Saturday, January 18, 2020


My day was good. I got up early and took my car to jiffy lube  and got my oil changed. It is nice to have that done. I got some salmon at Smith's afterwards and cooked it for lunch. It tasted really good. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope that the funeral and house hunting went good. Have a good one. Bye

Friday, January 17, 2020


My day was good. It was a blizzard here this morning but I made it to work on time. It was annoying this morning though. I had just finished using my snow blower and had put it away. I got my shovel out to get the snow by my door and then the snow plow went by and buried the end of my driveway. So I had to pull my blower out again and clear up the driveway again. Work was quite but I got a ton of emails. Good luck at the funeral tomorrow. And good luck with house hunting Robin. Bye


Wow you guys are having a huge week.  My thought on this Robin is your are already a team lead.  You might as well get paid for it.  Maybe you can change things they way you want it to be.  Good luck with house hunting.  I was looking a condos on a facebook ad and they sure look nice.  I am sure Lehi has a bunch of new ones around.  Just caught my eye.  These were in Logan.  Karen, I am glad you are feeling better.  Rachel, it looks like you have been having a ball.  We got a hotel room for tomorrow night.  That way we can come and go and you can stay and visit if you want to.  I just thought it gave us flexibility.  I want you to be with Casey's family as much as you can.  I only had to work 4 hours today and I really needed that.  I went into to work late and them left early.  We went to Winco to get groceries for stroke potatoes and I came home and took a nap.  My headache is still bad so taking a nap was nice.  We are leaving around 8 in the morning.  Everyone enjoy the weekend.  I get Monday off.  LOVE MOM


Today was ok. At the end of work Aimee and lily had a talk with me. They are giving Aimee a big project that will last a few years. So they want to change my position and make me over the team now. They are giving me the week to think it over. It's crazy how life changes in a dime eh. So that's my big news I'm still mulling it over. Tomorrow we are looking at a house and going down to see Jeramy's mom. Good luck with the funeral and hope everyone travels safe



Sorry I didn't blog last night, I got tired.  We have had  a really fun time with Casey's sisters.  They are so nice, fun and good with the kids.   It has been so nice to have them here.  We kept the kids home from school today and Casey took the day off.  We went to Angie's for breakfast/lunch and it tasted good.  We went thrift store shopping which was fun.  We went up to Clifton and spent the evening with everyone.  They are spending the night but we came home so the kids would sleep better.  Ruthie was bringing out all of her soft stuffed animals for Mandy's dog to sleep on.  He is 15 years old likes soft things.  Ruth and Mandy are fashion buddy's.  The have similar purses so they wear them together.  It is cute.  Tiffany rescued our fish and bought them fish tanks and water heaters.  Betas need warm water which a didn't know.  They are so much happier now and are swimming everywhere.  It was really nice of her to give them a good life.   Thanks for coming up Mom and Dad.  I hope that everyone feels better and has a restful Saturday.


Thursday, January 16, 2020


It was a really busy day for me and I am really over my hours.  I was going in early to start a web ex meeting but I am not going to go.  Robin go in later.  I am sure no one will mind.  The storm is out of here by 10.  Just take a couple hours of PTO and sleep in.  I am really tired also.  I have had a bad headache for two days.  I hope it gets better soon.  Rachel, I am so glad you get to spend time with Casey's sisters.  Those pictures on facebook were so cute.  Have a fun day tomorrow with no work.  Be care ful in the snow.  LOVE MOM


I am tired as well. The nasty weather is supposed to start at 2 am and go until lunch. So good luck everyone with the weather. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy here. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Today was good work went by smooth. I am tired I'm ready to sleep for a long time. I got a warning saying it was going to snow bad in the morning so hopefully driving to work doesn't suck. Hope everyone has a good Friday


