Saturday, June 23, 2018


I am glad that you guys had fun at the air show. My day was good I slept in. Then I went and saw a movie. Then I went grocery shopping. Nothing too exciting but it was fun. Mom the new Jurassic Park movie came out yesterday when do you want to go see it? Have a good Sunday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Thanks for the fun weekend

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Today was so busy. I was focused all day and I made me tired. Lol I'm glad tomorrow is my friday. I was lazy and didn't do much. I worked in photoshop for a bit on some zoo pictures. I hope everyone has a good Thursday. Friday at 9 works for me


So close

I am getting excited for the weekend.  I went to the store tonight and got food.  I made a lasagna and we are all set to play.  I am leaving work early tomorrow for dad's nerve conduction study.  I hope he passes.  Work was so quiet today.  I am all caught up.  It feels nice.  Not much else to report on my end.  Drive safe tomorrow Rachel.  I thought we would meet up at my house around 9 on Friday and then drive out to Boondocks.  Does that sound good with everyone?  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  Isaac stayed up late last night so he had a hard time waking up for swimming lessons.  We had a fun time at lessons and we stayed and swam for a while.  We came home and had lunch and then went to the library.  The had a scales and tails show where they showed snakes and spiders.  We rode our bikes their and it was hot but the kids seemed to like it.  We made backpacks this afternoon and spilled into the evening.  It was a lot to get organized but the kids had a fun time.  We rode bikes to Leona's and met Casey their, he had scouts.  Oliver insisted on riding his bike and fell at the very end and scratched his hand.  He has lost all ability to use it now.  Leona was doing well and we sat outside for a while.  A guy above her yelled at us for being too loud so we left.  Casey walked home with Oliver and I rode with Isaac.  We are headed down tomorrow.  Thanks for having us.



Well things are good here in Kamas. I am excited that tomorrow is the last day I have to work this week.  I did call an allergist and got an appointment to get tested. You be exciting. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Today was good. Ruthie didn't sleep well, I am hoping she will sleep better with her tonsils out.  We had swimming lessons this morning and that was fun.  It was warmer so we stayed and swam until lunch time.  We did lounge a lot to warm up an which was fun.  We watched a movie when we got home and Calleen dropped by for a minute.  She was in town and saw Leona.  We went to walmart and got a slip n slide for young women's tonight and the kids all bought air planes with their money.  We took Leona to get her blood drawn then took her to our house for a while.  When Casey came home we took her out to eat.  I had young women's tonight and we played water kick ball at Julies house down the street.  It was a lot of fun and everyone had a good time.  Don't work too hard and have a good day tomorrow.



Today was good.  I got a lot done at work today.  It felt really nice.  Dad drove with me so after work we went and walked the zoo.  The animals were so dang cute.  We saw the newborn zebra.  The elephants were up and moving and then we saw the polar bear.  He was playing with a floaty alligator and it was so neat to watch.  He played for a long time.  He was trying to eat it and he would roll around with it under the water and then sit up and hold it.  The gorillas were all out and moving around.  It was so pleasant.  There were a ton more people there than last time but it was still not very crowded.  Thanks again Robin.  Karen, I am glad you got Friday off.  Rachel, I hope your day went good.  You are busy.  I have to go into work early tomorrow and help set up a class.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. Work went by quick so that was good. Then I came home and did laundry. I did get Friday off. I am excited to play. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Today was busy but good. I went to Gordmans to look for mom a birthday shirt but I didn't find anything. They kinda turned it into a t.j. maxx shopping so it was hard to find things. I did but some sandals just for fun. Have a good one


Monday, June 18, 2018


Today was ok. I was tired and I was helping add pictures to the new design program so it  was slow and made me more tired. I'm sorry ruth needs her tonsils out. Let me know if you need me to take off any days. I'm glad you went to the doctor Karen and they gave you some medicine. I forgot to blog last night so I thought I would post the bowl put again



I am glad that you got your elbow checked out Karen, I hope that you start feeling better.  We had swimming lessons this morning and it was nice to get up and go.  The kids did really well in their classes and Ruthie was really cute.  It was fun to do a Mommy and me class.  It was so cold in the outside pool we didn't swim afterwards and just went home.  I dropped off the baby blanket I made and I am glad to not have to worry about it.  She liked it so that was good.  Ruthie's tonsils are really big so we are going to take them out on July 13th.  Isaac said that it was worth taking his out.  He says he sleeps so much better.  We went to the hobby lobby afterwards and bought some crafts and worked on them the rest of the afternoon.  It was nice and relaxing.  Isaac got a paint by number, Oliver a car and Ruthie some sun hangers.  We filled up the water balloons and put them on the trampoline and that was fun.  After dinner Casey had a call to look at a tree so we all rode our bikes down and we played at the park while he looked at it.  The lady who just had a baby was their so we talked and that was nice.  It was really fun to ride bikes so we took the long way home.  Everyone have a good night, love you.


Monday, Monday

It rained here for a little while.  It was nice to watch out my window.  It was a quiet day at work.  I got a lot done.  I am hoping for another quiet day tomorrow as well.  Karen I am glad you went to the doctor and got it checked out.  That medicine really helped me.  Robin, I just love that bowl.  You really took a lot out of the inside.  It is just beautiful.  I am not sure I would sell it.  It is just so pretty.  Rachel, I am sorry Ruth has to have her tonsils out.  That just makes me so sad but I know she will feel so much better.  If they had taken Robin's out earlier it would have saved her so much sickness.  Well not much else to report on my end.  Dave at dad's work had a motorcycle run into his truck today.  The motorcycle was sighted.  I guess he crashed into the drivers door.  Dave wasn't hurt and the motorcyclist has some road rash.  He could have been really hurt.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. Work was busy but I made it thru. I did get to leave early because I had a doctors appointment. It is confirmed I have tendonitis. So he gave me some anti-inflammatory medication. I hope everything had a great day. Bye

Sunday, June 17, 2018


We had a low key day also.  I had a meeting this morning but only one so it wasn't too bad.  After lunch Casey went to work and I took the kids to church.  Ruthie went to nursery by herself.  I was in with her for the first half but I hung back and let her just hang out with the teachers.  When it was time for me to go she said that she wanted to stay and have snacks.  She did really well.  After dinner we were going to work on the steps but it was raining so Casey made sugar cookies with the kids.  Thanks for the swimming lessons Mom, the kids are really excited.  I started a new rug that is a circle today.  Oliver has claimed it for his room.


The band-aids never stop

Low Key

Thanks so much for the fun weekend.  I sure had a nice time.  It was fun to play.  Karen spent the night and it was nice.  We played bomber man and that was fun.  She left and we went to see grandma.  We went to Fred Meyers and had lunch.  I wanted to look at pants but she got too tired so we just took her home.  We came back here and I feel sound asleep.  It was nice to have a nap.  I am going in to work early tomorrow to help set up a class.  It will make up for me leaving early on Thursday.  Good luck tomorrow Rachel with Ruth at Dr. Blotters.  I hope she is OK.  I hope they love swim lessons tomorrow.  Robin, I love the bowl you are making.  That is pretty cool.  Have a wonderful week.  Dad loves his echo.  He has played with it all day.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...