Saturday, April 22, 2023


 We had a nice day. I slept in and then we went to Lehi. We went to a nursery and Robin got and strawberries. Luna had a fun time running around. We left Lehi and went to Kamas to get the pump supplies. We didn't stay long and just came back home. Karen bought us chick a FIL for dinner. It tasted good. We bought Shazam and I slept through it. Rachel that quilt is amazing. I am excited for lagoon also. I will see you at noon at zaos. Love mom


 I went to exercise class this morning and it was a hard one but it was good to go.  I sewed after I got home and got all my blocks done.  I ran some errands then we worked on the tree house.  I mostly watched Isaac and Casey work on it.  We paid the kids their allowance so they wanted to spend it.  Tonight we went and Ruth got this mixel toy, Isaac got a Lego and Oliver spent least and got a kite.  We are excited for Lagoon tomorrow.  

Love Rachel

Friday, April 21, 2023


 Work was so quiet. I got all caught up. It felt nice. We had dinner and then went and looked at the house and then we went and got a milk shake it tasted so good. We are going to Kamas tomorrow to get Karen's pump sensors by way of Lehi. I hope Luna sleeps tonight. Ruth looks so beautiful. I am glad she had a good time with her habitat. Isaac doesn't have to smile. I never see musicians smile while they are playing. Love mom


 Work was good today, I am just working on getting the Easter things approved.  I left for an hour and watched Ruth's first grade program.  She made a Diagrama for a axolotl.  The whole first grade sang songs and recited poems.  She was cute and did a good job.  Isaac had his last ambassador rehearsal.  He still has four more concerts.  Ambassadors has been really good for him and he learned a lot.  He was accepted to be in the talent show.  The judges all said he played great and needed to smile more.  He says he can't smile while playing.  Casey worked late and when he got home we went to shivers for a treat.  Ruth really wanted to go to celebrate her successful program.

Love Rachel


Luna woke up at 1 and wouldn't sleep unless we were holding her. I took the first hour and Jeramy took the second. By 3 she was out enough she stayed asleep in her bed. Hopefully she sleeps ok tonight. We all want to sleep in and over sleep 😴😴. After dinner we went and got ice cream. My car failed inspection because of my oxygen sensor. Jeramy reset it and now it won't pass because there isn't enough data. A guy a work said put a catalytic cleaner in your gas. So we did that tonight and drove and got ice cream to cycle it through. We are hoping to take it in this weekend and pass. lol fingers crossed. 



 My day was good. Ir did rain which was nice because it cleaned my car off a bit. My house stuff is moving along. Might be delayed on closing a few days because of the roof but it might nit. I will keep you updated as I know. After dinner me, mom, and dad drove out past the house. I am getting excited. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye 

Thursday, April 20, 2023


 We had a bake off contest. I brought a salad and didn't win. I was glad. I had won the past two times. I went and picked up cupcakes for the chief medical officers birthday tomorrow. He is the one that gave us 20 dollars for admin day. He is kind. I made zappa tuscano soup in the insta pot. Dad helped me. It tasted so good. Karen had the recipe. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I think Luna has the right idea.two crackers and a movie. I bought some pull ups for you. She might not be ready. She is really little. Rachel I am so glad your kids are in music. Isaac is amazing. I am excited for the quilt show. Love mom


 Today was busy.  After school Isaac had orchestra.  After that we met him at the school and he tried out for the talent show and I accompanied him.  He sounded really good and I was proud of him.  His orchestra teacher said he has made a huge improvement this year.  Ruth and Oliver had piano lessons.  They are slowly catching on.  We had a quick dinner and then Ruth had tumbling.  They are really focusing on back handsprings.  Work was good.  I am helping my old team with getting some projects approved.  It is for Easter which is nice because all I have been doing the last two months in Christmas.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 

2 crackers and an ipad

Luna's been really fighting going into her car seat. She will arch her back and twist. The only thing that will make her calm down is 2 crackers (one for each hand) and an ipad. She also learned today to say me now. So her sass is growing strong. Work was good and moved along. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. Jeramy got all our wiring fixed up in the back. Now Chucky our lawn mower can run again. Hopefully our grass grows ok this year. Last year we started rough and it didn't get to a good place before winter. I got Luna a potty chair for the toilet. I'm going to get pull ups soon and we are going to start in on potty training. 


Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 I think we should all play hooky on May 19.  What do you think.  It would be fun to take a day off and play.  Isaac has a violin recital on May 20 I think in the evening.  I am excited for it.  Today was good.  I am helping work on projects for my old team which is fun.  We didn't have any activities after school and that was nice.  The kids are loving playing outside on the trampoline again.  Isaac had young men's and had fun at that.  I went to exercise class.  Tonight was High and I say it every time but I think it is so fun.  I love it.

Love Rachel


 That mud storm was crazy it is interesting to see all the cars with mud. Work was good. Nothing too exciting. I went to winco after work. The cupboards were bare. We have a pot luck tomorrow at work. I sm bringing a green salad. When is Isaac's concert. Let's go to the quilt show on Friday if we can't go on Saturday. Love mom


 My day was good. I still need to go wash my car after it rained mud yesterday. Oh well it is suppose to be stormy again soon. Work was busy so it went by quick. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye


Luna woke up sassy again. Everything was dramatic. By the time we got to day care she cooled down. Jenkins is feeling better so that is nice. It was cold today we played outside for a bit but then watched a movie because it was too cold. Jeramy cooked tacos for dinner and it tasted good. I got an advertisement in the mail for the quilt and sewing festival. 


Tuesday, April 18, 2023


 Well it must be dermatologists day. I worked from home and then me and dad went to the dermatologists also. I got a clean check and so did dad. They did take that blue mole off his head and biopsied it. They also froze a.couple of moles that were bugging him. I took off work around three and took a nap. We did go to smiths and get Vaseline for dad's sore. I got Luna some pull ups. Just so you have them. Karen said we don't need to go to Kamas this weekend so I can go to lagoon any day. It hailed here and rained mud. All our cars are covered in dirt. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


 Today was good.  At work Kim had just come back from a trade show and told us how everyone love all the products and everything looked so nice.  It was nice of her to share with us.  Oliver had a friend over after school.  If was raining all day so they played Legos.  Their was a turkey at school today and they had to call animal control.  The kids got a kick out of it.  They are practicing for the Greenville mile and Oliver came in first during their practice today.  He is a good runner.  Isaac had orchestra after school and he practices a lot.  Casey went to the dermatologist this afternoon to look at some bumps in his next.  The doctor wasn't worried but took a biopsy of them.  Casey made dinner which was nice.  I went to exercise class which was upbeat barr.  I really like that class.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel 

Monday, April 17, 2023


All I can say is Monday mornings are drama. I agree with Luna. I made it to work. One of the doctors that sit by me had his son die of a drug overdose. It was an emotional morning. I made spaghetti tonight and it tasted good. Not much else going on with us. Love mom


 My day was good. I got a good job from the big boss at work so that was nice. I stayed busy all day as well so it went by pretty fast. Then mom made spaghetti for dinner it tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good. Nothing to wild. It was Monday. Luna was claiming her diva crown. Everything was so dramatic. She would scream at the top of her lungs just to take out one arm of her shirt. Then she would fall dramaticly to the floor. After work we just had dinner and played.vit suppose to rain tomorrow. So we are going to be stuck inside all day. Luna might implode.


 Today was good and we made it back to work and school.  Work was good and went pretty fast.  The kids had a good day at school and they are loving the warm weather.  They have been playing outside a lot.  Ruth had a playdate with Emily today.  Isaac had violin lessons.  After dinner I went to exercise class.  Pretty normal day.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel

Sunday, April 16, 2023


 I got up and then I went to lagoon. It got there early to walk around stores and they did t open until noon. Tuscanos want open either. We went to pf Chang it was good. We went to lagoon and it the perfect weather. One friends from work hooked up with us. The kids rode a lot.of the rides. We went to dinner afterwards. It was a nice day. Luna is so cute. You are going to live that yard for her. Have a nice week. Love mom


This weekend was fun. We basically we're outside for most of it. The bubble sauce people are going to earn bank this year from us. On Saturday we took Jeramys mom to breakfast then the gang came down. And we had hamburgers. It was fun. Today we slept in then we Luna took a nap we napped too. It was lovely. I was so tired. Then we played outside till bed time. 



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...