Friday, September 16, 2011


well the blog came up all gibberish to me so I hope everyone is doing well. I will read about your indevors tomorrow. cute picture of isaac though. I am really tired and ready for bed. Hope everyone has a great weekend.


Cute pictures

Robin I didn't even recognize Teresa. That was amazing. Rachel Isaac's picture is so cute. He is getting big. Karen I hope you neck gets feeling better. It was pouring rain when I got off the bus. My jacket was wet through. I need to start bring an unbrella that is for sure. We are going to Logan tomorrow. I guess that is all the excitement in my life.


Robin, that is a really neat picture. I didn't even recognize her. You are good. We had a better day. We went on a walk this morning and evening. We also went up to first dam and watched cars. It was a cooler day and that was nice. I am excited for you to come up tomorrow. Isaac has started doing his Grandma cough so he is excited for you to come also. I don't think that Casey has to work now so he will be here also. It will be a fun day. Here is the picture I sent Karen, he loves playing with the penguin.



Well I made it thru work today. I pulled a muscle in my neck last night. So my neck was sore all day. It is feeling a little better now though. Work stayed steady all day. It rained about 4 drops here today. The picture you sent me Rachel was really cute. Well have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

we will see

i'm not sure yet if I can stay a couple days I think one day might be pushing it. It the week of halloween things get so crazy so fast, but we will see. anyway I forgot as well yesterday i went over to teresa's house, she needed an old age makeup done for a disguise for something for her church. it was fun I posted pictures. well also today I called into zions I am so beat I couldn't bring my self to go. So i slept until 12:30 it was so nice. Then I worked at lagoon. I'm sorry everyones teeth are not doing well. hopefully everyone feels better soon. well not to much else happening


So glad tomorrow is Friday

Rachel I sure wish those teeth would come in. Do you want to come down with us on Saturday and spend a couple of days. I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday. I was going to take a half of day off but if you want I can take a full day and take you guys home on Tuesday after work. Just a thought. Robin I think you should stay a couple of days in Vegas and look around and see what you think of the place. Fly down on Sunday and then come back on Wednesday or Thursday. THat is just a thought. Think about it. I am sure they have package deals where you can get a flight and car and hotel really cheap. We could start looking. Karen I am sorry you had to go to the dentist. I hope you feel better. I am so tired. I am just past go. I need to wake up and feel better.



Karen, I am sorry you had a bad day. That sounds rough. I am sorry. Isaac had a rough day also. His teeth are still bothering him. I don't have much else going on. We went on a walk today and that was fun. I bought him some arrow root cookies the other day and I think that they taste so good. I give him one and I eat one, they are so good. Well I hope that we all have a better day tomorrow. Strength of the Bear.

What a day

Well i went to the dentist this morning for a check up and because I had apart of a filling fall out. I have to go back cause I have 4 cavities. Right now my check is kind of sore from the shot they gave me to fix the filling. Then I went to work and finished off the day. When I got back to my apartment someone had parked in my assigned parking spot. Which is really annoying. I wrote a note and left it on their car. I guess if they don't move it I will have to report it to the office. I called the other primary teacher to make sure she had a manual. She didn't answer the phone so i just left a message. Robin don't mail it I will just get it on conference weekend. You can also stay with me for your interview. I am excited for you. I am sure you will do awesome in your interview and then you will be traveling everywhere. Well have a great Friday everyone bye.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


thanks. I hope it goes well It just a job fair on monday the 24th so in the morning we have a meeting on what they are looking for and then I have a meeting with someone in the afternoon. Its in vegas but I'm not sure where they are going to send out info later. I might fly out sunday after frightmares and fly home on monday I will see. well Not to much else going on I finally got your birthday present karen. so If you want me to mail it I can or we can wait till confrence whatever. well I am beat I am going to head for bed



Good job Robin, that is exciting. You have a month to learn french, I am just kidding. Is it for a traveling show or for one in a city? Where is the interview at? Is it in Las Vegas? I am excited for you. I had kind of a long day, well this morning went fast but the rest of the day was long. Isaac wouldn't take an afternoon nap and his teeth hurt so he is kind of grumpy. It looks like there are four teeth coming in on the top. I hope that they break through soon. It was really cool here this evening. I even put a jacket on Isaac when we were watching cars. Isaac has been having a rash on his side. Me and Casey thought it was dry skin so I have been putting a ton of lotion on it. It made it worse though, so last night we look online and it looked like heat rash and they said lotion makes it worse. So today I have been putting powder on it to help keep it cool and it has cleared up. I think since I have been feeding him a bottle more I am holding him different and it is making him hot, the rash is on both his sides where I hold him. I am glad that it cleared up. Sorry that was a lot about a rash. I will sign off, have a good night.

Yeah for Laundry

I am doing my laundry and have one more batch in the dryer. I probably should do sheets but maybe tomorrow. I am too tired right now. I am so excited for you Robin. That is too much fun. Work was good today and I made hamburger pie for dinner. It tasted really good. I am tired tonight. I am going to go to the store and get some fruits and veggies and maybe some bread. That sounds good.



