Thursday, November 21, 2019


My day was good. I am really glad tomorrow is Friday. Work was quiet today, it was nice and I got a lot done. I am excited to play this weekend. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone. Bye


I think looking for a job is a good move Mom.  You aren't that old and are planning to work for a while, you might as well be happy.  Today was good.  It sounded windy this morning so I slept in.  We were getting cabin fever a bit this morning so we went to del taco for lunch and played for a while.  Ruth and Oliver wrote books this morning to sell at Thanksgiving.  They are really cute.  I didn't even ask them to do it.  Oliver wrote one and then Ruth wanted to write one.  Isaac is working on one also.  I helped in Isaac's class and I walked there and that was fun.  I really like his teacher and it is nice to visit with her.  I attached a picture of a quilt I am working on, I like it.  I still have a lot of blocks to make.  Isaac got his wolf this evening.  Randy came but had to leave for a dinner so she moved the awards up so he cold see it.  I had a meeting so it worked out nice so I was able to go to that.  It was a stake primary meeting and they were talking about the new program.  We are headed down tomorrow but it will be late.  Thanks for having us.



Today was good at work. it is rolling along. Thene and Jeramy just relaxed all night. It was nice. Jenkins was wild but I think he just wanted attention. I hope your job search goes well mom. It's nice to get a chance of scene sometimes 😉

Gumm Gang

We met the Gumm Gang for dinner and that was fun.  Before hand me and dad walked the mall.  It was nice to go for a walk.  Carter's had one piece pj's for 8.00.  I got the kids some for Christmas Eve.  Work was good.  I am getting caught back up and that feels nice.  I am going to start looking for jobs on Sunday.  I think it is time to see if there is anything out there.  I might be too old but I am going try.  Have a nice Friday.  Rachel drive safe.  I hope Isaac's wolf was fun.  That is such a good accomplishment.  Karen thanks for the book.  I have two new ones to read now.  I need to get going.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

hump day

Today at work was good.  It has quieted down and that is so nice.  I don't have to be so stressed all the time.  I have been looking on indeed and they have all the university jobs on there so I think I am going to apply through them.  Is that a good idea?  I wasn't sure what would be the best way to do that.  Karen came down and we went to dinner and it tasted so good.  I love Jenya's.  We stopped by the bakery and got Eclairs and cookies.  We are in heaven.  Karen studied for a while and then went home.  It was a really nice evening.  I am glad the salmon was good.  I was worried it might be too spicy.  He is so dang cute.  He was so excited to shop last weekend.  Tell him good luck with his Wolf tomorrow.  Robin, I am so glad you found a chair and that Jeramy's mom loved it.  I bet she just loved having you guys come and see her on a week day as well.  I bet you ae tired.  I am meeting the Gumm Gang tomorrow at the Olive Garden at the Fashion Place Mall.  I hope that is the right place :)  Robin if you want to hook up with us we are meeting around 545.  Stay warm.  It is suppose to be rainy tomorrow as well.  LOVE MOM


It was cold and rainy today but it never snowed.  It is still is pretty cold.  We went to exercise class this morning and Oliver was Mr popular.  All the kids yelled Oliver and ran over to him when we got there, it was cute.  Ruth didn't have school so after we dropped Oliver off we walked around Joanns and looked at fabric.  We got her a craft to do while we were helping at Oliver's class.  We did math centers in Oliver's class and that went well.  The kids are cute.  Thanks for all the food Mom.  Isaac has been in dinner heaven this week.  We had the salmon tonight and it tasted really good.  It is too cold to play outside so the kids made a stuffed animal mountain and played in that all night. Isaac and Casey made peanut-butter bars.  Have a good night and stay warm.



My day was good. I worked half day and then went to my doctor's appointment. I am doing good and my a1c was 7.4. So yeah that is good. I am totally behind the extra lazy day tomorrow, Robin. I hope everyone had a great day bye.


Work went well today. I worked on a few extra projects that were being neglected. Then we saw a motorized chair on Facebook yardsale for 100 was really nice. So we went to pleasant Grove and picked it up. Them we drove to Provo to set it up for jeramys mom. She loved it she could put her feet up with just a button. And it was comfy. So I'm going to return the one I got on Amazon tomorrow. Then that whole chair issue is over. Lol I'm tired now. I think tomorrow we are being extra lazy.


Tuesday, November 19, 2019


My day was good as well. It was meeting day at work so that was most of my day. I think I spent all but 2 hours today in a meeting. After work I did some homework and then I was lazy. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow. Bye


Today was good.  I walked this morning and Isaac made it to school.  I took the little kids to story time and that was fun.  They are cute.  Isaac played with his friend after school and he had a fun time.  Casey hasn't been working as late this week and it has been nice.  We played just dance tonight and that was fun.  Have a good night.



