Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Good job on the garden Karen.  That is awesome.  You will have to make your famous bread, that would be really good.  Today I made fresh salsa from the cucumbers and tomatoes and it tasted really good.  We ate it all.  I have been eating BLT's all the time also.  Today was good.  Isaac had a rough time though.  We had scouts this morning and he got anxiety playing alone with the kids.  Then this evening we went to the park with kids playing and he lost it.  I think that he wasn't in the mood for playing today.  I have enrichment tomorrow and I am going to try to leave him with Randy but after today I am not sure if he is up for it.  It is Kellys birthday tomorrow so we are all going out to lunch so I am hoping that will ease him into it.  Also I keep forgetting that  Richard, Casey's brother, is going to be in Clifton next Monday.  So Casey took the day off and we are going up there for the day.  I finished binding two quilts today and I love both of them.  I attached pictures.  Everyone have a good night and don't work too hard.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...