Saturday, August 25, 2018


You had a busy day Mom, good job.  That is interesting news, thanks for letting us know.  We had a good day also.  Casey, Isaac and Randy floated down part of the Bear River today.  They had a really fun time.  Oliver wasn't feeling great so we stayed home with Ruth and just played.  It was nice a morning also just to go slow.  The boys got back around 3 and then we picked up Leona.  The neighbor had a bunch of trees cut down and said that we could take some wood to Calleen.  So Casey load up the trailer with wood and took the kids and Leona to Clifton.  They had a fun time their also.  I stayed home and sewed, it was a really fun time.  I am caught up on my block of the month and I made a bag.  I love it.  Love you guys and have a good Sunday.



Today turned out to be a big busy day.  I slept in and then we went down and saw Grandma.  She wanted Chinese food so we stopped and got some and then  watched a movie with her.  It was fun.  The triplets are walking around.  At least the girls are.  We left there and got a wedding card and headed to the wedding.  It was decorated nice they were half an hour late on the wedding but it was nice and then they had dinner.  It tasted really good.  They then announced she was 14 weeks pregnant but we already knew that.  Chaz was there and the insurance has denied his surgery.  So they aren't sure they are going to have the dinner on Saturday.  We will see how it goes.  It did kind of upset me though because Chaz was vaping.  I am not sure how I feel about that one.  James had his tonsils out and a growth in his throat.  He was just starting to feel better.  Well that is all my gossip.  Jeff drew sunflowers on the fence by the wedding and it was so pretty.  Dave called and said he thought he was having a heart attach so we said why didn't come over and we would watch him for a little while.  I think it was just heartburn.  They increased his thyroid medicine and I think he is having side effects.  We will see if he ends up in the ER.  I gave him my Prilosec.  Have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM


My day was good. I slept in, then i went grocery shopping. Then I went for a walk because I felt like stretching my legs. So i walked dowh to chervon and back. I should have mowed my lawn, but a walk sounded funnier. Then i cooked dinner and was lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, August 24, 2018


Work went well it was bust but over so I'm excited to have 2 days off. I dropped off the guitar and they liked it. Then on my way home I decided to stop at.fye. i bought 3 movies all musicals lol it will be a good weekend. I hope everyone had a nice Saturday



Do you realize this is the last weekend in August.  That is kind of weird.  This month has flown by.  I am so glad it is the weekend.  Oliver didn't look like he felt very good last night.  I hope he doesn't get really sick.  Poor kid.  Not much going on with us.  I hope the wedding is OK?  Robin did they like the guitar?  I thought it was really cool.  Have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  This week flew by.  Oliver wasn't feeling very good this afternoon so we didn't do much.  This morning we did go to story time and that was nice.  We didn't go all summer because Isaac didn't want to.  After school Isaac went over to his friend Collins house till dinner time.  It was good for them to be back together.  Imogen came and played with him after he got home so he is Mr social butterfly.  Casey made bread tonight which is good.  He hasn't done it in a while.  I hope that everyone has a good Saturday.  I hope that they wedding is fun Mom and Dad.  Love you guys.  I didn't take any pictures today.


Yeah for Friday

I am glad that today is Friday.  Things are going good here. Work went by pretty quick for a Friday. At work they are getting close to pouring the asphalt. Which will be nice because it will make more parking. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Love it

Robin, I love that guitar.  I am sure Hayden will love it.  Work was busy today but not so crazy so that was good.  I was so tired all day.  I am glad tomorrow is Friday.  I found some different Valerian root and I think it is stronger.  I am just going to take one tonight and see if I am not so tired tomorrow.  I loved Marco Polo.  I am so glad I heard the buzz on my phone.  Oliver looked like he has a bad cold.  I hope he is OK.  I think we will just wait until next weekend to work on the jeep.  If Casey wants to work on it at his house.  He could drive it home with him.  Not much else going on with us.  This week has gone by so fast.  LOVE MOM

Just a few more hours

I'm glad tomorrow is friday. I finished the guitar for Angela. She wanted a day of the dead guitar like coco. It turned out ok. Hope everyone had a good night



Thanks for talking with the kids, they had fun.  Isaac is loving school and thinks it is the best, I am so glad.  We walked to the park this morning and it was fun.  The kids had a fun time and it was good to get out.  Yesterday we watched Tangled and Ruthie so upset that they cut her hair at the end.  She kept talking about it today, it was funny.  After dinner as you heard they made grape juice from the grapes.  It even tasted good.  Then we played hide and seek, it was a lot of fun.  Love you guys.



My day was good. Work is just the usual. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, August 22, 2018


Today was good nothing wild. We went to Francescos for lunch it took forever but we made it out alive. I was so tired so I took a nap it rained so hard and woke me up so I painted some.more of the guitar. Hopefully I will finish tomorrow. Maybe for labor day we could hike timpangos cave?


