Saturday, August 13, 2016

Kingdom ball

We had a nice day. When kingdom ball went really well we had a good time.  We took back Karen's lawn mower and looked at an electric one. We looked up the mower on line and it was hundreds cheaper. Karen is going to order it. Rachel, I am glad you got to go to the fair. Robin I hope your day went well. Not much else going on with us. Love ya mom


Today was pretty good.  Casey was tired and he slept in which was nice.  The kids wanted to go on a walk so we walked over to the farmer market and saw Calleen.  It was hot on the way home but we made it.  Casey was up when we got home so we went and got some root beer milk and some bread sticks for lunch.  Casey worked on his car and picked apricots this afternoon, he got a lot done.  Me and Isaac were downstairs and I had my blocks done for my scrappy quilt so I laid them out so now I just have to sew them together, I like how it is turning out. For dinner we went to the fair.  I don't think we will do that again, it was too hard to carry everything.  The fair was fun.  Isaac rode the rides and loved that and Oliver liked the tractors and the animals.  I hope that everyone had a good day and thanks for everything.



Friday, August 12, 2016

Ready to go!

I am ready for the kingdom ball.  My alarm is set and we will be up there before 9:30.  Dave came over to do laundry tonight.  His apartment is redoing them and ripped them all out at the same time.  We took him out to dinner and bought him some groceries.  Work is good.  The lady that does Zero Harm is going on a 6 week leave of absence.  It is going to be crazy for a while.  I actually think it will be less stress for me to have her on leave.  She has been drama.  Robin, I am glad you won the gold medal.  That is fun.  Rachel, I am sorry that Casey has the cold.  It doesn't last very long so that is good.  It will be nice to have a quiet weekend.  Is the fair this weekend?  I know it is always around dad's birthday.  LOVE MOM


Well I am glad that the weekend is finally here. My day was good. Nothing really exciting to report. Just the usual Friday. They are having abig quality meeting with a graco rep next week so all the higher ups were getting ready for that today. I hope everyone has a great Saturday tomorrow. Bye


Oliver and Ruthie woke up at 6:30 this morning and then that woke up Isaac.  Ruthie went back to sleep but the boys were up.  They were good today and we ended up having a good day.  We were going to go to story time but the road was closed and being resurfaced so we decided to go to panda for lunch instead.  It was fun to go.  Ruth and Oliver took a nap in the afternoon and me and Isaac played legos.  Casey has the bold also and took a nap when he got home since he didn't feel good.  Me, Ruth and Isaac went and ran some errands.  After dinner we went on a walk/bike ride which was fun.  When we got back the boys wanted to go again so Casey took them and I worked on the front yard.  It has been so hot it has kind of gotten away from us.  We spent the rest of the evening out their working.  It looks a lot better and was fun to do.  Everyone have a good Saturday and good luck with the kingdom ball Karen and Mom.


Gold metal

We are doing office Olympics at maggie and today I won another gold metal. We played sticky ball. We had to stick ping ping balls on peanut butter bread. I did really bad at first. It's surprisingly hard. But in tried again and won :) not much else with me I had to work at scheels so it's pretty chill. Have a good weekend!


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Happy Birthday

We went to Pizza Rev for Gary's birthday dinner and walked the mall.  He stayed home from work today and rested.  I think we all got a cold on our trip.  Robin, I am glad you made it back to work in one piece.  I am glad you only had to work one job on your first day back.  I went to work a little early because they were having a big conference and I wanted to make sure all went well.  I left early so that was nice.  I got Oliver some Thomas the Train pull ups.  It looks like he is ready for them.  They had his size and they were on clearance.  Thanks for all the birthday wishes.  That is sweet of you guys.  Have a great Friday.  It is suppose to get hot again.  I was enjoying the cooler weather.  LOVE MOM

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Dad and I hope that you had a fun day.  Today was good for us.  We made the little lego's that we had from lego land and that was fun.  I cleared off a shelf on the book case in the living room for the Millennium Falcon.  Isaac loved it and put his new motorcycle their also.  After lunch we went to Joanns and bought some thread.  Casey called us on our way home, he saw what we call a airplane helicopter at the airport so we met him their and looked at it.  It was cool looking.  Calleen came over and took some apricots and blackberries which was nice.  We visited for a while and made her dinner.  Casey needed a new MP3 player so he took Ruth and Isaac and bought one.  Oliver was sleeping so I stayed and sewed.  Then when they got home I took all the kids on a evening walk so Casey could put some music on it.  It is cooling down and has been really nice to walk again.  Everyone enjoy your Friday.


Happy birthday

Hope dad had a happy birthday. Work was super crazy. I should have not gone back. But they are doing office Olympics and I won gold and silver. Whoop. I was excited. I think I might be catching a cold. I keep sneezing and my nose is running non stop. But I'm not sure if it's the medicine they gave me. It said it stops runny noses but I think when it wears off my nose has to make up for lost time. I didn't have to work tonight so I just relaxed. I was feeling kinda blah. I'm glad Isaac got his millenial Falcon.


Happy Birthday Dad!

I hope that dad had a great birthday today. My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It did rain for a few minutes here this afternoon. I am glad that Isaac got his Millennium Falcon. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Millennium Falcon

Today was good and crazy.  Isaac was so excited about the Millennium Falcon we spent most of the day on that.  When Ruthie took a nap we started on it and just kept going until it was done and then he played with it the rest of the day.  It was fun and he was super excited.  Me and Isaac ran to the store and picked up some pizza for dinner and that tasted really good.  The apricot tree it out of control and one of the branches broke off.  So after dinner I picked a lot of the brown ones and ones that didn't look good and just threw them away and Casey cut some branches off.  It is looking a lot better.  Then me, Ruthie and Isaac walked around the block and we ran into Jenn so we were late coming back.  It was a nice and cool evening though, I loved it.



Karen said it looked like rain where she was but I didn't see any clouds and then all of the sounded it just poured rain.  It looked so nice out there and it was so much cooler when I got off work.  Dad has the cold also so we just rested tonight.  Robin good luck going back to work.  I am really glad you took some time off.  You really needed the rest.  This weekend is the kingdom ball in Kamas so I am going up there to help set up and work.  We got T-shirts this year.  I am looking forward to not having to wear the costume.  It is always so hot.  Work wasn't too bad.  Still some drama but I was too busy to do too much today.  I love the pictures Rachel.  The one in the stage coach you should make into a picture.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Well things are going good here in Kamas. Work went good nothing to exciting, but I stayed busy at least. I think I have a cold. Monday night I started feeling crappy. Now I am all stuffed up. Oh well I will get over it eventually. It did rain here for a little bit tonight. We got thunder and everything. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye


I was going to be productive today but I ended up sleeping most of the day. I had to work at scheels though so I guess I was a bit productive. I am back at maggie tomorrow. I am not really looking foward to it but I guess it's life. Luckily I only have to work two days. I am working scheels all weekend but it's slow so I'm not to worried about it. Glad everyone had a fun vacation


Tuesday, August 9, 2016


I am glad that you went to the doctors Robin and got a good one.  I hope that you get feeling better soon.  Thanks everyone for the fun vacation.  It was amazing.  I feel so refresh.  Here are a bunch of pictures.  We got a letter in the mail about Isaac's preschool.  He starts on Aug 31 and is in the morning, he goes 9:05 to 12.  It should be really good.  He has an assessment on the 24th.  He will be great.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...