Saturday, August 17, 2013

In Kamas

I made it to Kamas it was kind of a scenic drive through Evanston but I made it.  It is kind of stormy here so I hope the ball goes good.  I am staying the night and then I will come back to Salt lake City.  I would love for you and Walter to come to the party.  I have a present, I was just going to put everyone's name on it.  We could go to dinner afterwards if you would like to.  I have had a really fun weekend.  Isaac was so cute at the movies.  He thought that was really a great time.  LOVE MOM

Friday, August 16, 2013

re design

I made it through it today. I had to work at 5 am and it was a busy. but I am glad its friday and its over for 2 days. I came home and I had laundry that was pilling up but for some reason I was so stressed about everything. so I took a little nap. when I woke up I did laundry then I did a robin bomb. I completely moved all my furniture around my apartment. so that is nice to have a "new" lay out. Tomorrow I think I am going to meet up with walter and go to a farmers market. I haven't gone to one this year yet so that will be fun. MOM i can go to the party on sunday. Walter said he can go to, if that is ok. well have a fun kingdom ball karen. hope its super fun. hope logan was fun for every one love ya robin

it's fixed

Sorry I didn't blog last night, but my internet broke again. It is fixed now though. There was a bad wire in the box outside. It is running a lot better now. My day was good. There was no power here from about 650 to 810. I called and they told me it was going to be out until 1130 so I was surprised when it came back on. Well I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, August 15, 2013

bean sprout

today was good we all went out for dinner then after me and walter looked at some cars. it was fun to be on the viewing side and not the buying side. congrats on the doctors appointment rachel it looks like a bean. its so tiny. well have a great friday robin

Good Times

Thanks for the picture of the fire Robin, that is so cool.  I am sorry about your class, that sounds really frustrating.  I am glad that everyone had a good time at dinner.  I am glad that you were all able to get together, that is fun. The doctor appointment went well today and everything looks good.  For Mom I have attached the pictures.  We went on a walk this evening and it was nice.  It was a nice evening.  We are excited to have Mom come up.  We are going to see the new planes movie.  It should be fun.


March Madness

Rachel, I am so happy that everything went well at the doctors.  YEAH.  We had a nice dinner tonight and thanks for visiting.  It was nice.  Work was busy but tomorrow I get to go play with Rachel, Casey and Isaac so I am doing good.  Saturday I get to go to the kingdom ball and play it is going to be a nice weekend.  Have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

facebook picture of fire

some on from dugway posted this pic of the fire i thought it was cool but its super crazy how big it is..... glad we don't live there

just relax

sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I came home from work and was tired and took a nap and that was about all I remember. Then today work was ok. They are doing this whole story of a guy cutting a tree with a dull axe and that we need to think about how to make our jobs more effective. by 'sharping our axes" you would say. so I told my manager we need less " micro managing' and more people doing effective work. so ya the next couple day are going to be self inflicted rough days. but some things need to be said. so if I'm fired friday don't be surprised... then I was going to take a pottery class from group on. so I thought it was a building that said pottery in sugar house. and when i walked in this big dog kept barking at me and it took the owner 5 minutes to come get him. I was in the wrong place. then I found the right place and the teacher wasn't there that day it was a sub teacher and they said I had to buy 20 dollars of clay, and I missed the first week. so I was over whelmed so I said I will see about taking it another time. SO I went home and watched murder mysteries and drew a picture from my creature book I just bought. its been a day for sure.... but it ended ok so I guess it does all work out... well have a great thursday and i am on for dinner robin

It worked out for me also

We have new tires on the jeep and new seals on the back.  We are ready for another 60,000, I hope.  They don't look as rugged as the last tires but they are suppose to be really good. So we are ready to go.  I got some ironing done tonight and took the costumes out of the bags.  They are really cute.  I am so glad the social turned out Rachel and that Isaac liked being with Randy.  That is nice to get a break.  Good luck at the doctors tomorrow.  I am so excited that you get to see the picture of our new grandbaby.  Not much else to report.  Work was not as crazy today and I got some of my work done.  That felt nice.  I am excited for this weekend.  I have a booked weekend.  I love those kind.  Robin I hope all is well with you.  I am excited to go to dinner tomorrow and get all caught back up.  LOVE MOM

Everything works out

Today was good.  We had play group this morning and I gave the girl expecting her blanket and I think she liked it.  Kelly was never around so we didn't end up going out for his birthday.  Me and casey were tired after lunch so we put cars on and took a nap.  I think Isaac must of gotten some rest also because he never took a nap after that.  I had the salad so i tonight so I had Randy watch Isaac and it went really well.  Isaac had a really fun time and I had a really fun time at the social.  We both had a good evening.  I am so relieved.  I was really worried about it.  I also made a cucumber and tomato salad and it turned out pretty good.  Have fun at dinner tomorrow.  That sounds fun.  I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and Mom is coming up Friday.  It will be lots of fun.



Well my internet wasn't working when I got home. It was sad. I had to call the help line and they had to send a guy out to fix it. The modem that they gave me was bad so he hooked up a new one and now I am good. I am glad that the week is half over. Tomorrow I am going to meet mom and Robin for dinner. It should be fun. I am jealous that you are taking Friday off, mom. Well have a good one bye

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Is it Friday yet?

