Saturday, April 4, 2020
Nice day
Rachel stayed Friday and Saturday and Saturday Karen came down. We have had a really nice time. We wen to parks. Liberty and the peace park and then hiked around the lake Bonniville trail. Issac got stuck on a hike but Grandpa rescued him on Friday. We just got picnic food and it tasted so good and felt so nice to be out in the sunshine. I think we all got a little burnt. Robin, I am so sorry you and Jeramy are sick. We can bring you anything you need. We are not more than a phone call away for sure. Rest and drink plenty of liquids. Thanks Rachel and Karen for coming down and playing. I really needed that. LOVE MOM
Today was nice. We slept in and took it easy. It was nice to have a slow day. We made tinfoil dinners and just before dinner Jeramy came down with a fever. We got him some medicine and he's feeling better. So I think tomorrow we are going to so the same and rest so next week he's up to speed again. I have Friday off for good Friday so that will be really nice. Hope you had a good Saturday. Love you
Friday, April 3, 2020
Today was ok. I went into work and they bought us pizza. There were only like 13 of us that were working. Terri's car broke again. We went down to Provo and we couldn't get it to work. We called Casey to see if he would know but it sounds like it might be a bigger problem. So we told her she might need to take it into a shop to see what they say. It was a long day but we made it alive. We are going to sleep and rest. My throat feels better but later at night it was feeling sore again. I think I'm just tired.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
My Friday
Well I took tomorrow off to play with the kids. Robin I hope you don't have strep throat. I bet it is Jenkins sleeping with you. You might have to stop that. I made salmon for dinner and it tasted so good. We made cupcakes for dessert. Karen I thought you would tell your shot story. You can do that tomorrow. It was so funny. Be safe love mom
Today was good. Jenkins is taking full advantage of the new ramp we put together on our room. He has to touch me all night all cuddled up. It's hard to sleep with a dead weight fur ball but we are going to figure it out. Work was slow going today but I made it out alive. Then we just relaxed all night. We ordered artificial grass for the back strip of backyard we have. We were suppose to get 5 rolls but only one shipped. So I wrote the people we ordered from to see if the packages just got split up during shipping. I think once we tighten the grass down and take out the rolls it will look so nice . My throat hurts so bad. I think I have allergies. But I just downed some day quill incase it's something more serious. I hope everyone has a good friday
I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Things are good here. It snowed last night again. The sun did come out a bit today, but it was still windy and cold. Work is still moving along. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Hump day
I made it through Wednesday both me and dad were ready for the weekend. I am a little bit caught up and that feels really nice. I hope the trend continues. I am excited to have Rachel and kids come down. I hope they don't get bored but I have planned some fun activities so we should be busy. I don't have any thing else going on either. That is hard for Jeramy. I hope he is doing OK. Everyone be really safe.
Today was good. It was the first day of spring break. It was cold all day and even snowed this evening. I was able to walk this morning and that was nice. The kids stayed in their pjs all day and we just had a day off. After dinner the missionaries video chatted us. I think they are bored stuck inside. We are headed to Mom and Dad's tomorrow evening. Thanks for having us.
Work was good. So mom they have furloughed everyone but like 2 people in the UK. But the UK is worse off from the sound of it. They haven't said anytto us other than the government has offered assistance to small companies to pay wages during this time. So we will see. it's really windy tonight so hopefully we don't blow away. Someone in a different department than Jeramy has Corona virus. So I guess it's getting closer to home. They sanitized place so they shoukd be good to go :)
Love you
My day was good. I really don't have anything to report. It is just the usual here. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
I have been trying to get up before 8 so I can work not too late. I work up at 758 and started work at 802. I was pretty proud. I worked until 5 so I can take Friday off and play with the kids. Robin that is fun you got to talk with your work mates. I bet they are missing you. Have they laid anyone off yet? I have been worried about that. I went to all a dollar on my lunch hour and got some color books and then after work we went to the Chinese market to get stuff to make Ramon noodle soup. It was OK. I need to learn how Jinya makes it. I called Melody after work to make sure they were OK. They said they were fine. It was the first time she had been in a big earthquake and she was excited about that. Dirk is working from home. Well everyone have a great hump day. Have fun with no school. Karen I am so glad that you got your shot. I was worried that you would have to start all over. LOVE MOM
Today went by fast. I went into work. There was alot to do. The people that are working in office were so chatty. There are only like 10 people are working in office and I was fresh blood to talk to lol. Me and jermy walked down to his friends house and grabbed some.branches to make a bow drill. We got home late. We were talking to people as we walked. Then we came home and made hot dogs.
It was cold today. It even rained on me on my walk this morning but nothing too heavy. School is going well. Today was the last day because it is spring break. We will start up again next Tuesday. Nothing else too exciting going on. There was a earthquake in Idaho. Casey felt it but none of us at home did. Love you guys.
