Friday, May 30, 2014


Mom i think if you hadn't got the same shirts the puzzle would have been easier. My day was good. I am really glad that it is the weekend. It is super windy here tonight. Maybe it will rain. Well have a good one. Bye

My puzzle is cuter

I finished up the puzzle you got me for mother's day Karen.  It was a lot of fun.  It was harder than I thought it would be.  It took me all night.  Thanks, I did enjoy that.  It is such a cute picture. We went to dinner with Kay and Paul tonight.  It was fun to visit.  Not much else to report except I sure am glad it is the weekend.  I am going to sleep in.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, May 29, 2014

I'm game

Swimming is good for me also.  I will have to see how dad is feeling.  He said he was feeling better.  I hope it stays that way.  Kidney stones ya just never know.  We can firm plans up tomorrow.  I had a quiet day at work and am getting all caught up.  It feels so nice.  I was almost bored this afternoon.  I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday.  Julie stopped by and gave me some new garments.  I so needed some.  That was so nice of her.  We sat and visited for a long time.  It was nice.  Not much else going on with me.  I am so tired.  Not have a coke really does make one tired at night.  LOVE MOM


I vote for swimming but that's just me. I don't care it doesn't have to be a big production so if it's a lot we can just do our own thing, I am good with whatever. I haven't checked my mail in a few days so I checked and I am officially summoned for jury duty. Yikes I hope it doesn't suck to bad. They are repainting. our apartments so our doors are getting done, it looks nice. Tomorrow me and Walter are going to look at phones my contact ends next Friday so we are going to look for cheaper phone plan. Well I think that is all with me have a Good Friday



It was cooler here today also. I am really glad that tomorrow is Friday. It has seemed like a long week. Work is going good. I am making progress on my puzzle. It is a tough one, but i am getting it. Slowly, but surely. Well i hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.

I've gone mad

I may have overreacted a bit on Isaac's teeth.  The black spot is gone so I don't think he has any cavities.  After much internal debate we are still going to take him in and ask the dentist all our questions that we have and have him look at Isaac.  My thought for this weekend is maybe everyone come up here and we can go to the farmer market and swimming, maybe some hiking.  Does that sound fun?  We can see how it goes with Dad.  Today was a lot cooler and it was nice.  We walked to the park and played in the backyard.  After dinner Casey and Isaac rode bikes and I drove then we meet for Icecream.  It was fun.  Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Too Fast

OK, I think Oliver and Isaac and growing way to fast.  Could you slow that down a bit.  Isn't that way early for him to be rolling?  I am glad everyone had a good day.  Dad came home, he is passing a kidney stone.  He isn't feeling a hundred percent.  I hope it passes quickly.  I am really good with anything this weekend.  Swimming, looking at spiders.  What ever you think will be the best.  I am really good with anything.  Work was good today.  It was quiet and I am getting things done.  Have a great Thursday.  It is suppose to be a little cooler.  Robin that is a lot of stickers.  Do you sew them on?  LOVE MOM


At work we had 50 banners we made last year and today I spent all day putting stickers over the date so they could use them this year. It took forever. Then I went and bought a base mask to work on a project for a photographer but I came home and made some pasta and I was spent so I just relaxed. Not to much else with me. Congrats to Oliver I can't believe how fast they grow up. Have a good night


rollie pollie

Rachel that is neat Oliver is rolling over already. I guess that is the end of tummy time. My day was pretty quiet. I did go to WalMart to go grocery shopping. I also got a tomato plant. So we can expect a freeze any day now. I a ready for it to be Friday already. Just 2 more days to go though I can do it. I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Bye


I forgot the biggest news yesterday, Oliver rolled over from his front to back.  I haven't gotten a video yet but I will.  He did a today also.  He is getting big.  We brought up some of the bigger baby stuff this evening like the round jumper thing and his high chair.  He is growing up.  Also last night when I was brushing Isaac's teeth I noticed a black spot so we are taking him to the dentist on Friday to have them look at it.  We had a good day.  Isaac has been falling asleep at 5 or 6 the last two days and it isn't working out too well so I tried to keep him busy all day so he would nap at his normal time and it worked.  We went to the hobby and bought a train to paint and I saw on pintrest these cloth pin airplanes that I thought was cute.  Me and Isaac finished weeding the raspberries while Oliver took a nap.  It looks a lot better.  Robin I think that this weekend their was a bug thing in Farmington that we might go to.  It sounded pretty fun.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Not a Monday.

