Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lone Wolf

I am really late blogging tonight and it looks like I wore every one out.  We had a good day in Kamas.  Very productive.  Karen now has a garage that will open and close, a garbage disposal and a seagreen room.  No more red room for her.  I really love the new color.  We didn't paint the ceiling yet.  We couldn't tape it off but we did get a good coat of primer on it.  The weather changed every 10 miles on the way home.  It was weird. Rain, fog, snow, fog, then in SLC it got clear.  Weird.  Have a nice Sunday.  It is suppose to snow tomorrow.  We will send Casey home early.  LOVE MOM

Friday, January 25, 2013


Thanks for the singing encouragement.  Isaac will just have to put up with me.  We had a good day, the weather has been warmer and it is nice.  We walked around outside a little bit.  We met Casey for lunch and a lady said that Isaac had great hair.  It made me happy.  I have been so excited about starting my sampler quilt I decided to make one block today.  It was so hard and it took so long to do.  I had to keep unpicking. This quilt will test my sewing skills.  I think that it will be good to do.  Casey had to work late tonight so me and Isaac walked to mall.  It was nice to get out and walk around for a while.  Everyone have fun in Kamas tomorrow.



burned out

today was good. I was so overwhelmed last night for some reason. But today I got alot accomplished so that helped ease the stress. But I called the doctor and have an appt. for the 6th of feb. I could have gone in this wens. but I still haven't told anyone at work yet so I thought I would tell people monday and give it a week to work out doctor times. Then I went to joanns. I think I got the rest of my school stuff bought. Then I reliezed my head light on my car had burned out. so I stopped at walmart and had them fix it before I got a ticket.I was running out of food so I went grocery shopping while I waited. I was so hungry it was a bad move to shop. I got a lot of random food. o well I guess it will be experiment food week. I still feel tired I am blaming the cold. anyway have a great weekend. Robin

No dancing

Rachel, I agree with Karen.  You should sing out loud.  It helps the soul.  Isaac can deal with it I am sure.  You have a beautiful voice.  Josh would be proud.  We were going to go dancing tonight but went to dinner and it took too long.  Oh well there is always next Friday.  Karen we are planning on picking up Robin around 10:00.  We will come ready to work.  It was so busy at work.  It will be nice to have a fun weekend.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Yea it is finally the weekend. My day was good. Work went by pretty quick and it was payday so that was nice. Rachel you should still sing out load. Don't let the critics stop you. Just keep asking yourself what would Josh Groban do? Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Thursday, January 24, 2013

No Singing

Today was good.  We had the freezing rain up here also.  It is not very fun.  I made potato soup for dinner tonight and it was so good.  It was perfect for a cold day.  We had a lot left so we can eat it tomorrow also. I had an enrichment meeting tonight and that took most of the evening.  Isaac loves his bed still and is going to sleep really well.  Today I made pancakes for breakfast and turned on josh groban to do the dishes.  Isaac ran into the kitchen and said no singing.  He doesn't like it when I sing anymore, it makes me laugh.  I don't have as good a voice as I think I guess.  Everyone have a good night and stay safe.


warm it up

today was cold. I was telling people how my windshield wiper fluid froze, and they pulled my car into the boat shop to warm up my car. It worked ;) hopefully now it will stay unfroze. I put in diffrent windshield stuff. The rain was crazy so many wrecks and people sliding. I just stayed in tonight but fell asleep. so nothing crazy. have a good friday! Robin

Sheet of Ice

I was a crazy storm.  It was fine at the apartment but the hospital was literally a sheet of ice.  It was strange because the salt would just melt and it would freeze up again.  It was a normal day today and that was nice.  We didn't do anything tonight.  I did do a couple batches of clothes.  I am glad it is Friday also.  Hopefully it won't be too bad out there in the morning.  Have a nice Friday and stay safe.  LOVE MOM


Rachel I think that the bed is cute. I am sure that Isaac will love it. Today was good. I didn't break anything, so that was nice. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. Well it was nice today. It just rained, yeah for no snow. It also wasn't the freezing rain that Salt Lake got either. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Our baby is growing up

That bed is so cute Rachel.  I hope Isaac does as well with you as he did for me.  I think once he figures out he can get out it might change but he was just so happy with his cot, I think he will be good.  He really seemed ready.  Man we are falling apart aren't we.  We might need to rent a rubber room.  I am going to have to go get some good prizes for you guys for being brave.  My day was a good day.  Just really busy but I think that is how work is going to be for awhile.  We went grocery shopping tonight because my cupboards were bare.  I fried up a bunch of hamburger and froze it.  I am good to go.  It was so cold this morning.  I hope the inversion will leave us soon.  There is a storm pray that it is a big one and move this crap out of here.  Have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM

Big Boy Bed

We are falling apart.  That sucks about your tooth Karen, I hope that it isn't too bad to fix.  That sucks about   your gallbladder also Robin.  Good things are around the corner I can feel it.  Today was good.  Isaac was really happy today and had a lot of energy, it was really nice.  We meet Casey for lunch at the Indian Oven and it was so good.  Since Isaac did so well on the cot we decided to convert his crib into the day bed.  Isaac was super excited about it.  He went to bed good and was  excited to get into bed by himself.  I hope that we didn't make a terrible mistake.  I guess we can always change it back if it doesn't work.  


tooth, gallbadder, shoulder, oh my

well its offical we all are falling apart. I am sorry about your tooth karen that sucks so bad. and to make it worse its not a simple fix its a whole deal. Sometimes you just want to say "your a little tooth stop making such a fuss." I say that to my gallbadder all the time. Its not listening so I have to remove it. stubborn. WEll on to daily news, work was good our meeting was just a yearly meeting to go over goals for our department. I tried to call the doctor when I got home but it was to late so i have to call tomorrow and make an appointment. Then I went shopping for school supplies, I still have a few things to pick up but I thought I would do that tomorrow. OH and I have made the best garlic bread ever. Last night and tonight with spagetti. its so good. I will make it for you guys one time. well have a great night robin

