Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

We had a really good 4th of July. We missed you Robin and wished you could of been here. That sounds fun to go to the beach. I didn't blog yesterday sorry, we didn't get home till late from the fireworks. We first spend the day mowing the pasture. It looks a lot better. Here is a picture of me mowing.
Casey found these little birds in the pasture, they were really cute. I hope that they lived, we went out their today and we could find them so I think that they made it up to the tree.

Then we went to Logan and went to dinner at the new coppermill restaurant the Element. It was really good. I had the Salmon with sweet potato's and it was really good. Then we went to fireworks. The snow cones were really good.

Today Karen, Mom and Dad came to Clifton and we got sandwiches at Papa Jays and took them up to twin lakes and ate them. Me and Mom went wading and it felt really good. Then we came back and started burning out wood pile. Here are Karen, Casey and Dad in front of it.

We had a really hot fire going. It was fun, everyone worked really hard. We were able to get it burned down to nothing. I don't have a picture of that but here it is getting close.

We had a good day. It was a really nice 4th of July.


so i tried going to the beaches but got on the wrong street car. I went on 509 instead of 508. so  it was close to the water so I walked around a bit and then went back home. I was tired anyway so I took a nap and did laundry nothing to crazy but its nice to get caught up on little things. Well thats about it have a great 4th of july. :)

Friday, July 3, 2009


We had another fun time at fireworks. They had a few technicals difficulties at first but it worked out. I had a good time. Jon and Alicia come over and we went to dinner at the new coppermil resturant by the hotel. I thought it was good. Hunter is a cute one. Tomorrow we are going out to Rachel's house to burn and see goats. It should be fun. Hope you have a good time at the beach.



I'm glad everyone made it safe and sound. I hope it turns out to be a fun weekend. I didn't do anything to exciting to day just shopped to get my hair stuff ready for my photo shoots. Tomorrow is suppose to be nice so I might head out to the beaches, if the weather is nice. Well see. well Thats about it have a great one. 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Safe and Sound

Karen and dad made it back to Logan safe and sound. They Grandma and Grandpa Gumm all taken care of for the weekend so I don't have to go down. We can just hang in Logan all weekend. That is too bad about Casey's brother. I hope he gets well soon. I am excited for fireworks tomorrow. Jon and Alycia called and they are in Bear Lake so tomorrow afternoon they are stopping by. Their little boy is a year old already. Time does fly doesn't it. Well I hope Robin has a good day off. Dad is going flying in the morning so hopefully he will get all passed off so he can fly by himself again. LOVE MOM

Let the Holdays Begin

Well I have tomorrow off of work and I am excited. Casey came home this morning and has been working a lot in the yard. We have about half the pasture mowed. Casey brother Richard was in a motorcycle accident this morning and is alright but in rough shape. He is in a chemically induced coma. I think that we may go to California next weekend to visit him if he is out of the coma.
I am excited for Karen to come up and visit. We wil see her tomorrow.


So we went to dundas square there were loads of people I was shocked. There weren't fireworks although on the walk home we saw some people lighting them in the street so I guess I saw a little street show. I have tommorow off for the holiday it will be nice to sleep in I am so tired. Monday it is photo shoot day. I hope it works out well see what happens. well nothing else much just tired. Hope everyone has a great american 4th of july. :) 

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

almost a holiday here

Well as Robin celebrates her day it is almost a holiday for me. I only have to work one more day and then I get to play. I am excited for Karen to come up and see us. It will be a fun time. Dad doesn't have to work on friday either so that will be fun. Rachel got us free tickets for the fireworks so we are all set to go. Snowcones and fireworks my favorite. I was wondering how the garbage strike was going. That is interesting that it is still going on. I guess they are afraid it all might catch fire if they have fireworks. LOVE MOM

Happy Canada Day

Well I had a good day at work, it was busy and went fast. Me and Kaylynne went to Abrys for lunch for the free Beef and Cheddar. Every Wednesday all summer they are going to have something free, we have eaten their the last two Wednesdays. When I got home I went out to check on the goats and this is what I saw.
I thought that they were gone, so I started walking out their and then I saw them. they grass is just so long and they are so small it is hard to see them. It was funny. They love being out in the pasture, they seem really happy. I also mowed the lawn and am watering the lawn and garden. I have been trying to get a picture of the goats coming out of the Canadian flag but I don't have a proper photo editing program and it just wasn't working out but you can see it in your mind. Happy Canadian Day. I am sorry that their are not fire works.


Robin I am impressed I am not brave enough to eat raw fish. I am glad that dad got the detector parts finish. i hope that he get some time off now. Things are good here. Work was long my computer had issues this afternoon. It wouldn't let me log on because my computer time didn't match the network time. Weird error I know. But it wouldn't let me on to change the time so i had to wait until I found our network guy and that took awhile. I just finish packing to go up to Logan. I am excited. They are dropping the rent here. I am excited about that. Well I hope that everyone has a good holiday. Love ya BYE


So those to posts with out words are mine. I'm special. sorry. but I'm happy for dad that is so exciting it must be a load off. tell him congrats I'm so proud. Well I have some news that I think that will put most of you in shock. I tried sushi today and i didn't gag. It wasn't to bad. Now i know there are some unbelievers out there but its the truth. cross my heart. Thats my big news I know it doesn't compare to dads but I think its a milestone in my life. :) anyway happy canada day, I guess there were going to be fireworks but since the garbage strike the government said no. Who knows. The streets haven't been to bad but its starting to build up. Well I think this a few girls are going to dundas square to check out the festivities so I think i'm going to tag along. Well on a final note I just want to say I went shopping for someone's birthday and might have picked up some items. :) (I just have to mess you since I don't live close to Leave secret clues around) :) Well have a happy canada day and I'm glad things are going well. 