Big busy day

It was a big busy day for me as well.  I stayed a little after work and worked on my project.  I am just about done with everything that I need to have for next class.  I just love those pictures Rachel.  Oliver doesn't look that happy for the 1st day of school.  I love the way Ruth lays out her Barbie dolls.  Way to Karen on your pump.  You are so good.  It will be here before you know it.  Robin, I just love you sayings.  The chocolate one made me laugh and laugh.  Not much else going on with us.  I am tired.  I hope I sleep good tonight.  Does anyone have something fun they want to do on Labor Day weekend?  I am going to check on the drag races and Karen thought it would be fun to hike around Mirror Lake.  We haven't done that yet this year.  Robin do you have any ideas.  I am going to research what is going on.  LOVE MOM

First Day

Good job on the paper work Karen, I am excited for you.  Isaac had a great day at school and is excited to go back tomorrow.  We walked him into his class and I knew a lot of the kids and his teacher seemed nice.  After we dropped him off I went to the exercise class a little late.  Stephanie kids were sick so she wasn't their and I had a hard time figuring out all the moves.  We didn't do much the rest of the day just played and read books.  It was raining most of the day but cleared up when school was over so we rode bikes and brought Isaac's so he could ride home.  It was hot but it was nice.  I hope that everyone has a good day.


Filled out

My day was good. It felt like it should be Friday, but at least it wasn't Monday. Work was busy so it went pretty quick. Then I called the medical device place and got the paper work filled out for the pump, so my I just have to waut for them to process it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Bye summer

Today was nice nothing to crazy. I love your quilt rachel it's very pretty. I like the colors a lot. I'm glad the pump went well for Karen and it was fun to meet up for dinner. I got a guitar from Angela she wants a day of the dead painted on it like coco. I did a bit of painting but burned out and rested the rest of the night. Have a good Wednesday and first day of school.


Thank you Karen for letting us come to your evaluation.  I feel really good about it.  It was nice to hook up with Robin for dinner.  I have lunch for tomorrow as well.  Isaac was so cute on the phone.  He is getting his normal life back.  He was so excited.  Rachel, that is a fair quilt for sure.  That is amazing.  You are so gifted.  I love it.  Work is crazy busy.  I am going to stay a little late tomorrow and work on things.  I am getting behind.  Good luck Robin with the guitar.  You will do an amazing job.  It didn't rain here but it looked like it might.  I wish it would have poured rain.  LOVE MOM

Last Day of Summer

Today was a bittersweet day.  It is hard to go back to school for me.  Isaac seems excited to go back but not excited to do all the work I think.  This morning we just played and I put the binding on my quilt so I am done.  I love the quilt and wish that I could free-motion quilt it better.  We went grocery shopping and then after lunch we went swimming.  The swimming pool didn't open until 3 so we went to a splash pad and played until it opened then we went to the aquatic center.  We had a fun time swimming and it wasn't very crowded which was nice.  Oliver fell asleep in the car and is still out.  After dinner Casey took Isaac and Ruthie to pick up Leona and take her to the DI to drop off her old pants.  They brought her over and  she visited for a while.  I am glad that you pump is moving forward Karen.  I am excited for you.


Ruthie took her barbies camping.  She made them food and then laid them out, it was


My day was good. I had meetings all morning so that went pretty quick. Then i met up with mom and dad and went to the pump evaluation. It went good now I have to call my insurance and get stuff going on my end. We met Robin for dinner. Then I came home. It poured rain here for a while. It was pretty impressive. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, August 20, 2018


Today was good. I didn't miss much on friday so it was nice to get caught up and work on projects. That is awesome Casey got a raise. I hope on your evaluation goes well Karen. I'm glad the zoo was fun, it was cooler today so that was nice. I didn't do much tonight so it was a chill night. Love you



Tonight was the zoo late night so we took Jared's family to the zoo.  He works with dad and has 3 little kids.  It was a lot of fun and the big cats were up and walking around.  There was a leopard with a baby and they were jumping and playing it was so cute.  The tiger even was in the water.  At the end the male lions were up and moving around.  It was pouring rain when we got there but it only lasted like one minute and then it was so nice and cool all night.  The baby elephant was taking a bath.  Thanks Robin.  I had a ton of emails also.  It was a really busy day for me.  I think I will sleep good tonight.  Rachel that is cool that Casey got a raise.  That will be nice.  We are going to meet up with Karen tomorrow for her pump evaluation.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


My day was good as well. I had to catch up on my emails this morning since i took time off Friday. I did get them all done so that was nice. It also rained a bit this morning and it has been thundering here tonight so hopefully more rain is on the way. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


We got all the kids to bed on time tonight so I am first to blog.  Today was good.  I exercised this morning and it was hard but it felt good.   We ran to the bank afterwards and dropped off the purchase contact.  The lady wasn't their but the made a copy.  We took Leona to Kohls and got her some pants.  It wore her out but we got her two new pairs.  She loves the ones Mom got this weekend.  After lunch Ruthie was so grumpy I put her in her room and she fell asleep and slept all afternoon.  I cleaned the house and did laundry.  Casey got a raise today which is fun.  They give the whole company a cost of living raise in September.  It was a nice and cool evening and we just played in the backyard.  Me and Isaac rode our bikes around the block to get ready for riding to school.  Everyone have a good night.


Sunday, August 19, 2018


Good job on the blanket Robin, that is awesome.  Thank you guys again for the fun weekend.  You are the best.  I was going to go to sacrament meeting this morning but it was too early so we just went to our classes.  Ruth wouldn't go to her class, she cried and cried.  So she came with me and Oliver.  The internet wasn't working and I couldn't get it to work.  We were going to have a my little pony marathon since it is coming off of netflixs.  So Casey came home around 2 and the router wouldn't work so we went to best buy and got a new one.  On the way home we saw Calleen and Allen driving past us.  We had missed them so they went and picked up Leona and came up and visited for a while.  Leona loved the pants and we are going tomorrow to get some more.  After dinner we were able to watched 2 my little ponies so tomorrow afternoon we are going to try a marathon again.  Thanks again for the fun time, love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...