called I was like this is Rachel in Customer Care and he was like I know and then I told him about the power and asked him to come and fix it and he said that I had the wrong Tyler. I felt so stupid. It was really embarrassing. Then later in the day he had a question to ask me. When he called he ask me to come over and fix his power. It was funny. I need to wake up a bit. I am embarrassed.
Casey is feeling a little better but still has the sickness. Hopefully by this weekend he will be felling a lot better.
Well it is almost Friday. I am glad, it has seemed like a long week. I am sorry that I didn't blog last night. I seems to do that a lot. After class though my brain feels fried so at least I have a good excuse. I am impressed with the amount of sleep you are functioning on Robin. You must live on Pepsi. Work has been busy the past couple of days. I am glad it make the work day go bye faster. I hope that mom and Rachel had a good time at their sewing class. Well Have a great one. BYE
remember remember the 5th of november
Well I made it through. I was at the film shoot till 2 am. the actor wasn't getting his lines so they let me go home so I could wake up for school. I thought it was nice of them. I'm pretty beat today though. I don't have anything planned for tonight which is nice. :) I got moms package in the mail so I think I'm going to watch a movie and relax. i"m pretty excited. Today one of the head guys came in today and said that we didn't have to take our final test tomorrow because they just realized how much they piled on us this week. But I had already stressed and gone through fire to find a model and I already planned on taking it so i'm going to take my test tomorrow instead of waiting till december. I would rather have a relaxing december and worry about moving then have to stress about something I could have done sooner. so that is my rant for the day. It kinda pissed me off that they didn't figure this out 3 weeks ago to save the stress levels, but what can you do. well I better run before I fill the whole blog
love you
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
hump day
I am always glad when Wednesday is over with. I can make it through the rest of the week. Not much going on here. It is nice to have things back to normal at least for one night. I just vegged. Tomorrow night me and Rachel are having sewing class. That will be fun. Robin I am excited to see your new pictures. LOVE MOM
just pile it on
I'm glad that karen passed her test thats awesome. :) i'm glad that canning season is done I'm excited for winter to come. Today was my second photo shoot. It was fun but I am certainly glad that its over. Last night the movie people wrote me and wanted me to come in tonight to do makeup. So now I have to do makeup and try to finish my report. I think it will be one sleepless night. yeah. at least I don't have anything big for saturday so maybe I will sleep all day. well better run. have a great one
love you
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
I'm Done
I finally finished canning for the season. The last batch of apples are drying as I write. Congrat on your test Karen that is really good. 10 chapters that is a lot of material. I am glad the medicine is helping Casey. I hope he gets better really fast. Robin good luck with your photo shoot. You are amazing. Dad made it safe and sound to SLC. I just vegged most of the night. I was tired. It was such a pretty day today. I love this weather. The jeep is all fixed and I get it for the rest of the week. It is a lot higher up than I am use to any more. LOVE MOM
When the Moon Hits Your Eye Like a Big Pizza Pie
Good job on your photo shoot Robin, I am excited to see the pictures. Good job on your test Karen, that is exciting. That is fun everyone is doing so good. Casey is still not feeling good. Mom gave us some cough medicine and Casey said that is amazing, it has really helped his cough. I am not liking the short days either. It is hard getting home when it is dark. The moon has been full so it isn't so bad, it is kind of pretty. A guy at work gave me three more episodes of Dexter so we are going to watch that tonight. It is a good show but Robin could do the gory makeup better. That would be the perfect show for you to work on, that would be fun.
Well I got an 86 on my test so that is a relief. It was on ten chapters, boy was that a lot of stuff. It was so nice here today just like spring. it is suppose to be in the 70s here all week. I am getting tired of it getting dark so early already. I like it better when it doesn't get dark by 6. Well work was pretty good nothing too exciting. I hope that Casey is feeling better and that his car survives in Salt Lake with out him. Take it easy.
Sorry to hear casey is infected with the flu pandemic. :( that sucks to be sick. Well nothing to exciting today i'm tired. Tomorrow is another photo shoot, then on thursday I have an assignment due that I need to work on tonight. I have most of it done I just need to work on the presentation part. well I better run. have a great night :)
love robin
Monday, November 2, 2009
Swine Flu
I am sorry Casey is sick. I hope he gets better real soon. Did he go to the doctor? Not much going on with me. If you need anything let me know. I am glad that your photo shoot went well. I can't believe how fast time is going. I really am looking forward to Robin coming back to the USA. Karen will be done with her class and Robin home. Boy things change. Good things. Dad is leaving for SLC tomorrow. His truck is in the shop getting fixed so he is taking the car down. I will let him know the sundance is down there. I wonder if it is a popular car to take? Just Casey's luck. Have a great tuesday.
Well i made it thru the day. i have a headache, so it kind of sucked. We upgraded our solidworks at work so I had to help the other drafter alot today. He also kept blaming all the problems he had on the new software but it did all the stuff before so it was just annoying. I am sorry that Casey is sick. I hope that he doesn't have H1N1. I went grocery shopping after class because we got out early and I was too lazy to go on Saturday. I have to go and take a test tomorrow, Yuck! Oh well. I hope that the rest of the week is less crazy. Have a good one.
H1N1 has struck
Casey is sick and he was able to stay home in Idaho and rest, he is going to take tomorrow off also. I wanted to tell Dad that the Sundance is in SLC, we drove it down their on Saturday so when Casey drove his work truck down thier he would have a car to get home. So it is at the apartment. It is nice to have him home, even though he is sick. He may have the flu but it is unconfirmed as he will not go to the doctor. Good news is that our pumpkins did not get smashed this Halloween weekend. Idahoans had a weird tradition of smashing pumpkins, the roads are covered with poor pumpkin remains. Luckily ours remain intact. I am reading The Maze right now, it is a really good Sci Fi book. I am about half way done, I will let you know if it ends good. Well I hope that everyone is surviving day light saving time. It is hard to get used to.
So today was my photo shoot. I finally have some stress relieved. It was fun I did a gnome or dwarf guy and a kid from Institute came and modeled for me. He was cool with makeup since I didn't use lipstick or eye makeup. I put eyeshadow on as retaliation, he wore it home so hopefully he didn't get arrested :) Well on wensday I'm doing my hansel and gretal witch, and cinderella. Then all my focus goes to IMATS. I bought her outfit online I'm waiting for it to arrive now. I'm excited I hope it all comes together. :) well I better go it was a long day i didn't get home till 6:30 meh . well have a great night.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Quiet Day

