Saturday, March 31, 2012

Nice day

I had a really nice day also. I got up and got the oil change in my car and then went to Key Bank to talk about car loans. They were really helpful. Then we went looking for cars and found a really cute car. Just in the right price range and everything. I am way excited for Robin. Then we met Karen in Heber for Lunch and went to Cabella's and I got me some cute shoes. YEAH. We went home through SLC and stopped at the mall and Karen got her two new skirts. She was on a roll. We took Karen home and then I went grocery shopping. I got everything done on my list but the shower announcements and I am going to try to do them on line tomorrow. I love your pictures Rachel. Thanks for posting for them. Thanks for doing the raspberries. They look so nice. And Casey for doing the fence. You guys are so nice. Thanks. If you need help doing the fence we can come up. We still need to burn the stump. I am excited for Easter. LOVE MOM


I had fun fun day. Thanks for the funtime everyone. I am glad that you car is working out Robin. I will keep my fingers crossed for you on Monday. I am glad that you hada good day Rachel. It sounds like you were really productive. All I did was buy some shoes. Well have a great Sunday tomorrow. BYE


I am glad that you found a car Robin, I hope that you are able to get it on Monday. I am supper excited for you. I hope that everyone had a fun day. Sorry I didn't blog last night. Friday was a lot like Thursday. Isaac was grouchy in the morning and better in the afternoon. We walked to the park on Friday and he didn't was to play on the playground so we walked around on the path and he loved it. He was walking all over the place and pushing the stroller. There were some arrows painted on the path and he couldn't figure it out. We spent like 10 minutes walking by them. He was so cute. Here is a picture.

Friday night Casey and Isaac played outside and I did some sewing. I finished my block of the month and it turned out this time. I have also finished my mystery quilt, I just need to finish putting on the binding. I will do that tomorrow and put on a picture.

Today we rode our bikes to the store in the morning and that was a lot of fun. We came home and Casey was going to start working on putting a gate on the fence but he ended up cleaning the garage. I worked on the raspberries when Isaac took a nap and I finished, it looks so nice. I am glad to have that done.

Casey finished cleaning and dug holes for the fence posts. Then we went to Casey's Dad's for dinner. Grandma Anderson is living with them now. She didn't seem as agitated but still wasn't in the present. She looked good though and Randy said that it is going alright. We came back home and I put Isaac to bed and Casey worked on the gate some more. Here is a picture.

Well I am tired and I think that I will be sore tomorrow but it was a fun day and we had a fun time.


Friday, March 30, 2012


Well no car and what a waste of time. They said she could get a new car for 400 dollars a month but not a a cheap car. Go figure that one. It was very frustrating. It wasn't that great of a car anyway. Well tomorrow I am going to change the oil in my car and get shower announcements made, go see Karen and look for cars. Sounds like a fun day. I hope I get it all done. Have a great day. LOVE MOM

no bueno

so I ended up not getting the car. I couldn't get financed and they raised the price 2,000 dollars on the car. it sucked so back to square one. sorry we didn't go to heber today. well have a good saturday


Thursday, March 29, 2012

last minute

I didn't get a present for isaac but I got a new jacket. Thank you karen that is really sweet. I was going to text you but the car biz got me side tracked. Well I decided last minute that I am going to get the nissan I test drove the other day if it is still there. Its white but its in my price range. So cross your fingers that its still there. I am done with the car shopping stuff its stressful. well that is my news. Sorry its not a truck but if I get rich I will by isaac one when he's older. :) well have a good night


Do you have a man

Me and Robin went car shopping with out dad tonight. He had to work late. It was funny because everytime Robin was ready to leave she would say she would wait for her dad and they would just let her leave. It was really funny to watch. No car that she fell in love with yet. That is neat you got free food today Karen. What was the celebration for? I am wondering if there is a noise that wakes Isaac up at 5. Like a car leaving or something. You should see if it is something like that. 5 is so early. I am sorry about that one. I had a good day at work. It was a quiet day. I like those ones. Just working on normal stuff. Karen I think we are going to come to Heber tomorrow after work. I will keep you posted on that one. Rachel I am not sure what our weekend is like yet but I will let you know. WEll have a great Friday. LOVE MOM

Up and Down

Today had it ups and downs. Isaac keeps waking up at 5 am and it is driving me crazy. I do what they tell me in the book but his morning he just kept waking up. So I got up with him when Casey got up. So both me and Isaac were tired this morning. He was on edge. He took a 2 hour nap at 11 and he was a lot happier after that and we had a good day. He is saying so many words it is fun to here him trying to talk. In the afternoon we went to Joanns and the mall, we had a good time. I made margaret pizza and it was really good. Isaac even liked it so that made it fun. Karen that is fun that they have free food. I think that you new company is awesome. Good luck with cars Robin. If Isaac has any say you should get a big truck with a trailer on it. :)