love robin



Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Just thought you would all like to mark your calendar. The detector is all done!!!!!!!! What a neat day. Dad did it. I guess they will just work out the bugs with all the parts together and then out selling. Pretty cool. I am excited for Karen to come home. Me and Rachel watched Chess tonight. It is a neat play. Josh Gorbin has a fantastic voice. It distracted me from sewing too much but I made a little progress. YEAH for dad



Well today was pretty good. I am excited for the weekend so it seems like the week is going really slow. Only one and a half more work days and then it is the holiday. Robin what are you planning to do with your day off? Anything fun? It is still hot down here. But just 102 instead of 108. Well I hope that everyone has a great week love ya BYE


So i was reading online and i had no idea that sarah jessica parker was going to have a baby. I guess a surrogate mother gave birth to twin girls. I had no idea, this month is full of surprises. I know its probably not life changing but i was shocked. So a girl wanted to get together to do makeup tonight but it seemed like to much. I like doing makeup but doing it all day and night i think i would get burned out. And lugging a million pounds of makeup all around toronto is tiring. Plus I was working on a girl today and she kept talking/texting on the phone and picking up the brushes and doing things herself. I'm usually one of the fastest people in my class but she slowed me way down. I was getting annoyed so I need a break and chill. I did get some cool looks though I'm starting to feel more excited for the photo shoots. I'm going to practice more but I think it will be good. Our teacher wants neutral simple looks I guess that is the market here and its a good staple piece because it sells better. So i figured I would listen to the teacher i'm sure she know best. But in my black and white photos i'm going to do drama with a smoky eye. Well i know thats all pure excitement for you all. :) have  a great one. 

Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday, Monday

It was a quiet day at work today and that was nice. I had a lot to do. I still do but I did make some progress. I got my laundry all done and ironing also. I think dad has a lot more shirts than I thought. It is good to get caught back up. I got a postcard from Robin also. It was fun to see the city. Thanks. Dad is leaving for SLC in the morning. He got to go fly this afternoon. He says his landings are getting better. He needs to practice just a little bit more. LOVE MOM

Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night

My day was pretty good, it went fast. It is the beginning of the fiscal month so I have a lot to do. I also was able to listen to chess all day at work and that was awesome. I tried to send some of the songs to Robin but it was too large and didn't deliver. I need to just send one song I guess. I got a post card from Robin the the mail today, thank you, that was really sweet. It has a pretty picture of the city on it. I got the wheel of time book one in the mail this weekend and that was fun to listen to in the care. Since we finished the pasture we left the gate open to it yesterday and today and the goats are loving it. Every time I go out to check on them they are out their eating. I think that they love their new found freedom.


Well it is 108 today. I don't have any humidity so I guess I can't complain too much. Work was pretty busy because a couple of people were gone and they cleared off their desks onto mine. Hopefully that will make the week go bye faster. I made cimanon rolls yesterday and I took them into work today. Everyone seemd to like them. I thought that they turned out good. My finger is twitching and that is annoying. I hope that it stops soon. Well I hope that everyone has a great day. Love ya bYE

" "

so this week is a short week we have friday off. wensday is canada day but everyone wanted to have friday off instead for a longer weekend. I think it makes the week go by slower, though i can't believe that its almost july. This week we are just working on makeup for our photo shots. Our teacher was reading us the autopsy report for Michael jackson, I guess he was only 110 ten pounds and all this medication pumped into him. Its crazy to think about what one person goes through. Well not much else it happening boring day. :) 


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Assistant Librarian

Well it is now official. Dad is the assistant librarian. I think it will be nice to have him in there. We are going to work on a data base for the pictures and videos. He is really good at that. I am glad Rachel liked the nursery. I keep wondering when Robin will get a calling. That is too bad about the humidity. That is fairly brutal. I am excited for the 4th of July. I love the fireworks and snowcones. Not too much else going on here. Just a lazy day.


Billy Mays is Dead

Billy Mays died yesterday and I thought that was sad. I really liked his commercials. Well we went to nursery today and they hadn't told the head lady that Casey wouldn't be their a lot. I thought that was weird. She said that as long as I was their it would be fine. It was fun being their. They had better toys in this ward then the last.

Yesterday when we were fencing in the pasture in the tall grass there was a mom cat and her babies, we almost steeped on them because the grass is so long. It was kind of fun to find them. I should of taken a picture. Also my Chess CD and DVD came in the mail. It is so good, I am excited it came. Also the first wheel of time audio book came in the mail so I can start listening to it this week, I am excited. I am coping it for Karen so we both can have a copy. I am glad that everyone had a good weekend. I am excited for a short work week, fireworks and snow cones. It will be fun.


sunday ll

so i rained today, its so nice. Its been 98 with humidity lately and my room is like a sauna. People say its going to get worse. I guess in the summer its like your skin fuses together with sweat. when you walk out the door now you feel sticky and hot. So its nice when it rains and cools a little. I'm not use to this humidity stuff yet. Well nothing else to exciting, just a lazy sunday. have  a good one. :) 


Well i am going to be lazy today. I am going up to Logan cause I have a day off and it is not 100 degrees in Logan. Plus I haven't been up there for awhile it seems like. We are going to plan when we are going to come up and see you also Robin. I did get my laundry done yesterday. So yeah, that is done. I am glad that everyone had a good Saturday. Hope your Sundays go just as well. Love ya BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...