Thursday, November 5, 2009

They Love Mom More

We had a good time at the quilt class and we learned a lot of putting borders on quilts. Their were four of us including me and Mom. They other two ladies were beginners so the class went slower and it was nice. After we went to get Spoon Me, because it is so delicious. It tasted really good but the girl gave Mom twice the delicious yogurt and twice the toppings. They liked her a lot better than me. It seems like everywhere I go I am shorted on food because the people I am with are more likable.

This morning I was a idiot and I will share what happened. The power was out in the offices in front of me and Michelle had stepped away from her desk so Margret asked me to call maintenance to fix it. The guys name is Tyler Johnson but when I called I called Tyler Nelson. I work with him a lot and he is really nice but I didn't realize that I had called the wrong person until well into our conversation. When I called I was like this is Rachel in Customer Care and he was like I know and then I told him about the power and asked him to come and fix it and he said that I had the wrong Tyler. I felt so stupid. It was really embarrassing. Then later in the day he had a question to ask me. When he called he ask me to come over and fix his power. It was funny. I need to wake up a bit. I am embarrassed.

Casey is feeling a little better but still has the sickness. Hopefully by this weekend he will be felling a lot better.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...