Saturday, October 17, 2009
Robin I am so glad you got to work on your movie. Did you know any of the stars? My daughter knows movie stars. Who needs people magazine. I am glad you got a nap Karen. That sounds really good right now. We went and saw Kyle this morning and he as in so much pain. We tried to move him around but nothing was working. We decided to go get one of those feather beds for him so we went and bought a twin size one and he called later and said it was helping. Poor guy. They even gave him some morphine and it didn't help that much. We didn't get lunch with Margaret and Mel so we were going to hook up for dinner but we were late for that so me and dad went by ourselves. It was nice to move slower. Grandma and Grandpa Gumm were doing good. Not much going on there. Jeff and James and Jen and Chaz and Jordyn came out but we missed them. Jordyn's and Chaz's birthday are both in October. It is nice to be home and we are crashing watching TV. LOVE MOM
Well it was a good Saturday. I got a nap which was really nice. It seems like I haven't had a quiet weekend in forever. What is the name if the movie you worked on Robin? Is it going to be in a film festival in the US? Well I went for a walk this morning and now my allergies are killing me. The sage bush is blooming like crazy down here. I still have to do laundry, I haven't had motivation to start it yet. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend.
So i actually happened, i worked on my first film. I didn't know if it would turn out because sometimes things just don't come together. And our main actress was an hour late. But it all worked out and I was able to do makeup. It was fun. I wish i could do special effects. Making people pretty is boring. but I will take what I can get. Its a police movie and they are trying to make it into the independent film festival. so cross your fingers it works out. anyway I like your horse rachel. I think he'll be a good addition to the Anderson's for a while :). Well I better go i'm going to relax and enjoy the rest of my saturday. :)
love you
Cute Guest
That is one cute pasture guest. You might want to keep him. Horses love apples also. If you have any left he would like those. He won't care if they have worms in them. We are off to SLC. LOVE MOM
Friday, October 16, 2009
A Guest
That is awesome Robin, congratulations. That is exciting. Well I had a good day. It was bosses day. We bought Dan a cake and some gift cards, but he didn't know it was bosses day and decided to go to Ogden to our other plant. So he missed the surprise, it was kind of funny. I just emailed him a picture of the cake.
Our neighbors are out of town and they have a horse, while they are gone they are going to keep him in out pasture. I feed him some oats when I got home to get on his good side. He really liked them. Here is a picture of him.

Here is a picture of Tobias. He is cute.
Our neighbors are out of town and they have a horse, while they are gone they are going to keep him in out pasture. I feed him some oats when I got home to get on his good side. He really liked them. Here is a picture of him.
Here is a picture of Tobias. He is cute.
Good luck
Robin Good luck with your movie I am sure that you will do and awesome job. My day was good. Nothing too exciting. I am glad that tomorrow is Saturday though. I don't have have anything too exciting going on but I am going to take and nap and I am way excited about that. Well I better go. BYE
Way to go Robin
I think that is neat that you get to do that makeup for that movie. Make sure you are keeping track of all you have done. You have been doing a lot lately. Maybe they could write you a letter on how wonderful you are. Good luck. Not much news on Kyle. I called the hospital and Angela answered and said Kyle was doing better than yesterday. He is on Morphine. He was sleeping. She said the nurse doesn't say much but she said that he will probably be able to go home on Monday. We aren't going to Felicia's wedding it is at 1:00 tomorrow and I just can't get it all done if we do that. I am going to call her though and congratulate her. I did call Allison and talked with her for awhile. Dad made it home safe and sound. He is having a little more trouble with his kidney stones. I can't wait until it passes. That is miserable. Good luck again Robin that will be a lot of fun to do a movie. I hope you get to meet someone famous and that they think you are the best.
So today was the last day of the special effects part of the film course. Now I am going to be doing straight makeup. Most of what happens in film but I like the special effects the best. Well I think I might have exciting news. There was an independent film being shot that I applied for that they posted yesterday and they wrote me and wanted me to do the film. of course its all free but still its experience. I don't think its going to be special effects just straight makeup. I hope it turns out cool. It just for tomorrow so its nothing long term. but still fun. Well I did another tattoo on my leg. Its a bunch of flowers. :) anyway have a great night. ttyl
Thursday, October 15, 2009
On facebook Alyssa wrote that they took Kyle to the hospital by ambulance. He has a really bad bladder infection. His bladder stopped working a while a go and he has a cathered. They get infected so easily. I called and talked with Julie. She is worried. I hope he is OK. I am really worried about him. He has been doing so bad lately. We are having a good night not much sewing going on but it is nice to just goof around and then veg. We went to the Texas Roadhouse to get me over the last bad experience. We shared a dinner and it was nice. Work was nice today. I need to go early to get done what I didn't get done today. I guess I need to focus. love MOM
Holy Soup
Well I made my chicken soup and I may be eating it the rest of my life. It did taste good, so that is good at least. That is a cool looking tattoo Robin, I am very impressed. Good luck with all your sewing endeavors Mom and Rachel. I am sure everything you make will turn out great. My day was pretty quiet. I am glad for that yesterday was busy. My eyes are fine, nothing wrong. Except that my prescription changed, but that is not a big shocker. I am really glad that tomorrow is Friday. I need a quiet weekend. Well have a great one.