Robin, that is awesome. You can stay with me. That will be fun. Well I had a good Wednesday. It was a little slow this afternoon, but I made it thru. It started raining this afternoon. So it is nice and cool at now. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow so it is should be an exciting morning. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

check here

today was long but good in the middle. I worked at zions and then went to lagoon. I got a call from cirque they are having a job fair on the 24th of october and they invited me to come. I guess there is a small meeting in the morning and then I have an interview for the after noon. I'm excited hopefully its not a wash but I hope I can shmooze my way into a job. well thats my exciting news hope everyone has a great wensday


Nice Evening

I took Julie and Alyssa out for dinner for Julie's birthday tomorrow. It was nice. WE walked around Shopko when we were done. I can't believe Isaac is pulling himself up. That is amazing. He will love doing that. It was a nice day at work. Quiet. It was nice. Things are getting back to normal there. I don't have much else to say. I am excited for the weekend. I think we will come up on Saturday but I will let you know for sure. Have a great WEdnesday.



Karen, I am sorry you aren't feeling good. That is a bad post birthday day. I had a better day today. Isaac only got up once last night and I didn't feel as tired today. I worked on quilting Karen's quilt. I ran out of thread of I went to beninas. I saw Kay from Red Rooster there. I asked here is she still quilted and she said she did and gave me her card. So we can use her when we want something quilted. She said to say hi to you Mom. I mowed the lawn today also and that is good. Isaac started to pull himself up today. He only got a inch off the ground and he only did it once but it is a start. Casey came home tonight and he invited his Dad over so we are waiting for him to come. It is a nice evening.


Well my allergies are out of control. The wind is blowing so that makes it worse. Work was good. I stayed pretty busy so it went pretty fast. Robin I am thinking about coming up conference weekend, so no worries. I hope that mom had a fun time with Julie at dinner. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Monday, September 12, 2011

happy birthday

I hope you had a good birthday karen!! I am still waiting for your present to show up but it should be here soon. Well my day was good I put in my 2 weeks so that will be good. I worked at lagoon and it wore me out I am tired. Tomorrow its about the same thing. Rachel about the photo thing it was a photographer confrence and they had 20 photographers shoot for 3 days so it was fun. but not to much else going on have a great night


Happy Birthday Karen!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Karen, I feel like you had a really good marti gra birthday. Sorry Isaac was fussy while we were talking. After I got off the phone we took a walk and he enjoyed that. His teeth and really close to breaking through, hopefully it wont drag on any more. We had a quiet day. We went to Sams and got some formula and and diapers. I got the generic brand of diapers so we will see how that goes. I am done with the baby dry ones, he keeps peeing through them at night. I bought luvs this last time and they work so much better. That is funny you saw Kay Mom, it is a small world sometimes. I am glad that you made it back safe. I hope that quitting went good for you Robin.


I had a good weekend also. Thanks mom and dad for coming down. I had a good day. Work was a little slow, but I made it thru. My visiting teachers husband work with me so he spread the word that it was my birthday. Thanks for all the gifts. You guys are awesome. Well I hope that everyone had a good Monday BYE

Home again Home again

We are safe and sound in SLC. What a nice weekend. Thanks Karen for letting us come down and Happy Birthday. It was so nice we had a great time. I loved the thunderstorms last night. They were amazing. We were driving home and a car passes us and Gary says that looks like Kay and I said no they drive a Honda. Well it was Kay and Paul coming home from Las Vegas/California and we met them in Beaver and visited for awhile. It was nice. They had rented a car. Well it is back to the real world tomorrow. Robin I hope your quitting went well.


Sunday, September 11, 2011


Robin, those are neat pictures. What are you doing that for. I missed what was going on. Good job, I am excited for you. You are quitting Zions already, good luck, it is hard quitting jobs. I am glad that everyone is having a good time in St George besides the stupid rain, that isn't any fun. We had a good day. All three of us made it to church and that was fun. We sat by Douglas and Linda. Casey took the baby out a couple times near the end and finally just stayed out and afterward Douglas was like "I think that Casey may have been pinching Isaac". I said that probably was what was happening. He said he tries pinching Linda but she just slaps him and he doesn't get to leave. It was really funny. We just took it easy today. Casey didn't sleep well last night so he took a long nap and me and Isaac just played. We barbecued for dinner and Casey lit hornets on fire. I hope that everyone has a good night and drive safe Mom and Dad.


so I made it through the day. It was a fun shoot I didn't do much today but we still had a good time. I work tomorrow and hopefully put in my two week notice at zions. eek I'm nervous I hate quitting jobs its awkward. well not to much else I put some pictures on ot the car accident scene


I hope that your last photo shoot went well Robin. My day has been good. My primary class enjoyed the lesson (or popping balloons outside, one of the two). Then my home teachers come over after church. Then we were going to go on a hike but it started lightening and thundering. Then the rain started. It has been raining off and on since then. The lights even flickered a few time. I hung up the mirror you got me Rachel. It looks really pretty in my bedroom. It matches perfectly with my bed frame. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...