Thursday, May 7, 2015

Let it go

Today was good nothing to crazy. A girl at work wanted to go to lunch so we went to Arby's it tasted really good. I am really glad it's friday tomorrow. I had to work scheels tonight so it's a chill day.... so rachel I have sucky timing but I got Isaac and Oliver a toy and had it mailed to your house. It will show up tomorrow. I forgot about the quilt show when I ordered it. It's not a big deal but I though I would give you a heads up so if Casey was around he didn't think the package was random. Lol . Well have a good night


My day has been good. I am ready for it to the weekend though. It was raining again after work so I couldn't mow again. I did take half day off tomorrow. But it is the monthly luncheon and they are having a mandatory ethics training during it, so I am going to leave right after that. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Image result for boring meeting jokes

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Love it

I love your comforter Robin that is really nice and I am glad you had a fun vacation Rachel.  Karen good luck with your luncheon on Friday.  Robin, I am not sure about lunch on Friday but for sure lets do dinner.  We would love it if Walter can come but we will play either way.  I am excited to play on Saturday and go to the quilt show.  Everyone be safe in the rain.  It rained all evening and all afternoon.  It was nice.  They tried to talk me into staying at scouts but I told them we are done and they need to find someone else.  It was hard.  Not much else going on with me.  Dad got me a new shirt and I have 10 dollars in Kohls cash that is burning a hole in my pocket.  I think we need to go there and spend it :)  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM

The old man was snoring

Today was good work went by fast. I got my comforter. I was excited. I think it needs so orange though maybe a pillow or a picture. I don't work on Friday night so we can play. Walter said he might be able to go to dinner but he will have to see how the day goes. I can take a long lunch from maggie if you want to go out Friday for lunch. Valley fair mall is really close. But whatever works best. I also went out with walter to the dragon diner for dinner. It was good. It's super raining now so I might go use my new comforter. I'm glad you had fun on your anniversary rachel!


We are back

We made it back.  We had a good time and it was nice to go away.  It mostly revolved around trains and swimming.  Isaac and Oliver loved the hotel and Isaac called it his new home.  We went swimming in Lava on Monday and then went and swam at the pool.  It was fun.  We were finding a park and saw some trains so we walked around them for a while.  We went back to Lava on Tuesday and went to the splash park.  It was really nice and fun.  Oliver was tired so him and Casey didn't swim for long.  We went back and went to the zoo which was fun, I like it their.  Across the street their was a diesel train that was shunting cars and we watched that for a long time.  Then we got panda and ate it up at the University because Oliver was asleep but it was too windy to eat outside.  We decided to drive to Ogden today and got to the train museum since their is nothing train related in Pocatello.  Isaac loved it and didn't want to leave.  It was a fun time and it is hard to come back home.  We are excited to come down tomorrow and I am super excited for the quilt show.


I didn't get any pictures of the kids swimming but they looked cute.

Casey caught a snake while he was waiting for us to finish swimming

The white golf cart that Isaac loved, Oliver loves also.

They have a new train table in Odgen


Robin that's funny that you got paper towels and toilet paper at Costco. I went there with grandma and mom on Sunday and got that also. I shouldn't have to buy toilet paper for a year now. My day was good. I went to the grocery store after work and got chips and stuff for the luncheon on Friday. Then I was going to mow but it was raining so no go there. It really needs to be done soon though. Maybe tomorrow. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Robin, I thought you were showing us your new comforter you got with you tax return.  I didn't even notice the hula hoop.  That is funny.  It is pouring rain here right now.  I am tired also and I didn't do 1/2 of what Robin did today.  My headache was a lot better today.  That was good.  I am excited for this weekend.  Rachel is coming down on Thursday night and then Karen is coming down on Friday afternoon.  Robin, I wasn't sure what your schedule is but if you want to hook up anytime let me know.  I know for sure we are goofing around all day on Saturday.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM

Move it to friday

Today was good. A girl came in and said it was weird we celebrated star wars day and not Cinco DE mayo. So friday we are going to celebrate and everyone is bringing chip dip to snack on. I went to costco and bought some toilet paper paper towels and garbage bags. It was pricey but I'm saving money in the long run. I also bought some steaks. Walter said it sounded good so he came over and had some dinner. I also went to the gym again. I am tired. I am going to head for bed early. Have a good night


and the week moves on

Well the week is moving on. I really need to mow my lawn, but it is raining so I have a good excuse to put it off. Work is good. It was a quiet day though. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 4, 2015

Out of the loop

Where are you going rachel. I'm out of the loop.. I hope you guys have a fun anniversary. Work was good it was may the 4th so we had a mini party. They brought in bar BBQ chips. I think I ate the whole bag. Since working at maggie I've gained so much weight. So I went to the gym. Hopefully I can keep it up. Then I went cloths shopping. I haven't has an update in cloths In a long time. I am so tired. I am just relaxing and watching nextflix.


Busy Month

Star Wars day today and tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo.  It is a busy Month.  I am so excited to play this weekend as well.  We are going to have a fun time.  Rachel got off today for her anniversary trip.  Not much else going on with me.  I had a bad headache today.  I was late for work but I stayed and made up the hours.  I was a good girl.  I hope that headache gets feeling better soon.  Karen I found some round Tupperware.  I bought some for you.  LOV EMOM


Well my day was good. Although Mondays do seem to drag. It rained here this afternoon. I hope it keeps raining because then I don't have to water my lawn. Work is going good. I am excited to play this weekend. I hope everyone had a great day.

Image result for may the fourth be with you

Sunday, May 3, 2015

I'm out

We are leaving tomorrow so I wont blog until Wednesday when we get back.  We are all excited and it should be a lot of fun.  Today was good, we were pretty lazy this morning which was nice.  I gave Oliver a nap and we skipped sacrament meeting.  I had to teach today and it went pretty good.  They kids wanted to go outside and that was nice to do.  I finished a bag last night and it turned out cute.  It was kind of plain so I put a fabric flower on it and I like it.  It is a huge bag.  I took it to church today.  Well have a good week and I am super excited for the quilt show.



I had a fun weekend. Thanks mom and dad for coming up and hanging out. I am glad everyone got their tax returns. I hope everyone has a great week.


I did get my tax return, I was way excited, I need some new cloths so bad. I might go shopping tomorrow. The baptism went well. It was more play pass the baby then anything. But he was excited to be all grown up. Sorry I forgot to blog I was so tired I took a nap that mushed into bed time. I worked at scheels today. I gave them the shirt I did a test embroidery on. It will be a paid thing if they like it, I'm excited for the quilt show. I have the whole day off so i am ready to party. Tomorrow is May the 4th so my place is going to watch Star Wars and have treats. It should be fun. Have a good night


Home again

We made it home again.  It was nice to be in Kamas.  Thanks Karen.  We did roundup this morning and then and went Grandma Bodily and took her to lunch.  My taxes came so we are going to have fun at the quilt show.  Have a really fun trip Rachel.  Robin I hope your taxes have come also and the baptism went well.  I did get a long nap today.   I hope you got some sleep Rachel.  Every one have a nice week.  Happy anniversary week.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...