Monday, January 21, 2013

More Memories

Thanks Robin for the pictures.  I didn't know you could just show people certain things on facebook.  That was a good idea to put the videos there and I wouldn't make them public.  Thanks for the update on Sharron Mom.  I am glad that she is having the baby soon.  I am glad that you got Dad a hepa filter, Casey was talking about getting one tonight also.  I am not sure what we are doing this weekend yet.  If we are around we will go to Matt's that sounds fun.  We had a pretty good day.  Isaac took a long nap so I got a lot of sewing done.  I did laundry and washed all our sheets.  Thanks for all the new toys Mom.  We had a fun time playing with them today.  I like the color paint markers.  They were a lot of fun and made pretty pictures..   We opened the one that the markers are clear and their is stuff on the page, when you run the marker over it it changes colors.  It took a second or two to change colors, Isaac would color and say It's not working.  It was so funny.  Well here are the pictures I took in Vegas.  I thought I took more than I had.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...