I finished my puzzle. It isn't as fancy as Karen's but I enjoyed doing it. I took a picture and I also took a picture of dad doing dishes. We lead an exciting life. Good luck Robin on your photo shoot. I am sure it will be good. I am glad you got a nap Karen. That always makes the week go better. Good Luck Casey putting all the pieces back together. I bet it will be nice. Hope Casey gets feeling better. Have a great week LOVE MOM
Well I ate lunch at about 1130 and then I was laying on my couch watching tv and I fell asleep. So I missed church. Oh well I will have to do better next week. I do feel a lot less tired though. I liked your pumpkins Rachel they are cute. I am sorry that Casey doesn't feel well, I hope that he feels better soon. Good luck with your photo shoot tomorrow Robin, I am sure that you will do awesome. It was a really pretty day here today it was in the 70s. Well I am glad that everyone has had a good Sunday. Love ya BYE
it begins
Well today at church was fun. they combined two other wards into mine so we have double the people now. Tomorrow is my first photo shoot, i am doing little red riding hood and a dwarf/gnome. I can't believe its already November, october flew by. I was confused this morning because I didn't know if canadians did the whole fall behind thing. no one told me about it up here. So i did a google search and they do. so I woke up this morning and slept in an extra hour. Low and behold my phone changes time automatically so I was an hour late to church. I need to not have a digital time clock that changes by itself. :) to much brain power to use in the morning. anyway have a great night
love you
A New Old Car
We had a good Halloween. Me and Casey carved the pumpkins from our garden. Here is Casey carving one.

Here is the finished results.

We were looking on KSL yesterday and they had a Honda civic for $300 that was in a car accident and the back right hand side is smashed in so you can't drive it. It is a really good price for a cars interior so we drove down and got it. We drove all day yesterday but it was worth it. While we were driving someone offered him 500 for the car but the guy was nice and saved it for us. Now Casey has all the parts he needs to put together the car. He can take his time putting it all together and make it the way he wants since we have the sundance which is a great car.

Casey isn't feeling good today. He has a cold so he skipped church but I went. The kids were pretty good considering they probably had a lot of candy.
I love the puzzle Karen, I am glad that it turned out. It was a hard one.
Here is the finished results.
We were looking on KSL yesterday and they had a Honda civic for $300 that was in a car accident and the back right hand side is smashed in so you can't drive it. It is a really good price for a cars interior so we drove down and got it. We drove all day yesterday but it was worth it. While we were driving someone offered him 500 for the car but the guy was nice and saved it for us. Now Casey has all the parts he needs to put together the car. He can take his time putting it all together and make it the way he wants since we have the sundance which is a great car.
Casey isn't feeling good today. He has a cold so he skipped church but I went. The kids were pretty good considering they probably had a lot of candy.
I love the puzzle Karen, I am glad that it turned out. It was a hard one.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...