Saturday, February 24, 2024


 Today went well and I am glad the party is over.  I went to exercise class this morning and then we got everyone up to get ready for the party.  The party went pretty well and was crazy.  The kids all had a fun time and liked playing nerf guns.  We took a break and watched a movie when we got home.  Then we walked to the park and played there for a while.  Casey made dinner which was really nice.  We will head down tomorrow after church.  Thanks for having us.

Love Rachel


 For thinking we were having a quiet day it turned out to be a busy day. We went to lowes and got some stuff to finish off the printer room. We came home and worked on the bench and then went to lunch and joined the gym. Thank you Karen. They let 6 people on the family membership. We added Robin and Luna is free. We thought we would add Rachel also. They have an indoor and outdoor pool and rock climbing. They also have a play center. I it is the west valley rec center.  It is a nice place. Really close to us. We came home and finished the printer room. It is so nice. We got a shelf and there is so much more room. I did run and get a few treats. Rachel is coming down around dinner time. I am glad Oliver's party went well. Robin I hope you got cleaning done. We are excited to go to the zoo. Love mom

Friday, February 23, 2024


 Dad might be under a bad moon. He had a really bad eye so we took him to instacare and got him some drops and then this evening he broke a tooth. Poor guy. We did get my car registered. It didn't need emissions so that was nice. I tried to use connect care but it kept logging me out. We just went to insta care. I am glad riths program went well and good luck with Oliver's party. We are going to go slow and get taxes ready. Love mom


 Today was good.  Work went pretty good this week and all the classes were good.  Ruth had a patriotic presentation and she was so excited and did so good.  She was really really cute.  All the kids were cute.  After school me and Oliver went shopping for his party.  We got Prime to drink and Takis for a snack.  Then we are going to order pizza. He is excited.  We took Tony on a walk to the park.  We got so much snow this week.  Casey made a cake for the party and sushi for dinner.  I hope everyone has a good Saturday.



Thursday, February 22, 2024


 We had a nice time in Logan. It always goes to fast. We love hanging out. I did scare Isaac by being pulled over. I didn't register my car in July. They gave me a ticket because it was so late. Ugh! We are going to jiffy lube tomorrow to get it registered. We did go to smiths and Edward's on our way home. That place is huge. We did get me a carbon mask so I can take the rest of the stickers off. Then I will touch up paint and be able to hang some pictures. Have a nice Friday. Last one in February. Tell Ruth good luck with her part. Karen has.made the prettiest fairies fairy garden. She made some for robins garden also. I really like them. She has bèn printing Caton pieces so we have been playing that game. Love mom


Jeramy needed to watch the night shift stuff at work so he didn't need to go in till 1. So he slept in.  Luna kept saying she had to potty so we were 20 minutes late leaving. Work was busy but they gave us free lunch so that was nice. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. Luna went poop tonight and got her nerf gun . She was so happy 



 Oliver had a really nice birthday, thanks for calling him and the nice presents.  Mom and Dad left this morning and we were sad to see them go.  Work went pretty good today and all the kids did really good.  Oliver and Ruth were tired today.  Isaac had chamber music soni dropped him off and picked up Oliver.  We went to the mall and picked up our pottery.  Mom's turned out so good with the bubbles in the middle.  I should have been brave and did it also.  Everyone's turned out so good, it was a best effort.  Ruth and Oliver had piano lessons.  Oliver lost a page so I stayed to talk to his teacher and get him set up.  I was a bit late picking up Isaac but we made it.  Isaac had the teen activity at the library and they were watching a movie.  

Love Rachel

Wednesday, February 21, 2024


 We took it easy this morning and then left for logan. We had lunch at old grist mill and by then the roads were clear in the canyon. We went to Sam's club and they had good sales. We went to the Indian place for dinner and it tasted good. Isaac had a concert and we went and saw that and then came home and sang happy birthday and had cake and opened presents. Oliver was so cute. Isaac wanted to watch the high school.concert so I took him back for that. They have a lot of snow. We are spending the night and going home in the morning. Have a nice day. Love mom


I hope Oliver had a good birthday. My day was good nothing wild. It poured rain right as I walked out for lunch and stopped once I got in my car. I'm eyore. We made cookies and took it easy the rest of the night


 My day was good. I got some paper work stuff done at work so that was nice. After work I came home and took my fairies off the printer and started a new batch. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


We had a nice day. We decided to drive to ikea and look at tables for dads printer. We didn't find anything but it was fun to walk around. We ate lunch there. Robin i always find it amazing how condiments age in the fridge. I am glad you got it cleaned out. That will feel so nice. We are going to Logan tomorrow for Oliver's birthday. Isaac has a concert as well. We are going to spend the night. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


 Today was good and Oliver is pretty excited for his birthday tomorrow.  Work went pretty well today.  The kindergarten program was harder and they were struggling a bit.  Isaac made banana bread after school and I made Oliver a lemon cake.  I went to exercise class also this evening.  The kids played outside for a long time after school which was really nice.  Drive safe tomorrow Mom and Dad.

Love Rachel


I finished my clinical research today. I had to ride an exercise bike to test my vo2. For some reason it made a knot in my leg. I'm out of shape. I put some deep blue on it. I cleaned out the fridge tonight and it was nice. I had lemon juice that expired in 2017. I got rid of over half the condiments. 😂 


Monday, February 19, 2024


 We had such a nice day. Robin came and picked us up and we drove that new highway out to antelope island. I enjoyed seeing it. Antelope island was beautiful. I really needed to be outside. I can't believe I forgot a coat. I always do that. Oh well I do like my new jacket. I added my collection. There were a lot of bison out there. Luna made it clear to the top of the.mountain to be with isaac. She got so cold but was so cute. We just had left overs for dinner and watched a.movue. we started wonka but we turned it off. Love you all mom


That is crazy it's been a year Karen. That went fast. Today was fun I picked up mom and dad and went to antelope Island. Luna fell asleep on the beach and was sleepy. So we drove mom and dad home and Luna slept the whole way. After she pooped in the potty. So I ran to dollar store to get more toys. 



 Well even though I had to work my day was pretty good. Work is moving along. I am almost at my one year anniversary. I started on the 27th. It has gone by fast. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, February 18, 2024


 We had a nice day. We went to Costco and got food for the week. That felt nice. We met robins gang and went to the jump zone. Lunas pass runs out the end of February. We came home and i made potatoes salad for dinner with some fish. It tasted good. Karen put some more stuffing in her couch pillows. That made a big difference. I was sitting there all cozy and fell sound asleep. Rachel those pictures are just beautiful. I am so glad those passes worked out for you. I am glad Oliver got to ski for his birthday. I am glad the kids learned a lot. I am hoping the weather works out for tomorrow. What time should we meet? Love you all mom


 My day was good. Wr got up and went to Costco. Then we met up with Robin and crew for lunch and the jump zone. It was fun to hang out. Then we came home and had a bit of a nap before dinner. Then we were just lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a fun day and everything went very smooth today.  We got up and were ready on time.  We even got their a little early so we could do a run before lessons started.  Oliver said it was a miracle we could ski on his birthday.  It did snow all day which was fun to ski in the pow but we were all wet and cold by the end of the day.  The kids all did the third level of lessons and he was really a great teacher and they learned a lot.  Oliver was going on side trails and I took him in took hard of one which is what I always do.  He crashed and it was hard to get through with all the new snow.  We just stuck to the safe trails after that.  Thanks again for the skiing lessons.  We had a fun time.

Love Rachel


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...