Rachel I am so glad you had a good day. You were busy. We had a big busy day also. Me and Karen went to Costco to get some food for Christmas. I went straight in and out. We did it in 20 minutes. We met Robin at the wood store. They were kind of pricey so we went home depot and habor freight. She found what she wanted at habor freight. We let her play with her birthday present. I am getting it excited to play. I am glad you got to talk with Casey. He will be home soon. Robin I hope your saw is what you wanted. Love mom
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Sorry I didn't blog last night. Friday was good. The classes on Friday are easier. I took Ruth and Oliver shopping for Christmas and we had a lot of fun. I took Oliver after school and Ruth while Isaac was at practice. Isaac had chamber music practice. We are watching Oliver the cat so we went over last night and fed him. I fed him this morning and then made it to exercise class. It was so nice to go. We made some cat toys and the kids had fun playing with the cat. We mailed some packages and the post office was crazy busy. We went grocery shopping also. We took Tony on a walk to the park and the canal had ice and the kids had fun playing on it. I took Isaac shopping and we found some.great things and had a fun time. Ruth did well at her tumbling show off day. She got the award for most fearless. I didn't understand what they were wearing so I had to run home and get some black pants. Ruth was sad because she missed the first of warming up. Randy, Teri, Ivy and Lily came. The kids had fun playing together. We were able to talk with Casey for a while after the match which was nice. We are excited for him to come home.
Love Rachel
Friday, December 15, 2023
Well I worked my last full week of work. Kind of feels really weird. I came home and Karen had left work early because her pump needed some work. We went out to dinner and then went to winco for candy to decorate the cookies for the school parties. Dad went to seer technology today. We are going to make make candy bags tomorrow. We aren't going to Logan tomorrow. Tell Ruth we.love her. Love mom
Thursday, December 14, 2023
The kids are school were all really energetic and it was a longer day. One sweet boy gave me a nice note and some cookies for Christmas. After school I walked Tony the long way to pick up Oliver which was good. We video called Casey for a bit but we had to leave. We had to meet with Andy so he could go over what he needed done with the cat and then the little kids had piano lessons. We went to the mall and got their picture with Santa. That is fun about the shopping spree Robin and congratulations on your raise.
Love Rachel
It was.the Christmas dinner and I volunteered a lot. It took most of my day. It made the day go fast. Traffic was slow coming home. I went to target with Karen. I figure if she has a cold we aren't far off. I hope all is going well in Australia. Hope Luna is doing ok. Have a nice Friday. Love mom
I think I have a cold. I had a runny nose all day and felt kinda crappy. I made it through work though so yeah for me. After work I went to target and got cough medicine. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Work is going good. I am having a hard time focusing. I think I am not doing much. I am getting rid of stuff. I left a little early and pick up dad and we met the gumm gang at jordan landing. We went to black bear diner. It tasted good. We came home and finished the escape game. That is going to be fun. I am glad tomorrow is Thursday. IT is the holiday dinner tomorrow. I think I am working the whole time. Might be a long time. I hope I get easy jobs serving. I hope Luna gets feeling better. Love mom
Today was good. Isaac said he had a student bus driver today and he was 15 minutes late picking him up. His friend never got picked and he had to get a ride to school. Isaac had a dentist appointment to get sealants on his teeth. We had a fun time driving out there and it was really fun. Oliver really wanted to go to after school so he walked home which was good. Oliver had activity days and they made these really cute wooden snowmen. Isaac had young men's and they went to tour the Smithfield temple. He said they have a visitor center they went to. Andy next door is going to be gone and he wanted us to watch his cat so he came over to talk about the dates and what to do. It was good to talk with him.
Love Rachel
Well things are going good here. It does feel like it should be later in the week than it is, but what can you do. At least the week is half over. Work is just the usual. It does look like we are going to hit our sales goal so yeah I might get a bonus. Other than that it was quiet here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Today was good. I have a lot of prep time and then my classes were all good. Ruth had tumbling practice and she had fun. Isaac helped me make dinner and he walked Tony which was really nice.
Love Rachel
I couldn't sleep last night. My legs were twitching. I made it to work and came home. I made beef stew for dinner and it tasted so good. I feel sound asleep watching TV. Not much else going on with me. Love mom
Monday, December 11, 2023
I looked at the calendar and this was my last Monday at work. Crazy I know. It make me nervous. It was busy but I did clean out my desk a little bit and took stuff home. I thought it would help me get ready to leave. I was going to make beef stew but ran out of time cutting up stuff. So I came home and chopped everything up I will throw it in the crock pot in the morning. Robin that is a big raise. That will help. Yeah. Dad is doing really well. That is so nice. I hope Luna is OK. Love mom
Today was good and I have the day off. I sewed this morning and got a lot of Christmas sewing done. I took Tony on a long walk which was nice and then folded laundry. Oliver skipped after school and Isaac didn't have violin lessons so we went sledding until it was dark. Ruth is the super star this week and has to make a poster so we went and picked up the pictures we printed for it. Casey is doing well and is on a plane for Perth right now. I attached some pictures he sent us.
Love Rachel
My day was good. Although Mondays always seem like extra long days. Work was a little boring because I was reading specifications and those are just dull. Then I came home and just veged the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Rachel I am glad you had a nice day. We had a good day also. We went to winco to get tasty turkey sandwiches for the bagels and then came home and had lunch. We worked on the escape room all afternoon. We had a fun time. It needs a little more work but is coming along. We did go get milkshakes at Handel and they were just OK. It is my last full week as a working person. IT feels so weird. I hope I am doing g the right thing. It us kind of scary. Robin I hope you had a good day also. Love mom
Today was good. I ordered the calendars for Christmas this morning which was nice to get done. We went to church which went good. We went to the park afterwards and I walked Tony around and the kids went sledding. They loved it and Oliver got really good at the snowboard. Then we went to Randy's house for dinner. I took the kids to a stake music devotional which was fun. Everyone played beautiful. Casey is doing good. He got some sleep last night which made him feel better. He walked 30,000 steps and that made him sore. Thanks for texting the Moms about the class party Mom.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...