I think I am going to take Friday off and go see the Logan crew.  I need an Isaac hug.  I am sorry he had a bad day.  We all have them.  It was another really busy day at work.  I just run all day.  I need it to slow down a little bit but I don't think it will until they new girl can take back all of her work.  She starts on the 26th of August.  I helped someone look for jobs tonight and helped her apply for some.  Then we went to Walmart and got Karen's ribbon she needed to the ball.  It is smoky here also.  We took dad's jeep to pep boys tonight and left it over night.  They didn't have time to look at it.  They are going to look at the alignment and then they have buy 3 tires and get one free sale so we are going to buy the tires there.  It ends up being a lot cheaper than all the places I looked on line.  I wonder why I never saw those deals.  Oh well at least we are making progress on the new tires.  I love the quilts Rachel.  They are beautiful.  Robin we are for sure going to dinner on Thursday.  I think Karen is coming down to get the ribbon and then we are meeting Julie at the nursing home.  At least I think that is the plan.  She is excited to get the banners.  Thanks again for doing those.  Have a nice evening.  Rachel, I am glad you get to go see Richard.  It has been a long time since you got to visit with him.  LOVE MOM


Well there is a fire in Rockport. Houses are burning and they closed state road 32. Good thing I didn't have to drive to Logan. Other than being Smokey it hasn't affected Kamas any. My day was good. Work dragged a bit but I made it thru. Rachel I love the quilt it is very pretty. Well have a great Wednesday everyone. Bye


Good job on the garden Karen.  That is awesome.  You will have to make your famous bread, that would be really good.  Today I made fresh salsa from the cucumbers and tomatoes and it tasted really good.  We ate it all.  I have been eating BLT's all the time also.  Today was good.  Isaac had a rough time though.  We had scouts this morning and he got anxiety playing alone with the kids.  Then this evening we went to the park with kids playing and he lost it.  I think that he wasn't in the mood for playing today.  I have enrichment tomorrow and I am going to try to leave him with Randy but after today I am not sure if he is up for it.  It is Kellys birthday tomorrow so we are all going out to lunch so I am hoping that will ease him into it.  Also I keep forgetting that  Richard, Casey's brother, is going to be in Clifton next Monday.  So Casey took the day off and we are going up there for the day.  I finished binding two quilts today and I love both of them.  I attached pictures.  Everyone have a good night and don't work too hard.


Monday, August 12, 2013

Big busy day

I had a big busy day.  Work was busy and then we took the jeep to get new tires but there is only one bad tire so we think it is misaligned and Sam's doesn't do alignments so we are going to take it to discount tires.  Sam makes you buy 4 new tires if you have all wheel drive.  I thought that was a little bit odd.  We came home and then I went grocery shopping.  I also did a batch of clothes.  I am tired.  I took Nyquil last night and that stuff does work great.  I slept all night. I sure had a hard time waking back up.  I love the quilt Rachel.  That is so dang cute.  You do such an amazing job.  She is going to love that.  Did you see on facebook that BreeAnn is pregnant and due on March 9th.  I think that has to be a miracle.  Dad thinks he is leaving on Friday but I am in the wait and see mode.  He is all packed.  I am not sure whether to unpack or just leave it.  I got me and Karen's costumes for the ball on Saturday.  I hope they are nice.  I haven't taken them out of the package yet.  I guess I better do that.  Have a wonderful day.  LOVE MOM


Ta da. I got 2 zucchini. I even picked them before they were 20 pounds. It was stormy here, but more this afternoon than this evening. I went to WalMart after work and got my drugs. Exciting I know, at least they didn't have the pilot car going. My day went pretty quick in the morning but it seemed to drag in the afternoon. I hope that everyone has a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye


We had another busy day and it was hot.  I had to deliver invitations for the salad social that is Wednesday.  I went at 8 since I thought it would cooler but it was hot.  When we got home Casey got up and mowed the lawn.  Then Calleen came over and picked the rest of the apricots.  The tree looks a lot better and it is nice that she took them all so I don't have to process any more.  It was her birthday today we took her out to lunch.  They brought her a cake and candle and Isaac liked that.  During Isaac's nap I made a quilt for the girl next door who is having a girl and I love how it turned out.  I need to put the binding on but I attached a picture.  I also quilted a quilt this weekend, I was going to do a fancy pattern but I ended up just stitching in the ditch.  I need to hand sew the binding now.  This evening me and Isaac went on a walk and it was nice.  I have attached pictures of the fair this weekend and the baby quilt.  I am glad that everyone had a good time and made it home safe.  That is a lot of driving.



today was good. work went by fast so that was nice. I met up with walter and we went to firehouse subs and went to the murray park to eat. we found a gazibo to eat under because it started to rain by the end. its been crazy weather. I guess there is a fire out by dugway so lets hope the rain helps those crazy fires. have a great night robin

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Home again home again

We made it back from Boise and had a really good time.  Thanks Karen and Robin for coming.  It was a long drive and hot.  I was glad that Isaac didn't come.  It was so much driving.  Dad didn't make China this weekend.  I guess he will go something this week.  Have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...