Saturday, March 11, 2017

Nice day

E had a good day. Karen is doing really good and there is no swelling. We went to Hebert city and did a diagnosis on her car and they said it the oxygen sensor. We replaced it. I am peas and potatoes and strawberry shortcake for dinner. It tasted really good. I absolutely love the train. Wow! I hope you had a fun time. We are spending one more night and will go home tomorrow. Robin Karen really loved her plant. Love mom

Friday, March 10, 2017

Doing good

KAren's tooth went good they are going to wait 4 months to put in the post. Let it heal for awhile. We watched Big Bang and rested. She said it doesn't hurt to bad. I am glad that you guys had a good day. Drive safe tomorrow. We are going to spend the weekend in kamas. Love you Mom


Thanks for coming up tomorrow Robin, you are awesome.  Don't stress about the names, their isn't any rush.  Thanks for doing that.  I hope that you are feeling good Karen and that is went smooth.  Today was good and busy.  We went grocery shopping this morning and then went to story time.  The kids were so good and had a fun time, it was nice.  I picked up pizza for lunch and then we had Henry come over and spend the afternoon.  His family moved today so that was sad but they are excited for their new house.  Oliver fell asleep in the car to pick up Isaac so Ruthie and Oliver took a nap which was nice.  Isaac had Judo and had fun at that.  We went and visited Randy after dinner and it was good to see them.  The kids were getting tired near the end and were monsters but we survived.  Everyone have a great night.



I hope your tooth extraction went well karen. Work went well today I was really glad that it was Friday. I am going up to Logan tomorrow. I didn't finish the vinyl names. With my new computer I lost my design package. I got a new card but it delivered late tonight and I didn't have time to finish. I will mail them to you rachel next week :) well.have a good night


Thursday, March 9, 2017


Thanks for the good luck wishes everyone. I am hoping it won't be too bad. Thanks mom and dad for coming up. My day was good. Work seemed busy so it went by pretty quickly. I took all day tomorrow off even though my appointment isn't until 3. So I get to sleep in. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye


Robin, that sounds great.  Thank you so much for coming up and painting.  It will be fun.  Good luck tomorrow Karen, I hope that it goes smoothly.  Today Oliver was so grumpy, he is driving me crazy.  Luckily it was a nice day and we spent all day out in the backyard and that makes him happier.  Isaac forgot his backpack this morning so I had to run home and bring it back to him.  I had quilt group at my house today and it went pretty good.  Isaac gets grumpy because he isn't the center of attention but it is fun to see what everyone is working on and talk for a while.  We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening outside.  Imogene came and played for a little bit.  When Casey came home he got out his climbing stuff and had the kids try climbing the apricot tree.  They had a lot of fun and it will be fun to do this summer.  It was late so we just went to panda for dinner and then put the kids to bed.  Good luck tomorrow and I hope that everyone has a good Friday.


Oliver's potty training team

I did it

I made it to Friday.  I only work 1/2 day and then we are going up to Kamas and help Karen.  Robin it was fun to hang out tonight.  Thanks for coming.  Those sayings are so funny.  I love the bear without teeth.  Rachel had sent me $10.00 off at Children's Place so me and Robin went over and they had they cutest dress there so I got that.  Rachel I hope your quilt group went well.  That is fun you do that.  Everyone have a great Friday.  The weather is so nice.  Remember that on Saturday we spring ahead on time.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Work was busy. I met up with mom and the gumm gang to get my taxes. It was fun. Thanks for the foot braces mom. I tried them when I got home. They pull my big toe straight and it kinda hurts my foot. But I think that's the point. I will try it out and see if they help. Rachel in Saturday is I cool if I come up around lunch time to help paint? Would that work ok? Good luck with your tooth karen
. Maybe the tooth fairy will have to find you and Issac for loosing your teeth :)


Wednesday, March 8, 2017


I forgot to say last night that Isaac has his first loose tooth.  He is a little nervous and whats us to knock him out and take out his tooth.  Oliver did pretty good potty training today, really good in the morning.  I can only convince him not to wear diaper when I promised to buy his a lego firetruck like Isaac's then he was on board.  Isaac wants a prize also so he is helping Oliver.  So he comes in a cheers him on and gives us a play by play of what is happening, it is funny.  It was a pretty day today.  We went on a walk this morning and then spent the afternoon outside in the backyard.  Ruthie is wild and can go down the slide by herself and likes to jump with the big boys.  Isaac had martial arts and is doing good at that.  Everyone have a good Thursday, love you guys.