Well I got another allergy shot this morning. It was a little crazy because they moved buildings and I had trouble finding it. I eventually prevailed and got my shot though. Then I worked all day. I did run to food town at lunch because I was out of dr. Pepper. I now have caffeine so life is good. After work I walked to the post office and mailed my taxes off. It was a nice walk. It is just under 2 miles according to my watch round trip. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye
Monday, March 30, 2020
We have been staying up to late also. I got the kids up on time and they were tired. Isaac didn't sleep well last night so we were especially tired. I went on a long walk this morning. I was nice but rained near the end. School is going good. It was cold today so we watch too many movies. I finished the table runner that I got from the bathroom at the quilt class. It reminded me of the fun class. I love the table runner and put it in our room. Love you guys.
So I decided I need to stop staying up until 2 and then get up late so this morning I was up by 730 and working by 8. It was a good idea. I need to do that more. I am always antsy. I feel like I am trapped and can't go anywhere and everywhere I go I feel like I am breaking the rules. They have put so much guilt on everyone and the thing is we all are going to get the virus. They are just trying to spread it out. They act like if I stay in I will never get it.
I am glad you registered for classes Karen. That is good. Robin good luck at work tomorrow, I hope it goes OK. At least you get out of the house. I am sorry that Jeramy still doesn't feel good. Does he need a new antibiotic? He should be feeling a lot better by now. I love that picture of Jenkins. Did he put the animal by him or did you? That is so dang cute. Rachel I am glad that things are going good. That is weird your are still having spring break. I am excited to play. It is true about Covid or allergies. Everything is in bloom right now. I wish it would warm up and be sunny. I think that might help us all.
I was so far behind all day. Payroll is kicking me. For some reason I had 477 people on my payroll this morning. Needless to say that threw me for a loop. It took me most of the morning to deal with that. Everyone be safe and sound. Intermountain came out and announced pay cuts. That should be interesting. It was doctors and nurses. That is going to piss them off. That should be interesting how that blows over.
I am glad you registered for classes Karen. That is good. Robin good luck at work tomorrow, I hope it goes OK. At least you get out of the house. I am sorry that Jeramy still doesn't feel good. Does he need a new antibiotic? He should be feeling a lot better by now. I love that picture of Jenkins. Did he put the animal by him or did you? That is so dang cute. Rachel I am glad that things are going good. That is weird your are still having spring break. I am excited to play. It is true about Covid or allergies. Everything is in bloom right now. I wish it would warm up and be sunny. I think that might help us all.
I was so far behind all day. Payroll is kicking me. For some reason I had 477 people on my payroll this morning. Needless to say that threw me for a loop. It took me most of the morning to deal with that. Everyone be safe and sound. Intermountain came out and announced pay cuts. That should be interesting. It was doctors and nurses. That is going to piss them off. That should be interesting how that blows over.
My day was good. I was antsy today also but I think it was because it snowed off and on most of the day. I did get registered for my summer and fall classes. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Today was long for some reason. I got antsy working. Jeramy didn't sleep well and still felt sick so he called out one more day. We went on a walk after work then I sewed for a little bit. I am going into work tomorrow for my in office day. There is a bit to do so I most likely will be there all day.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
I stayed up late and then slept late and took a nap. I love that minion on you corner Robin, That is cute. I have one you gave me if you need another one. I am glad every one had a nice day. We did go to Winco to get toilet paper and they had paper towels. For some reason that made me feel good. It wasn't very crowded at all and we parked really far away and walked around that felt nice. Rachel that looks really good. You will have to share that recipe. Did the kids eat it? I made roast beef enchiladas and they tasted really good. I good a roast before Covid and had some left. I had bought some enchilada sauce also and so I made them tonight. there are some things I have enjoyed and cooking has been one of them. Cleaning up has also felt really nice. Well enjoy the week working from home. Robin, Do you think you will work this week? Be safe out there LOVE MOM
The kids have been handling staying at home really well. Casey worked today. I made bread this morning. We have been playing with a lot of legos. Isaac made dinner and it tasted really good. We walked around the block which was nice. Oliver rode his scooter and was the fastest. He loved that. I hope that everyone has a good Monday.
They were having a staring contest
My day was good. It finally didn't snow this morning. So after lunch I walked down to Chevron and back. It was nice to get out and it was really pretty outside. Then I worked on my research paper for my art class. I got half of it done so that is good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Today was nice. We woke up and took Jenkins on a walk. The park was empty. So we wandered through the grass bits to just stroll around. Then I didn't like the little ground cover they put in front of our white fence. It was really weedy and looked bad. So I pulled out every thing. Jeramy's sister made us a minion pot so I put that out for some fun. I ordered peony's on Amazon and I'm going to plant them instead. I think they will be pretty. I got a peachy color. Then we just relaxed all night. It was nice. Hope everyone s quartine is going ok.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...