so last night I decided to cleanse my hotmail. I had emails from 2004. I had 1721 emails that I had in my emails. It was kinda hard to delete them all. Looking back you can read all the times we emailed to meet for lunch. papers from teachers for classes. Its kinda funny what I got emailed from random people. Well anyway today in class we just practiced things that we wanted to work on so I put a tattoo on me. I attached a photo. I think I'm going to leave it on for while. The makeup we use is alcohol activated so water won't wash it off. It will fade it but It will last a few days. I think it will be fun. I put it on my arm. Well have a great night
love ya
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I had a good day. The goats are doing good. I noticed today that they are sleeping in the dog house that we got them so that it is good, i think that they are going to be warmer. Tonight I worked on my Sea Urchin quilt. It is going good and is fun. I downloaded the new Micheal Buble CD I have only heard one song but I like it. I also listened to the new Mika CD again it is better the second time, his video is really werid for we are golden. I didn't like it. Right now I am reading "The Forgotten Garden" and it is alright. It is a long book and it is taking a long time to read it. Well that is all my of my ramblings. Have a good night.
Love normal life
I am enjoying the quiet routine I have. I went and babysat tonight and that was fun. Had lunch with Rachel that was good also. Karen how did your eye appointment go? Is everything OK. I am glad you learned about Tatoo's Robin because I bet you do that a lot. They are very popular right now. Dad is doing a little better with the kidney stone. Still hasn't passed yet but the pain is better tonight. It won't be perfect until it passes. Tomorrow is sewing night. That is always fun. I am going to make a bag. I have it all cut out and all I need to do is sew it up. That about sums up my day.
Well I had to go into work early this morning because I had to go to the eye doctor at 3. Now I am just hopping my eyes won't be too dilated for class tonight. My luck I will have to be a volunteer so everyone can see what dilated eyes look like. I am so ready for a nap. Oh well I guess I will just have to waitt for tomorrow for the nap.
Well we learned how to apply and do tattoos. I was so tired I didn't really get into it but I did do a tattoo on a neck. It looked funny but thats ok. well I stayed up way to late last night painting my toes. At lunch I got a super sized soda from mc Donald's they are playing monopoly. Now I have a caffine crash and sleep deprivation. I think I'm going to watch dexter tonight and chill. I'm pretty excited. well have a great night. love ya
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Robin that is an interesting idea. I am not sure I will like the picture but I bet is will be way cool. Are you doing the old lady also? Good luck Karen with the soup. I think I will make some also. That sounds good. I am excited to see Rachels tree skirt. I think that is neat you went to talk with the girls. It will give them an idea that you can be anything you want. Way to go Rachel. I think dad has kidney stones. He is taking codine and hoping they will pass. He wasn't feeling very good last night I guess we figured it out. I am so glad that Casey is down there with him in case it gets bad. I didn't do too much tonight. Linda was sick so I didn't go to dinner. I just went to Michaels and got some stuff for my babysitting at the parents group meeting tomorrow night. It was fun to look at all the stuff. I also talked to someone about getting the million dollars framed but they won't write on the mat so that was the main point. I think I am just going to frame them all by myself. LOVE MOM
So today in class we learned how to do a bald cap. I had one on me and tomorrow and I am going to apply one to a girl. It was weird to see myself bald, I don't think its a look I'm going to have soon. Well I was thinking about my photoshoots and I am going to do a cinderella were the step sisters cut there toes off to fit into the glass slipper. I was practicing on looking like a foot being chopped off and I thought it would look more realistic if I had toes laying on the ground. So I asked my teacher for some ideas for molding toes. So that is what I did today. I have been painting toes all night. Its kinda gross to have toe parts hanging around my room. But its kinda cool that I made it. It was fun. My friend also let me borrow her season of dexter the tv show. So i've been watching that while painting appendages. Well have a great night.
love ya
Career Day
Today I was driving and a girl from young womens called said that they were having a career talk tonight and one of the speakers was sick and could I fill in for them. So I went to Young Womens tonight and talked about being a data anaylsis. I was really nervous but it went well. Everyone said that it was interesting and I sounded smart. I am not a very good speaker. My christmas tree skirt is done being quilted, me and mom are going to pick it up tomorrow. I am excited to see it. Well everyone have a good night. I am going to do something calming to settle down from speaking.