It felt like Monday all day but I'm not complaining at least Saturday gets here faster. It was really hot today but I liked it, I feel better with sunshine. I came home and took a nap today I was tired from relaxing yesterday. So not to much happened today. I don't have any makeup plans yet for Saturday. I wasn't sure if anyone had loose plans. You never know what will happen in my life. But I was thinking maybe come up to Logan and take Isaac swimming?? Well that's all I have on my mind, have a good night


A Hot One

Good job Karen with your plants.  That is exciting.  I hope that you get lots of fruit this year.  We had a really hot day up here.  I pulled out all the fans and swamp cooler and had the windows open today.  It still got hot and the ac turned on this evening so it was over 80.  It blew cool air so I think that they were able to fix the leak last year which is nice not to have to worry about that.  We walked to story time today and it was hot.  Story time was nice and went well.  When Casey got home we went grocery shopping and when we came home Isaac feel asleep at 6.  He slept until 7:30 and was super grouchy the rest of the night.  I put him to bed and I hope that he goes to sleep.  Robin Isaac has really liked his tool box.  Casey brought his work one home and they had to use their tool boxes together.  It was cute.  I took a picture of him using the tape measure.  Thanks for the pajamas Mom.  That will be really nice, thanks.


I love sunshine

It was a beautiful day today.  Everyone took their lunches and ate out on the patio.  It was so nice.  I love summertime.  It was a normal day.  Dad did go get a checkup with the RA doctor.  Everything is going good.  I did go to Carters and spend my Carter's cash.  It was burning a hole in my pocket.  I got some PJ's for the boys.  Have a great Wednesday.  I am so glad that tomorrow is hump day.  LOVE MOM

it's alive

My blackberry and raspberry transplants from last year have new growth. I am so glad that I haven't killed them. I even finally got my lawn mowed. Yea for me. Work was good. It was hard getting up this morning though. I think morning came extra early today. It is warm out today. I think summer might be here soon. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, May 26, 2014

Get away

Today was fun me and Walter went to village inn for breakfast and then headed off to bear lake. We mostly just layed in the sun and enjoyed the scenery. We had fun just a little burned but not to bad. Then we decided to go see the new x men movie. It was pretty good I liked it. I am tired. Sunday we went to mayda's birthday party she loved the mini mouse. She gave it a huge hug once she saw it, I'm glad you guys had took Isaac swimming, and I'm glad you guys went to evanstan have a good Tuesday!! 



Thanks everyone for the fun long weekend.  I had such a fun time.  Park, Planetarium, William Joseph, Aquarium, Ikea, Evanston.  It was a good time.  I am so glad you had a good Monday also Rachel.  I am glad that Isaac got to go swimming.  He loves that.  You wouldn't have believed Provo Falls.  The beautiful trickling water fall was a mass of raging water.  It was so amazing to see the difference.  Mirror lake did not have a way to get into it yet.  There was still at least 4 feet of snow.  All the lakes were still frozen.  It was such a beautiful drive.  Evanston reminded me of Preston.  They have made a beautiful river walk by the bear river.  We walked around that for awhile.  It was very well done.  Walmart was the big attraction.  We didn't go there.  I am so not looking forward to the real world this week.  At least is it a short week.  That will help.  It was really warm when we got back to SLC.  I did take a couple of pictures of Provo Falls, I thought you would like to see the difference. 


Well I had a fun day. Me, mom, and dad went to Evanston and then we took the scenic highway back. It was fun. I still haven't mowed my lawn yet, but I will get to it eventually. I hope that everyone had a great day off. Hopefully it won't be too rough going back to work tomorrow. Have a good one bye

Fun Day

I hope that everyone had a good time one their trips.  We had a really nice day.  Casey wanted to put flowers on his Grandpa's grave today for his Grandma.  Isaac didn't sleep great last night and I was tired so Casey and Isaac went up to Clifton and I stayed with Oliver and took a nap.  They had a really good trip.  I put pictures on facebook for his Grandma and she called Casey and said thanks for doing it.  When they got home we went to the swimming pool.  Isaac was so excited and happy to go swimming.  It was really fun.  I wasn't too excited to swim but it felt really nice and was fun.  It even made me feel not so fat if you can believe that.  Casey and Oliver came with but didn't swim.  They sat in the shade.  Some nice people let us use the shade in their umbrella.  Isaac fell asleep when we got home, he had a busy day.  We were going to go to Randy's for a barbecue but it was too much.  It will be a short week this week and that will be nice.  Thanks again for the fun time this weekend.  It is going to be hard to go back to real life tomorrow.


Sunday, May 25, 2014


Mom that is fun that you got to do nursery, that sounds really nice.  We had a pretty good day.  Isaac didn't want to go to church this morning so we were late getting there.  He did go to primary really well and did a really good job.  My lesson wasn't great but it filled the whole time.  I took a little nap while we watched the Tigger movie which was nice.  Then we went up and visited Randy.  It was good to visit for a while.  Isaac and Oliver were both really tired tonight and went to bed really fast.  Thank you for such a fun time this weekend.  It was so fun being together.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow and be safe driving and wear sunscreen.


Quiet Day

It was a quiet day around here.  I missed the sound of everyone.  We went to church and they needed help in the nursery so we did that.  It was fun.  They only had 5 kids.  We just vegged the rest of the day.  Not much else going on with me.  I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day.  LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...