Saturday, October 26, 2019

Safe and Sound

We went and saw Leona and she was looking good.  She wanted to get out so we took her to lunch and Walmart.  The kids were really cute and we had a fun time.  We got home and went to paradise buffet.  That place it busy.  Anderson clan made it home safe and sound.  Karen, I am glad you took your gun to a gunsmith.  Robin, I hope you had a really nice Saturday.  LOVE MOM

Better late than never

Rachel made it down safe and sound and we had a nice evening.  The kids were asleep and I didn't want to wake them up so I decided to blog this morning.  I love that turtle shell  That is amazing.  I am glad the groceries worked out.  We just woke up and will take off soon.  Wish us luck.  LOVE MOM

Friday, October 25, 2019


Pick up from Walmart is amazing Rachel first told me about it and it's changed my life. I love living in technology days. I got my jury duty check. 67 dollars, whaoo. I might save it for black Friday.....we will see how good I am lol. I finished my turtle shell. I was excited I just have to add straps. Good luck with Casey's grandma. 


I am glad that the weekend is here. My day was good. Friday afternoons drag a bit but I made it thru. Last night I decided I needed to go grocery shopping, but I really didn't actually want to go shopping. So I decided to do as Robin does and use curbside pick up. So, I got on to Walmart's curbside delivery. So I after work I went and picked them up. I agree with Robin it is super nice. I may do that from now on. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Today was good. Work is busy like always. I guess we are moving to a different side of the building so everyone is freaking out. It's whatever. I might only have to share an office with one other person so that will be nice. I made a meatloaf today it tasted ok for my first time. Then I worked on my turtle shell I forgot to take pictures. Jeramy is feeling better and he has all next week off to relax. He had to burn time. 

I did it

I made it to Friday.  That is good.  Work was good.  It went by fast so that is good.  We went grocery shopping after work so we are set for this weekend.  I am glad we are going down to see Leona.  I think Casey needs to do that.  Not much else to report.  Dad has fixed the printer and it seems to be working good.  Robin I hope that Jeramy is feeling better.  Rachel Oliver's eye still looks pretty bruised.  Karen, I am glad you got all your school work done.  Drive safe LOVE MOM


I really wanted today to be Friday when I got up, but alas it was only Thursday. Still better than a Monday though. Things are going good here. It was super cold today though. Work is crusin along. Tomorrow is the end of the shipping month, so there is always a big rush. They usually bring doughnuts though so that will be good. It was a busy week for school work, but I got everything done I needed to. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Today was good.  We took it easy this morning which was nice.  My visiting teachers came over and the kids drew pictures for them which was cute.  We went to the bank and got the insurance check signed and then met Casey for lunch so he could sign it also.  I dropped the kids off at school and then I was able to deposit it.  Me and Ruth played barbies and it is so relaxing, we had a fun time doing that.  We walked to get the boys and Oliver was sad because I said he had to stay where I could see him.  He cried the whole way home.  We had a fun time playing after school and it was nice to have some down time.  Casey worked late and I took the kids to pack meeting.  Isaac got the Bobcat badge which is exciting.  Oliver and Ruth were bored and were walking the halls the whole time.  We are headed down tomorrow night.  Thanks for going to see Leona Mom and Dad.  We can make it a good trip.


Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Today was good.  Work wasn't too bad for me having a day off so that was good.  We had a birthday party for two of my bosses that are turning 40.  I seemed old.  It was funny to watch.  I bet Jeramy fell because he is off balance with his ankle.  You tend to favor the sore spot and it throws your balance off.  I hope he didn't get hurt.  Rachel, That dress looks so cute on Ruth.  Karen you are really busy with your school.  That is a lot of work.  You are amazing.  Well everyone enjoy tomorrow.  We did go to Loews tonight and get a brush for the printer. Love you guys  MOM


Today was better at work. I'm coming up for air a bit. Jeramy was on a pallet and fell on his back. So we just took it easy tonight. We might need bubble wrap soon. Lol. I'm glad the feild trip was fun. 


