Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Next Week

I went to the doctors today and the baby is doing good. They did an ultrasound to make sure that he has enough amniotic fluid and that looked good. I couldn't see much of the baby it was really quick. Then they hooked me up to a monitor and every time the baby moved I had to click a button, and the monitored his heart beat and my contractions. I guess when babies move their heart beat is supposed to go up. Isaac's did so that was interesting to see. I haven't dilated any more so he said to come back on Monday and they would induce labor next week. So when I got back to work I talked to my boss and I am going to have tomorrow be my last day. Since I haven't been their long enough I just signed a leave of absence form. I think that it will work out good. Well that is all my news. I hope that you don't get stuck in any flooding Karen and I hope that you have a great Birthday tomorrow Robin. It sounds like it will be a busy day.

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