Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Got to love them

Doctors you have to love them don't you.  Do you have questions, concerns.  Oh no just do what you are told.  Did they give you a name of a surgeon or are you putting a pin the a map.  I will ask around and see if anyone knows a good surgeon around town.  I am sure there are lots of them.  I was thinking that maybe if you drank a lot of apple juice it might make you feel better until you can get into see a doctor.  It is suppose to be a good cure so I thought it might help your symptoms.  Just a thought.  I am glad you are feeling better Rachel.  HEPA Filters are good things to have.  You will need to all sleep in the same room.  I had a nice day.  Nothing exciting just a normal day and that was nice.  I sure wish a storm would come and take this pollution away.  It is just about everywhere right now.  There haven't been a lot of storms.  Well have a great hump day.  Karen, you haven't said much about how you are liking living in Kamas.  I was hoping you were loving it.  Did you decide on colors for your rooms yet?  LOVE MOM

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