Thursday, August 11, 2016

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Dad and I hope that you had a fun day.  Today was good for us.  We made the little lego's that we had from lego land and that was fun.  I cleared off a shelf on the book case in the living room for the Millennium Falcon.  Isaac loved it and put his new motorcycle their also.  After lunch we went to Joanns and bought some thread.  Casey called us on our way home, he saw what we call a airplane helicopter at the airport so we met him their and looked at it.  It was cool looking.  Calleen came over and took some apricots and blackberries which was nice.  We visited for a while and made her dinner.  Casey needed a new MP3 player so he took Ruth and Isaac and bought one.  Oliver was sleeping so I stayed and sewed.  Then when they got home I took all the kids on a evening walk so Casey could put some music on it.  It is cooling down and has been really nice to walk again.  Everyone enjoy your Friday.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...