Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thanks for the birthday wishes :) I'm excited to be 26. I think its going to be a good year. well today we just did one show so I was able to get laundry done . yeah. Tomorrow we have a two show day yuck.... but its my birthday so I pretty much am going to ignore the fact i'm working all day. I hope karen drives safe, you may need to boat half of the way. I"m glad that isaac is doing well. I guess we will have to save his presents for the new years ;). Well better run see you all in a few.
Good Day
Well we went shopping I made it to Lowe's Rachel. Casey is good to go. YEAH. Grandma got to drive the jazzy and then we went to Albertson's and she got to drive another one. I keep losing her in the store. She can go where she wants to. It is fun to watch her. Have a happy birthday tomorrow Robin. Drive careful Karen. I am excited to see you and play for a whole week. That will be fun. Rachel I am glad that Isaac is doing good. I knew he was. I am glad that you decided to make tomorrow your last day. It will work out for you. Have a great last day. LOVE MOM
Next Week
I went to the doctors today and the baby is doing good. They did an ultrasound to make sure that he has enough amniotic fluid and that looked good. I couldn't see much of the baby it was really quick. Then they hooked me up to a monitor and every time the baby moved I had to click a button, and the monitored his heart beat and my contractions. I guess when babies move their heart beat is supposed to go up. Isaac's did so that was interesting to see. I haven't dilated any more so he said to come back on Monday and they would induce labor next week. So when I got back to work I talked to my boss and I am going to have tomorrow be my last day. Since I haven't been their long enough I just signed a leave of absence form. I think that it will work out good. Well that is all my news. I hope that you don't get stuck in any flooding Karen and I hope that you have a great Birthday tomorrow Robin. It sounds like it will be a busy day.
Happy Birthday Tomorrow
Well Robin I hope that you have a great Birthday tomorrow. My day has been good. It has rained off and on but it doesn't look like flooding any more. Last night it stopped rained all night which helped. They said on the news that the water dropped 7 feet over night. Hopefully we get a few days to dry out a bit before we get any more water. I am excited to come up tomorrow. I am hoping to get there by 6 by a lot depends on traffic and the weather so we will have to see. I am going to leave work after the Christmas party at 1. Well have a great one. BYE
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
4 to go
Well today was a two show day. so 4 more shows to go. Tomorrow we only have one show so that will be nice. Hopefully I can get some laundry done. Grandma got me some cute tights for my birthday and I wore them today. Everyone thought they were cute. well I am excited for the holidays :) drive safe karen I can't believe the photos that you sent us. crazy flooding. i think its better your up here for a few weeks. at least if we get a lot of precipitation its snow. we can shovel it out of the way ;)
I had a really fun night. We went to the Spaghetti factory for dinner and it tasted really good. Then we shopped a bit and then went and did some sewing. It didn't feel like we sewed very long but it was fun. I have another doctors appointment tomorrow so I will update everyone on how that goes. I can't believe Christmas is almost here. It is coming fast.
150 programs
Well I made and folded 150 programs tonight. I made 2 weeks worth since I am not going to be here. Well besides that flooding nothing too exciting is going on. I am trying to get organized to come up on Thursday. So that is time consuming because I am not an organized person. I hope that your last 6 shows go good Robin. Have a great Wednesday everyone. BYE
Monday, December 20, 2010
6 more
6 more shows and then white christmas is over ;) i am excited, I have no idea what I am going to do afterwords but hopefully I can find a job somewhere.... I can't believe its raining so much down in we will have to get you some floaty toys so you can at least enjoy the flood. well only 3 more days till isaac is born... :) lol. have a great night
I scraped snow off my car this morning
It was really wet snow but I had over an inch of snow. The roads weren't bad though. Dad went to the doctor and he said he was doing good. I guess for feeling crummy he is in great shape. He went to work for Harold afterwards but decided not to stay in Logan. He is on his way home right now. It is suppose to snow tonight though. I hope it isn't bad. I am excited for you to come down Karen. The weather is suppose to be better by the time you leave. I have been thinking about your comment on Rachel's picking the date. I think it is OK. I hope she has it on that day. Karen you gave me a desire to go to the mall so me and grandma went to the mall tonight. We had Edo's for dinner and it was fun. I got the boys a stocking stuffer. They needed another one. It is too easy for buy for the girls. Well have a great tuesday.
The rains came down and the floods came up
Well apparently all the rivers down here are running at flood level and it is still raining. The weather said that there is a 100% chance of rain the next 2 days also. So I might be living on an island by the end of the week. Work was good today. It went by fast so that was nice. I am super excited to come up on Thursday, hopefully I won't need a boat. Well my vote for the baby goes with dad's I think it will be sometime before the 31st. I don't think that it is fair for Rachel to vote so can just tell her doctor to start her on the day she picks so that could be cheating. Have a great one. BYE
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Today was pretty chill. we had a birthday dinner and cold stone pie. It was really tasty. I got really awesome things thanks for the great gifts. It was raining today but no snow. we will see if we have a white christmas or not. well I hope everyone has a great monday i'm glad that christmas is this week.
Rain here also
Well it rained here most of the day also. I bet Logan got snowed in for sure. I had a quiet day and it was nice. Got up late stayed in bed and watched a movie then went for a walk and had a birthday dinner for Robin. It was nice. I am excited for you to come up Karen. I hope we can get your laptop working when you get up here. That sucks. I really like laptops. I didn't do farmville either tonight. So we are even. Well have a great week. I hope all goes well this week. Karen you didn't pick a date for Isaac. I really think I am going to win. Well take care you guys. LOVE MOm
Well it is still raining on and off down here. Nothing to hard but still we have flash flood warnings. Well my laptop is not working and I can't get farmville to work right on my desk top. When farmville loads all I get are grey circles where things are suppose to be. I will have to play with that and see if I can get it working. Other than that it has been a quiet day. I made a BLT for dinner and that tasted good. I love the smell of bacon. Just four more days until I get to come up. I hope that Robin had a good birthday party today. Have a good one. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...