We me and dad caught a cold.  Nothing horrible just a runny nose and dad has a cough.  I bought some airborne so we should be all better really soon.  Not much else going on with me.  I had a good day at work and then we came home a vegged.  I am meeting the Gumm gang tomorrow night at the Olive garden for dinner.  Robin is going to hook up and pick up her taxes.  I think that is cute that Isaac has his first loose tooth.  He is growing up.  I am glad that Oliver is doing Ok with potty training and that Isaac is being his coach.  LOVE  MOM


Well things are going good here in Kamas. Work is moving along. It was nice weatjer here also. I am liking that the weather is warming up.  I am really liking it not snowing. I only have to work one more day this week.  I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.  Bye


Today was busy. One of the girls at work is quitting. She's the newer girl that moved over. I'm not that sad about it. But my bosses have this grand plan to change everything around again. So the next few weeks will be super crazy. I don't even know what my job will be next month. Lol I guess if I get paid that's all I care about. I had to work scheels tonight so it was a chill night. Its.suppose to be 68 degrees this weekend. I'm excited


Tuesday, March 7, 2017


I should of explained the science fair.  We cut up spam in four pieces and then put sugar, Parmesan cheese and salt on three and nothing on one to see if the different substances affect the decomposition rate.  We wrote our hypothesis and our procedure and then have a chart that we write what we observe everyday.  It has been fun.  Our new microwave came today and that was fun.  For young women we were having a make and share tonight and I was worried the girls wold forgot so I made a couple of things.  The kids were grumpy this morning and it was fun to cook and made them happier.  My visiting teacher came and visited and she is nice.  I am potty training Oliver.  Yesterday he did pretty good but did poop and pee on the floor.  Today he just wanted to pee in his diaper but I said he could have a prize if he didn't and went in the potty.  He didn't do great but we are just going to keep trying.  Young womens was fun and all the girls brought things so we  ate and talked.  Thanks Mom for all the cute clothes for the kids.  I did laundry today and put everything away and they were really cute.



Robin that picture is so funny.  That made my day.  Not much going on with us.  Work and then we came home and I made tuna sandwiches for dinner and then I fell asleep.  I hope I sleep tonight.  I did move our art class to April so I felt good about that one.  It was nice to see the sunshine.  Everyone have a really nice hump day.  LOVE MOM


Today we had power. So we had to do yesterday and today's work. It was busy for sure. We had hotdogs for huntsman donation. It was 5 bucks for hotdogs and chips. It tasted good. Then I had to go grocery shopping. I bought an artichoke and cooked it while putting away my groceries. It tasted really good. It takes a chunk of your day when you have to go grocery shopping though. I was going to start playing with my airbrush but by the time I got around to painting it was too late. Well have a good one


Well things are going good here in Kamas. It was warmer today which was nice and there was no snow which was even better. Rachel what us Isaac doing for his science experiment? I couldn't tell from the picture. I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, March 6, 2017