Well we made it half way thru the week. I am so ready for it to be the weekend. The ammo placed called and said they would pay for my gun repair, so that is nice. I just worked on school stuff after work. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye


Today was good.  I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  Their was a sub so it wasn't as good.  Ruthie wore her princess dress and she looked cute.  Ruthie and me volunteered in Oliver's class today and that was fun.  We had four more people volunteer to help in Oliver's class so I sent out a new email and opened it up and only one person said she would do a game.  So me and Mom will probably still do a craft.  It is funny.  Isaac had a friend Max come over and play.  They played on the trampoline the whole time and had fun.  Casey came home to eat dinner and then finished up working at home.  It is nice he can do that.  Love you guys.


Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Home again

I had a really nice day.  The field trip was fun and we got Halloween all organized.  Time always goes way to fast for me when I am with the kids.  Robin you are so funny.  I think that was so funny.  Well get a popcorn popper and you will always be able to make a fire  :).  Karen I am glad your school is going well.  Meetings takes so much time out of life.  Tomorrow two of my bosses are turning 40.  I bought some fun signs and we are having a lunch for them.  They let the kids feed the baby cows and Oliver loved every minute of that.  They got to shake butter milk and make butter.  They gave them bread and butter and string cheese for a prize.  I thought that was really nice of them.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


We had a fun day with Grandma and it is hard to have her go back home.  We got everything we need for the class parties done so that is really nice.  We went to Lee's when she got here and ordered the cookies for Oliver's party.  She went on the field trip and they had a fun time.  They went to a dairy farm and Oliver got to make butter and feed a baby cow.  While they were gone I went to the dentist and had my teeth cleaned.  I picked up Ruth and Mom was done at the same time.  Oliver wanted to stay at school so we went shopping which was fun.  We picked up the boys and got some cookies for a snack.  We had dinner at the Olive Garden and it tasted really good.  The kids even ate which is always nice.  Thank you so much Mom.  It feels good to get so much done.  Love you guys.



Today was better. Work was work. Traffic was so bad in the way home it took me forever to get home. I finally got home and made steaks. We watched naked and afraid and the girl was saying the man wasn't alpha because he couldn't start a fire. Jeramy was worried about being alpha now. He said he can't start a fire but I was pro.all I need is a bag of popcorn and blamo instant fire :/ he might have another bruise ankle soon ha ha ha just kidding. I need to buy a new popcorn maker and redeem my good name. Hope your feild trip is fun mom.



I hope that you had a fun time at the field trip mom. My day was pretty good. It was Tuesday today so I spent all morning in meetings then after lunch I got caught up on all the things I missed while in the meetings. Then I came home and did home work. I almost have everything done for the week. I should be able to finish to off tomorrow. So wish me luck on that. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. BYE

Monday, October 21, 2019


I had a fun time also. I was tired today. My neck was still sore so everytime I moved during the night I woke up. It feels better now though. Work went good. Just the usual for a Monday. Have fun at the field trip tomorrow mom. Bye

Fum weekend

I sure had a fun weekend.  Thank you everyone.  It was fun to hang out.  I had payroll Monday and went to work early.  I was wiped out also all day.  I kept falling asleep.  It was crazy.  I am leaving in the morning to go to Logan for Oliver's field trip.  I am excited.  I was really caught up when I left this afternoon so it shouldn't be too bad when I get back on Wednesday.  I hope Jeramy's ankle survived Lagoon.  That was amazing we never stood in line.  I could get spoiled with no lines.  Dad said it was the best.  Well Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Today was definitely Monday. Everything just kept going wrong. It was a long day.  Glad it's almost over. I came home and cleaned. Jeramy had to work late so he didn't get home till 7. Thanks again for the fun time at lagoon. Love you guys 



Thanks for the fun weekend, you guys are the best.  We were wiped out today.  We went to exercise class and that was good.  We picked up a pizza for lunch.  I ran errands while the kids were at school.  It goes a lot faster with just me.  My hundred miler shirt was ready to be picked up so I got that which was fun.  We walked to picked up the boys and it was a pretty day.  I took off my coat on the way back.  Imogene came over and played for a while.  Casey worked late so we just had pasta for dinner.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom.  We are excited to see you.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...