Saturday, April 23, 2011
I forgot to tell you Rachel but dad said he left the modem in the sewing room for you. I wil double check in our boxes but I think it should be in that room.
Nice day also
I am glad you went to the art festival Karen. I would love to go next year. That would be fun. They wedding was really nice. We stayed until the end. In between the luncheon and reception we got to go to Cabela's and I got me two new pairs of shoes. There shoes are so nice and they are really cheap. I love them. I got my usual ones I have been wearing and then a really nice pair of brown shoes. Rachel, I am glad you got to go look at cars. It sounds like you have some nice choices. I was afraid Isaac would have a bad night. He probably slept all the way home and then wasn't tired. I did get to see Anya and all I can say is Isaac is way cuter. I am not prejudice at all either. Well have a great Easter Sunday. Ours is going to be a quiet one. I am sure Robin is so tired right now she might wake up for dinner. I am going to sleep in, take and nap and go to bed early I hope. LOVE MOM
Where did Saturday go?
I had a good and busy day also. Casey had bike class so he was gone until 6. Isaac didn't sleep great last night so when he feel asleep for a nap I took one also. Casey brought me lunch which was really good. Then me and Isaac walked around the block. I am supper out of shape, the "slight" incline killed me. It did energize me so when we got back Isaac feel asleep and I worked on unpacking. It is coming. When Casey got home we went to look for a car. I really liked the hyundi accent and we were approved for it but we wanted to look at the Hondas before we comitted to anything. Casey really liked the honda fit, I think that is the one we will probably get. It is a 2007 and has 60 thousand miles. We need to look into it and see if it is a good price. Mom do you guys have an extra modem? We only have a qwest one and it is different than comcast so it doesn't work. If not it isn't a big deal.
What a day
Well I got a lot done today. I got up and paid some bills and went to the bank. Then I went grocery shopping. After I put all my stuff away I went to the arts festival. It was fun. You guys should come down next Easter weekend and I will take you. They had a ton of stuff. Then I came back to my place for lunch and got my primary lesson already. After that I felt I deserved a reward so I went and saw Source Code. It was really predictable. Oh well it looked good on the previews. Then after dinner I went and got a few New testaments so I won't have to go to the library before class and get then. Now I am finally done. I hope that you had a good time at the weeding mom and dad. I bet it was fun seeing everyone. Oh on netflixs on line they have the animated Gulliver travels we used to watch when we were going up. I am going to watch it. Well have a great Sunday everyone.
Off to the wedding
We are off to the wedding. Just played some farmville and now off to play. I hope it all goes well. Have a great Saturday. I can't believe that April is almost over with. Where does the time go. It feels so nice to have a quiet Saturday. I could get use to this.
all day of a day
well today I worked at zions and then rushed over to pioneer theater for dress rehearsal. It went so long. I didn't get home till one. It was an all day work day. Tomorrow we work all day as well. I think sunday I have the whole day off woot. well not to much just tired have a great saturday
Friday, April 22, 2011
Made it to the weekend
We made it to the weekend. Rachel and Casey went to dinner with us and that was fun. Isaac was so cute. He is getting really close to rolling over. It won't be long now before he is rolling around. I hope everyone has a good easter. It is so cold here. I hope it warms up soon. Love you guys MOM
Yeah it is finally Friday. Work was good. I stayed busy so that was nice. It made the day go by fast. I hope that you are getting settled in Logan Rachel. It is so nice here today. I love this time of year. It is so nice outside I love it when it is 70 and sunny. I wish it would stay like this for awhile but soon it will be over a hundred. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend and have fun at the wedding mom and dad. BYE
Thursday, April 21, 2011
and it begins
so today was crazy, its the start of the crazy though so i guess I should get settled in. I worked at zions in the morning and then registered my car for the year. At 7 I went to pioneer theater to get costumes all set up. Tomorrow they are doing a run through so I have to race over and help out after work. so Tomorrow will be non stop. and then on saturday its the same all day rehearsals. well I am going to head for bed have a great one
Yeah for Friday
I made it to friday. I am so glad I am going to sleep in on Saturday. I won a Yoga Mat today for climbing stairs. Yeah for me. I wanted the heart monitor but I will take the Yoga Mat. I thought I wouldn't have a chance. I also had the best cupcake ever. It was from Mini's. We will have to try that place. I am sure they were pricey. I feel like I got a lot done tonight. I went and took grandma to get her hair cut and washed. I was just too tired to wash her hair. We went to Albertson's and got easter candy and we are ready for saturday except for some money. I will do that on my way home. I am getting tired of this weather. I was wondering how Logan did. It was horrible here. I am still wearing my winter sweaters.
In Logan
Today was good, I was tired so I had a coke. Isaac was able to rest and play and seems to be in a good mood. The weather is horrible today. It rained and even hailed a bit. It might rain on Monday also so I hope it changes. I am going to SLC tomorrow to pick up Casey. The cfrib is coming tomorrow also, I will put pictures on the blog. :)
Well I had to go to 3 meetings today, but I made it. It is really windy here right now we have wind advisories until tomorrow. I am glad everything got moved. I hope that it wasn't too tiring. I bet you are all tired. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Thanks for your lesson ideas mom. There is an art festival on Saturday so i think that I might go and check that out on Saturday. Well I hope that you all have a great Friday. BYE
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Safe and sound
We are safe and sound in SLC with our big bed and computer that will be put together soon. The move went really good. It was hard work but went really smooth. I was impressed. I hope I get a fire drill tomorrow. I could really use one. There are boxes everywhere for Rachel to unpack. Sorry about that one. If you need help I can come up. And we did it all before midnight.
i like to move it move it
well today was busy busy. we finally got everything all moved. I think I am tired. but I will let you know for sure tomorrow. I think the house looks nice rachel and casey have a ton more room. well i am going to head for bed
Its over
We are moved. It was a long day but we got the job done. Thank you everyone, I can't say thank you enough. I am just going to take it easy the rest of the night and dig into more unpacking tomorrow. I hope that everyone made it home safetly.