Work was quiet and I got a lot done.  It always feels nice when you get ahead a little bit.  I am hoping for the same tomorrow.  We came home after work and just vegged.  I am excited to see your haircut Robin.  That always feels nice.  I got my hair cut last week when we took Karen to the dentist.  It felt so nice.  They are having a book fair at the hospital.  Usually I don't buy anything but I found a cute book for each of the kids.  I left them at work but I will bring them home tomorrow.  I am looking forward to the weekend.  It will be nice to play.  It is suppose to rain tomorrow.  Karen drive safe to the doctors.  LOVE MOM


Today was easy going. It was nice. Then after work me and Jeramy looked for chairs for his mom. We didn't find anything. We ended up at fashion place and we just ate at the food court. I can't remember if I blogged about it but Saturday I cut my hair. It was nice to get a fresh updo. 

Monday, November 18, 2019


My day was good as well. I was tired also, but I think that is because I had a nap on Sunday and had trouble falling asleep last night. Work is moving along. I feel like I am making progress so that is good. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


I am feeling better.  I am not sure how that happened but all weekend and today I felt really good.  I am loving it.  I went to work early and got payroll done.  Robin if your wrist keeps hurting a brace is always a good thing.  You might have twisted it and giving it a rest helps.  Taping is also a good thing.  I am glad that Isaac stayed home.  He looked pale on Saturday.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am going to try and buy tickets after I blog. So I went to buy tickets and there are only 5 left in the cheap section and none of them are together.  Let's find a different concert to go to.  I want to be able to sit together.  I tried to buy them this morning at work but my work computer blocked the website.  Sorry  LOVE MOM


Isaac said his stomach still hurt this morning so he stayed home from school.  He was acting fine but it is good to have a rest day now and then.  I skipped exercise class to stay with him and we cleaned the house.  I did walk this morning so that was good.  I made vegetable soup yesterday so we had leftovers for lunch and the kids hated that.  I told Isaac that we would have some quiet time while the little kids were at school and I was going to sew for a bit.  He hated that idea but it was fine and I think it was good for him.  He cut up the mango and ate that, he liked that.  We worked on the bathrooms more this evening.  We are slowly getting things done.  Oliver failed his eye test at school so I made an appointment for him but it isn't until Dec 2.  Love you guys and have a good night.



I feel like my alarm went off to early but it was right. And I was tired. Work went by fast so that was nice. Me and Jeramy were going to look at chairs but we were both tired and decided to stay we just relaxed and played games on our phones and watched t.v it was nice. My left wrist started to hurt so hopefully it feels better tomorrow

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Quiet day

WE had a quiet day today.  I was cooking up a storm.  I cooked the last squash Rachel gave us and some casserole and then made home made pea soup and brownies.  I was on fire.  I did take a nap as well.  I love the bathroom Rachel.  That is fun the kids got to take a shower.  THey looked so happy.  I am sorry Isaac threw up.  I am sure he ate too much exotic fruit :).  Robin, I am sorry the chair didn't work out.  I bet you can send it back.  I would.  RC Willey's has nice chairs.  Karen congratulations on your paper.  That is neat is it almost done.  I have to go to work early tomorrow for payroll.  I was wondering if you guys wanted to go see the new Frozen movie on Saturday morning.  I wasn't sure if that sounded fun.  Dad made these Raiders logo things for bingo and they are cool.  I think they will be a good gift.   LOVE MOM


My day was good. I worked on my final paper. I think it is looking good. Then I got my laundry done. I also scrubbed my tub. I felt productive today. Rachel the bathroom looks really good. I am impressed. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Bye

r and r

We have relaxed alot. We order massage chair for jeramys mom on Amazon. It arrived and it was pretty tiny. She could fit bit it wasn't as nice as I thought it would be. We took her to.breakfast today
 All furniture stores close on Sunday so we are looking around tomorrow to see if we can find a nicer chair for her. I love.your bathroom rachel.good job



Sorry I have been MIA.  Friday night we sealed the bathroom so it would be done.  Mom and Dad are amazing and got two toilets installed and we got the vanity mostly in.  The kids were able to take the first shower tonight and they loved it.  It is nice to have everything be almost done.  Last night Isaac threw up all over his bed so he ended up sleeping in our bed and I slept on the couch.  I had him stay home from church.  Casey worked but came home while we were gone so he wasn't alone too long.  Church is so crazy and it is a busy calling.  I didn't have any meetings which was nice.  We worked on the bathroom some more and made progress.  Thank you so much again Mom and Dad.  We really appreciate all you do for us.  We are so grateful.  Love you guys.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...