Tooth trouble

Well today at I broke my tooth. I was eating lunch and I crunched And I felt it break. I thought it was a filling at first so I called the dentist and the fit me in today at 2. The filling was good, but I had broke part of the actually tooth. So the dentist said I need a root canal and I had to go to a specialist cause the root angles weird out of the tooth. SO I have to do that then go back to the dentist to get a crown on it. Fun times I know. Other than that it was a good day. Well I hope that everyone else had a good Wednesday. BYE

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Got to love them

Doctors you have to love them don't you.  Do you have questions, concerns.  Oh no just do what you are told.  Did they give you a name of a surgeon or are you putting a pin the a map.  I will ask around and see if anyone knows a good surgeon around town.  I am sure there are lots of them.  I was thinking that maybe if you drank a lot of apple juice it might make you feel better until you can get into see a doctor.  It is suppose to be a good cure so I thought it might help your symptoms.  Just a thought.  I am glad you are feeling better Rachel.  HEPA Filters are good things to have.  You will need to all sleep in the same room.  I had a nice day.  Nothing exciting just a normal day and that was nice.  I sure wish a storm would come and take this pollution away.  It is just about everywhere right now.  There haven't been a lot of storms.  Well have a great hump day.  Karen, you haven't said much about how you are liking living in Kamas.  I was hoping you were loving it.  Did you decide on colors for your rooms yet?  LOVE MOM

wait for it

well I finally heard from the doctors office today at 6:30 tonight. this was the converstation " hi you have gallstones call the general surgeon." so I guess its to the point and gives all the information. so I will look for a general surgeon and give him a call I don't know if it will be tonight or tomorrow but by the end of the week. :) other then that I felt a lot better today, I think it was the gallon of pepsi I drank. I did my laundry, dishes, and cooked dinner. It doesnt sound like a lot but it was nice to have energy to do more then sleep. Tomorrow I guess I have a meeting with my managers. Think its a yearly review. so hopefully its not to painful. have a good night!! Robin

Who needs sleep

I am feeling better, thanks Karen.  I am glad that I am getting over it.  Isaac still has a runny nose but seems to be feeling better.  We went to story time this morning and it was nice to go.  We haven't been since before Christmas.  I got a new audio book at the library so that will be nice.  Afterwards we went to the toy store and got Isaac a new chugginton train.  It was fun to walk around the store.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon but Isaac refused to take a nap so she left early.  I am not sure what was going on.  He took a three hour nap yesterday.  Casey has been worried about the air pollution so we went to lowes and bought a hepa filter for Isaac's room.  I will be good for him to breath clean air when he is sleeping.  He wanted to take a bath at 6:30 tonight and he was in bed by 7.  I hope that he doesn't wake up too early tomorrow.  I hope that you heard from the doctor today Robin.  I am mad that they haven't contacted you sooner.  I hope that everyone has a good night.



Sorry I forgot to blog last night. Today was good. I could still use a nap, but other than that it was good. Robin did you hear from your doctor yet? Rachel, is your cold better? Thanks everyone for the fun trip. Bye

Monday, January 21, 2013

le snoze

today was good I was so tired all day. I couldn't snap out of it. I didn't get my other pictures transfered but I will work on that. Rich called and wants me to do makeup the 15th of feb. for his new studio opening. it will be fun. its just nice to have january almost over and get on to the fun months :) thanks again for the fun weekend. It was so nice to get out a bit. I haven't heard anything from the doctor yet, I think they were closed for the holiday today. have good tuesday.

More Memories

Thanks Robin for the pictures.  I didn't know you could just show people certain things on facebook.  That was a good idea to put the videos there and I wouldn't make them public.  Thanks for the update on Sharron Mom.  I am glad that she is having the baby soon.  I am glad that you got Dad a hepa filter, Casey was talking about getting one tonight also.  I am not sure what we are doing this weekend yet.  If we are around we will go to Matt's that sounds fun.  We had a pretty good day.  Isaac took a long nap so I got a lot of sewing done.  I did laundry and washed all our sheets.  Thanks for all the new toys Mom.  We had a fun time playing with them today.  I like the color paint markers.  They were a lot of fun and made pretty pictures..   We opened the one that the markers are clear and their is stuff on the page, when you run the marker over it it changes colors.  It took a second or two to change colors, Isaac would color and say It's not working.  It was so funny.  Well here are the pictures I took in Vegas.  I thought I took more than I had.


Love the pictures

Thanks for posting the pictures Robin.  They are so cute.  I love them.  I am so glad you had a good weekend.  Today was a nice day.  The lady came back off maternity leave and it took a big load off of me.  YEAH.  Dad's voice was really bad tonight so we decided to go get a HEPA filter.  We went to Lowes and got a huge one.  His voice will be better tomorrow.  It is a fancy one.  I called Melody today to see if Sharon had her baby and they are back there and they just had admitted her to induce her.  She probably will have the baby by tomorrow or so.  Melissa and Matt invited all of us over to there house on Sunday at 3:00 for games and dinner.  I told them I didn't think you guys could come but if you want to you are invited.  Not much else to report.  LOVE MOM

Sunday, January 20, 2013


so I will post picts here as they upload, my phone is being retarted. so there may be a few posts from me. sorry. I couldn't upload the bigger videos on here so I put them on facebook but made it so only we can look at them. If you want me to make them public I can. anyway thanks for the fun weekend.!!! robin


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...