Tuesday, March 31, 2020


I have been trying to get up before 8 so I can work not too late.  I work up at 758 and started work at 802.  I was pretty proud.  I worked until 5 so I can take Friday off and play with the kids.  Robin that is fun you got to talk with your work mates.  I bet they are missing you.  Have they laid anyone off yet?  I have been worried about that.  I went to all a dollar on my lunch hour and got some color books and then after work we went to the Chinese market to get stuff to make Ramon noodle soup.  It was OK.  I need to learn how Jinya makes it.  I called Melody after work to make sure they were OK.  They said they were fine.  It was the first time she had been in a big earthquake and she was excited about that.  Dirk is working from home.  Well everyone have a great hump day.  Have fun with no school.  Karen I am so glad that you got your shot.  I was worried that you would have to start all over.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...