Well I am going to try and go outside the box and make homemade chicken soup. Wish me luck I hope that it works. I will probably try it on Saturday. Well it is not raining here but it looks like it could. The weatherman seemed to think that most of the rain would be in the north. DOn't worry we will get a ton of wind though. Well I better be off I have some homework to finish. BYE
Monday, October 12, 2009
Holy Holidays Batman
That would be weird not to have shopping after Thanksgiving. That is waht makes it so amazing. I am sad that Robin isn't going to be here for shopping this year. I may have to spend more to compensate. Karen, I have been seeing PT cruisers everywhere. It is the weirdest thing. I am kind of getting freaked out my it. I see them all the time. I had a good day. Work went fast. I went grocry shopping and got Casey a birthday present. The goats are doing good. Tobias looks really cute with his winter coat. He is really hairy, I will have to put on a picture. I started cutting out my Sea urchin quilt. It is going to be awesome. I saw a blog today where a lady had a side bar on her blog and it showed the progression of her quilts. She had like 6 quilt pictures and then underneath she had the percenage done. I thought it was pretty awesome. I need to figure out how she did that and add it to our blog. Well Happy "Canada" Thanksgiving and "American" Columbus day. You think that Canada would celibrate Columbus Day also, just a thought.
I think I am going to have a bake a turkey. That sounds so good. I am glad it all turned out. I am glad you got out of class early Karen. That is always nice. I have been doin laundry and ironing. I did get my ironing all caught up. That feels good. It is slow at my work. I am all caught back up. That feels good. Well not much else going on here. Dad is leaving tomorrow for SLC. Busy life. It is suppose to get really rainy tomorrow night. I think even in St. George. Not cold though. LOVE MOM
Well even though it is Columbus day I still had to go to work and to class. We did get out early so that was nice. I am glad that you had a good Thanksgiving Robin. I am sure that your dinner was awesome. My day was good, kind of slow but all in all not too bad. It is strange that you are winterizing already it is still around 75 here most days. The leaves haven't even changed color yet. Well I better go I have a chapter to read in my text book and I have to stay wake and alert thru it so I better do it before it gets too late.
Happy Thanksgiving
Well today was thanksgiving up here, Its kinda weird not having it in november. I'm conditioned for turkey, shopping, christmas story, and sleep. I'm all excited for christmas and its not for 2 months. oh well. i guess I will be off this year. it was fun though to bake a turkey and make mashed potatoes. it all worked out to. My yams were weird, I got sweet potatoes instead of sweet potato yams. there is a difference and I did not know. so i made candied potatoes. well The turkey has set in and I'm sleepy. have a great one
love ya
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Nice Sunday
We slept in until 11:00. It felt so nice. Went to church came home had a great time with Casey and Rachel. They helped us put the hoses away. Then we vegged downstairs. I love sundays like that. I am glad everyone had a good weekend. I wish I had one more day. This week is a quiet week for me so that is good. I am going to dinner with library Linda, on tuesday she went on a two week cruise and I want tohear about it. We will sew this week also. That will be nice.
Have a great day.
Have a great day.
The weekend
We had a good weekend. We winterized clifton on Sautrday, we drained all the pipes and put away the hoses. I helped Helen put away her tarps for the garnden. It has been cold up here so we got the goats a dog house. It will keep them warmer when they sleep. Here is a picture.

Here is a picture of out awesome pumkins also. It is exciting.

We also went to the dump to drop off the old siding for our room, and we were able to go to a new quilt store in Preston and it is awesome. I bought a new quilt and a rotating quilt mat. I am so excited.
Church was good today, the kids were good in nusrey and that was good. Then we took a nap and went to Mom and Dads. We took their new car on a test drive and it is agreat car. I am excited for them. We played Katan and Dad won but I was really close. We started planning the Canada Trip. It will be really fun. We also picked up the Sundance for Casey to drive. It is realy nice and it will be great to get him back and forth. Thank you. I am glad that everyone is doing good.
Here is a picture of out awesome pumkins also. It is exciting.
We also went to the dump to drop off the old siding for our room, and we were able to go to a new quilt store in Preston and it is awesome. I bought a new quilt and a rotating quilt mat. I am so excited.
Church was good today, the kids were good in nusrey and that was good. Then we took a nap and went to Mom and Dads. We took their new car on a test drive and it is agreat car. I am excited for them. We played Katan and Dad won but I was really close. We started planning the Canada Trip. It will be really fun. We also picked up the Sundance for Casey to drive. It is realy nice and it will be great to get him back and forth. Thank you. I am glad that everyone is doing good.
Well today was nice. nothing too exciting. IT was fast Sunday so I had to sit thru testimony meeting. It never fails to amaze me that you can sit there in silence for most of the meeting and then in the last 5 minutes ten people jump up to speak, making you get out late. I just think that people should plan better or maybe I just need a better attitude, you never know. Well I am finished with my school work so for at least on day I am all caught up. Don't worry though tomorrow I will be behind again. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE
Well today was pretty chill. I went to church. There is an old lady there that is really sweet and I asked her to be my model for my photo shoot and she is so excited. I am doing the grim fairy tales so I want to do the witch from hansel and gretel and make it look like she has burns on her face from being pushed in the oven. I am excited. Well I'm excited for everyone to come up in December. I will look up some things that are going on. Well have a great night
love ya
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...