I am glad that you got to work on your quilt Robin, I hope that you feel better.  We had crappy weather up here also.  I was talking with Mom and Dad and we were thinking of going to the Great Basin for our vacation this summer, does that sound fun to everyone.  It is close and cheap and a fun time.  I put up all the decals in the kids rooms and I love them.  The kids rooms look so good and it made me really happy to have a nice room for all of them.  Thanks for all your help.  Oliver's train hanger came today Mom and it is really cute, thank you.  We moved Oliver's bed into his room and Robin is going to come up and help us finished painting the details on, we are lost on how to do it.  Oliver had a doctor's appointment this morning and he is doing great.  He is 29.8 # 25% and 37" 30%.  We went to Lee's for a prize and got him a drink.  I had a dentist appointment this afternoon so Casey left work early and watched the kids and took Isaac to martial arts.  My teeth are good and my gums were even a little better with the electric toothbrush.  Casey was working on the bed so me and Ruthie picked up Isaac.  After dinner we set up Isaac's science fair experiment.  I hope that it is fun for him.  Everyone have a good night and stay warm.



Well, I made it back to work today.  I had to go in early but the roads were good so that was nice.  That is weird you didn't have power today.  You would have thought yesterday it would have happened.  I guess is doesn't matter because you got some time off.  Tom finished our taxes today and that was nice.  Dad will pick them up tomorrow.  WE are even getting money back so that is really nice.  YEAH.  I was wondering how Ruthie liked her crib.  I thought it looked really nice in there.  Not too much else going on with us.  We went to the store on our way home and dad said fruit sounded good so I bought some strawberries, bananas, grapes and angel food cake.  Topped it all with whip cream.  It was a good dinner.  LOVE MOM


Well the is an interesting day Robin. The power here stayed on all day, so I had to work all day. It was cold and windy all day. It also snowed all morning.  I hope everyone had a great day. Byw

Black out

Today was interesting. A couple hours into work the power went off. So they sent us home for the day. I thought it would be fun to go to red Robin so I picked that up. It tasted good but made me.sick the rest of the day. :/ it was worth the hamburger. I just took it slow and worked on the mystery quilt I have it done for what the instructions give me. Not much else with me. Have a good night


Sunday, March 5, 2017


I hope that your power stays on tonight Karen.  I am sorry you have a headache Robin, I am glad that you rested.  Thanks Mom and Dad for taking the kids, they had a blast.  As soon as we got in the car to go home Isaac said that he missed you already.  We painted while the kids were gone and it feels nice to get things done.  We finished Ruthie's room and I love it, thanks for the color recommendation Robin.  We put her crib in the closet, I thought it would be warmer.  What do you guys think?  We have almost finished the train bed also.  We just need to put the blue and gold finishing touches on.  I didn't take a great pictures, it was too dark.  Thanks you guys for everything.  Love you.


Not ready to go back

It was really windy here today also.  Robin that will give you a bad headache.  I am sorry.  There isn't anything worse.  We could have dropped off something.  I am sorry I didn't know.  We took the kids to liberty park this morning and we had a really nice time.  We fed ducks, run up the hill and rolled back down and then went and explored all the ways the water will come down the fountains when it warms up.  Ruthie wouldn't go to the car when we were ready to go.  She kept walking the other way.  It was so cute.   It was windy and I didn't think we would last very long but we were there a long time.  Dad drove the van around so we didn't have to walk back facing the wind.  That really helped.  We came home and Oliver and Ruth and Grandpa napped and we just played.  It was a nice day.  It did start snowing on our way home from dropping off the kids.  When we got the 5th south and 39 there was a huge road block and of course we tried to have them let us in.  They said it was a criminal investigation and we would have to go around.  We weren't sure we would make it into our apartment but we went around and was able to get in.  I had dreams of spending hours at Walmart.  Be care in the snow tomorrow.  I am so not ready to go back.  I have to go in early to set up a class.  That might be fairly brutal.  LOVE MOM

Windy day

Sorry I didn't meet up in Ogden for.dinner. I had a really bad headache. I thought some soda would help so I ran to sonic and got a dr.pepper but it only tasted good it didn't help the headache. I think it was the wind. Well everyone have a good Monday


Blown away

It has been super windy here today. The power has even flickered a few times. It is suppose to snow tonight, but so far no snow. My day has been good.  Nothing too exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...