Sorry that I didn't blog last night I forgot. I had a good day. I got free food for lunch. It was good. It is windy again here today. I got Isaac a gift but I accidentally sent it to Robin. Opps! I hope that you have good luck with car shopping Robin. Sometimes it takes awhile to find the right car. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


well we went and looked at more cars. I am super stressed out its hard to know what is best and I have no idea what I want. I hope I find something soon, I don't think I am going to last much longer. But I just keep thinking of air conditioning so hopefully it will be worth it. Work was good today though my neck is sore but I guess that is part of the job ;) well have a good night


Car shopping

We went to North Salt Lake tonight to look at cars. Robin found a car she liked. We came home and looked it up and it didn't get very good reviews. I enjoy looking at cars. It is fun. Me and dad found one we really liked. WE might have to go back and test drive it. It was raining tonight and got cold. Conference weekend. Robin thought of going to Logan this weekend and looking at cars up there. I was thinking of going to heber on Friday night and looking around. What do you think Robin? I am excited for you to come here for Easter we will dye easter eggs at my house then. LOVE MOM

No plans

Mom, we don't have any plans for this weekend. I think that we will just stay up here. It is conference weekend though. I talked to Casey and for Easter we are going to go down there and stay with Mom and Dad. It will be fun. I can't believe it is almost here. Today was good. I went visiting teaching in the morning and I sewed with Jenn in the afternoon. Me and Isaac went to Lees after and on the way out I saw Linda so I stopped to talk. Isaac saw the balloons and had a huge meltdown so I didn't get to talk to Linda really. We went out to dinner and stopped by the new toy store. It is really nice inside and they have some fun things. They are kind of pricey though. We walked out with only spending 20 dollars. We got him a thing to hammer pegs in, a bus and some boats for the bath tub. I think that we did really good. Well good luck with car searching Robin. I will keep my eye out for anything good.



Tuesday, March 27, 2012


well we didi a search today of cars. I went on KSL and hit the contact seller button so hopefully my messages got to the right people. there were a few cars that I liked. Hopefully I find one its stressful. well I am off to bed I am tired have a good wensday


Car searching

We went car looking tonight. It was fun to look at cars. There are a lot of dealers around town. It will be interesting to see what Robin decides on. There are a lot of choices. Karen keep you eyes open in Heber City for any cars that look good. I don't have any great news was just a nice day. Does any one have great plans for the weekend? I wasn't sure what we were doing. Have a great day. LOVE MOM

On and on

Well work was good. I started a new project today so that is fun. I volunteered to bring muffins to the company lunch a week from Friday. So I drove by the bakery today after work and the are open at 7 am but close at 4 so I am just going to pick them up before work. But the good news is that you can order them online so I did that. Well I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE

Monday, March 26, 2012


I couldn't believe the weather either it was so warm yesterday and today it was so cold. But I do have the car bug feeling the cold air conditioned air in the car i test drove was awesome. I will keep you updated on my endeavors :) well I am going to head to bed I had to work early and I am tired.



It was a cold day today. It rained, snowed and hailed. We had thunder also. Spring weather is here. It was a quiet day at work and it was nice to have a normal day. We went to the store tonight and it is fun to cook. I love tortilla soup. That is good. Dad isn't going out of town this week. They decided to send Jed instead and make sure dad gets feeling better. I was glad about that one. WEll have a great tuesday. LOVE MOM

Where did spring go?

Today was good. Casey was feeling a little bit better so he went to work. I canceled Isaac's doctor appointment in SLC and made a new one for Logan. I think that it will be better. Isaac had a hard time today not going outside a lot today. We went out a bit but it was so cold we came in and he was not happy. We didn't get any snow just rain. He ate really well today. We had Mom's casserole for lunch and he loved that and I made tortilla soup for dinner and he ate all of that. It turned out so good and it was fun to make. Not much else going on. I am going to keep my eye out for cars for you Robin. I have all the pamphlets from the car show if you want them.



Well I made it thru Monday. It was a little stormy today. It even snowed a little today. The good news is it didn't stick to anything. Work is going good. I am sorry that Casey isn't feeling good. I hope that he feels better soon. Isaac looks really cute in the photos. He just gets cutier every day. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Quiet day

I slept in, took a nap and just read all day. It was nice. I needed that. I had such a fun weekend. I am glad you like the kitchen Rachel. It is beautiful. It is going to be a quiet week. The last one in March. Usually March is a really long month. It has gone by really fast. Well have a nice Monday. I love the longer days.



Isaac looks so little compared to all the trucks. :) cute pictures. Well nothing to exciting today we went and saw grandma bodily, and then we watched some movies. Tomorrow I am going into work early so yea for overtime on monday. so off to bed have a good night



The kitchen looks amazing thanks to everyone, thank you. Casey still wasn't feeling well so he didn't go to work and just rested. I hope that he is feeling better tomorrow. Me and Isaac went to church. We only made it through Sacrament and then I took him home to take a nap. I am not sure what the best way to handle nap time on Sunday. Well here are some pictures of Isaac. I don't have much else to report. Everyone have a nice evening.



Well it was nice to sleep in this morning. I also took a nap. It was wonderful. I did make shredded beef sandwitches for dinner. They turned out good. Well I hope that everyone else had a great day. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...