Thursday, September 15, 2011

So glad tomorrow is Friday

Rachel I sure wish those teeth would come in. Do you want to come down with us on Saturday and spend a couple of days. I have a doctors appointment on Wednesday. I was going to take a half of day off but if you want I can take a full day and take you guys home on Tuesday after work. Just a thought. Robin I think you should stay a couple of days in Vegas and look around and see what you think of the place. Fly down on Sunday and then come back on Wednesday or Thursday. THat is just a thought. Think about it. I am sure they have package deals where you can get a flight and car and hotel really cheap. We could start looking. Karen I am sorry you had to go to the dentist. I hope you feel better. I am so tired. I am just past go. I need to wake up and feel better.


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