Half over
Well the week is half over. I put BBQ chicken in the crockpot this morning so it was nice to have dinner ready when I got home. I hope that everything went week with the move. Did you get it all done? It was fire drill day today at work so at 920 this morning we all got to go out. It was so nice outside it was really hard to go back in. Then at 4 we had another one for the night shift so i got to do 2 fire drills today. Well I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
its going to happen
well today was good. Work went fast so that was a bonus. THen I went to pioneer to see the designer run of the show. It was really good I think it will be a fun show to work on. I did get a little overwhelmed with the scheduling but I think once I start into it the schedule won't be bad. Then I went over to rachels to help pack but i mostly just sat around and played with isaac. nothing to helpful :) saving for tomorrow. well have a great night
On the road again
We had a nice dinner tonight and everything is packed and ready to go. I think it will be good. I am so glad you got strawberries Karen that is fun. I always bought some plastic easter eggs and put questions in them. It is fun to open and close them. It would be fun to have a couple with springs in them or something strange so they are scared to open them. There should be an easter lesson. The glove is a standard lesson for Easter also. I am tired but that is nothing new I guess. I am going to bed early.
Goodbye palladio
Well today was the last day at the apartment, it will be good to have moving over with. Thanks for help packing, I think that we are all done. I think that it should be good weather tomorrow. There is a chance of rain in the evening but it is a small chance. Good night.
Well I made it thru Tuesday. I sorry that I didn't email you back mom. I got called in to a meeting and it just went on and on. I ate 2 of my strawberries at lunch today for lunch. There were yummy. I hope that you guys got everything packed at Rachel's tonight. Good luck moving tomorrow. I hope it is good weather so you don't have to move in the rain. Also if anyone has a fun Easter Activity for my Primary class on Sunday let me know. Well have a good one. Bye
Monday, April 18, 2011
Rainy day
What a rainy day. It rained all day long. I am really tired of the rain. WE got a lot of packing done tonight. It shouldn't be too long tomorrow and we can get it all ready to load up. It should be a piece of cake. Poor Rachel and Casey have to live with the mess. It is a wall of boxes. It was a busy day at work for me also. I do however have nothing to do tomorrow. I hope they find me something to do. I am tired and going to bed.
let them free
well today at work was long. I feel like 5 hours feels like 12. Then I went to rachels and mostly played with isaac while rachel packed. it was hard work. Oddly enough I am exhausted. Tomorrow I have a preview of sunset, it starts next week so crazu is just beginning. well I am going to sleep maybe.......
Holly Crap
Today was our last day with the birds. Robin was sweet enough to take them to the humane society, we decided we didn't have it in us to kill them. Thanks you everyone for all your help packing we got so much done. I feel really good about it. I forgot to tell you Karen that this weekend I bought a crib. It is really cute and manly. They are going to deliver it on Friday so I will post a picture then. I am excited to make Isaacs room really cute. Well this is going to be a long week, I really appreciate everyones support.
Well I hope that packing went good. i hate packing things and then you have to just unpack them later. It is a vicious cycle. Well my day was good. Work was busy, I was just as surprised as you are. I did manage to get a clear spot on my desk so that was good. It was nice and sunny here today. It was cloudy for a little while but then it cleared out. Well i hope that everyone had a great Monday. BYE
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sunday night
We made it home safe and sound also. I slept the whole way home. It was raining all weekend in Logan and it was cold. The daffodils there are beautiful however. We got everything moved around and it should be a piece of cake to get Rachel and Casey moved in. I came home to do laundry and the dryers were still broken. Someone had removed the signs and I thought they were fixed. That was a pain. I did get it all done though. We are going to help Rachel pack the next two nights and then off again to Logan. I think we are going up there again on Friday so Dad can meet with Harold on Saturday. I am glad you had a good weekend Karen. I love your pictures. Well the laundry is done and the pills are all filled I am going to go to bed. LOVE MOM
Karen, I am so sorry. I forgot to blog all weekend. I am a failure at blogging. I love the pictures. That is awesome. I love your hair and strawberrries. You win the best blogger award. Me and Casey were talking on the way home and we need to take a trip to st George soon. Well we made it home safetly. Caseys Dad is doing good. Terry got Isaac a cute book. Isaac slept the whole way home so that was nice. This week is going to suck with moving, thanks for everyones help it makes it a lot easier.
Well my day has been pretty good. I am doing laundry right now. It will be good to get that done. I also picked one of my strawberries and it tasted good. It is really windy outside right now. I guess that means it is stormy up north. I am glad that you guys got every things organized in Logan. Sounds like it was a lot of work. I would give you a pass on not blogging but mom was there and she blogged so Robin and Rachel are slackers. Well i hope that every one has a great week. BYE
busy weekend
wow karen you are awesome. you had a busy weekend. I love the photos congrats on the hair dye. Once I get my tax returns back I am going to get my hair dyed. This weekend went well we cleaned and moved things around alot. This week is going to be insane but It will be good. I feel really tired thought I think I might take a nap before I go to sleep just to gear up. :) anywho have a great monday
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...