Wednesday, January 15, 2020


I went into to work a little early.  It is the Lehi day.  Catering turned out nice so that was good.  I had a bad headache today also Karen.  Wow you guys are busy.  Rachel, I hope you have a really good time with Casey's family.  We don't have to spend the night at your place.  We can just come up for the funeral if you need them to stay at your place.  We see each other all the time.  You decide.  Robin you will find a place.  I am with Karen, you should have seen the dumps we looked at.  I was so discouraged and then BAM we found her house.  There was one house that didn't even have a furnace and the road was up 5 feet and no parking.  I agree it is like looking for a job.  You have to be tough and never give up.  Don't settle for something that you aren't going to be happy in.  You don't want to get stuck with something.  See if you can sneak in a double wide and see what Jeramy thinks.  Karen I can't believe you start school on Monday.  Time goes to fast. Not much going on with me.  I stopped at the store on the way home because I only had one coke left at work. I know I lead an exciting life.  Dad did get the jeep registered in Kamas today.  LOVE MOM


You are amazing Mom and will find a good job.  Things always work out in the end, it is just a hard road sometimes.  Robin I just read an article that said houses are 100K more than they were 5 years ago.  It is a crazy market.  Good luck.  Casey sisters are coming up tonight and are going to spend the night at our house.  It will be fun to see them and spend some time with them.  All three kids didn't sleep well last night.  I went to exercise class and that always makes me feel better so it was a good day.  We met Casey for lunch which was fun.  After we dropped Oliver off me and Ruth went to the fabric store to get a back for my quilt.  It was fun and Ruth likes to look at the fabric too.  We helped in Oliver's class and the kids were good.  I talked to the secretary and put Oliver and Isaac absence for a funeral so I don't have to call them in on Friday.   Mom sent the kids some pokemon cards and they loved them, thank you.  We cleaned the house so I hope that it looks ok for everyone.  We made the roast for dinner and it tasted good.  Thanks for all the food again.  I feel like I haven't have to grocery shop in forever.  We are spoiled.  Love you guys.



I am sorry that you didn't get the job either mom. Just keep trying. Robin I looked at a bunch of awful houses before I finally found the right one. It sucks just as bad as job hunting. My day was good. I still have a headache but I hope it will go away soon. Work went good. I even remembered to put my garage out tonight. I am sorry Leona passed. If you guys need anything just let me know. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow. Bye

come to it

Sorry you didn't get your job mom. It always is hard to look for a new place to work. Sorry Leona passed away. That is sad. We went and looked at a house today. It was the only cheap one in Lehi. It was in rough shape with  very tiny kitchen We decided after looking at the house to raise our budget a little bit and we opened up a can of worms. The girl that was at the one place took us to one other one. It was cute but it was a split level and the rooms were tiny. But we were hopeful that a house exsists. There is one open house on Saturday which we doubt we will get a good offer in. Then we figured after that we will get serious and commit to one retailer and talk with Jen and see if she is free. So hopefully the house hunt won't be too painful 

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Thanks but no thanks

I didn't get the job at the U. I felt bad but life goes on and I will continue looking.  For some reason I don't feel like I need to do that as quickly as I did before but I am still going to continue looking just keep my options opened.    I am sorry about Leona.  We will come to the funeral.  Man Rachel you have a lot of snow.  It was so grid locked at work I drove trax home and dad came and got me.  It was a lot better around here.  I will drive my car home tomorrow night.  It was taking 90 minutes to get from Primary's to foothill drive.  When I left the traffic was starting to move a little better.  Robin that was really kind of you to get Alyssa a dress.  She looked really beautiful in it.  Karen I am so glad you got an antibiotic.  I hope you feel better really soon.  Headaches are just awful and you are so congested.  Dad said he is starting to feel better so I hope he is turning the corner.  I have really been pushing airborne today so hopefully that will help.  Have a nice hump day.  Lehi is in town tomorrow so I have to go to work a little early and help set up breakfast  I was hoping I would be done with that soon.  Be safe out there.  MOM  I love that quilt.  It is amazing.  I think that has to be on top of one of my favorites.  Thanks for cutting out our fabric.


That is a pretty dress Robin.  That was sweet of you to do that.  Leona passed away last night and they are going to have the funeral on Saturday.  We will miss her.  I am glad that they found you a new place at work Mom.  That makes me feel better.  It snowed a ton today.  We were going to go to story time but they were playing in the snow so we skipped it.  While the kids were at school I finished my gypsy wife quilt.  Robin bought the pattern for me in May.  It was such a fun quilt to make.  I really enjoyed it.  It is really a crazy quilt.  I didn't lay the blocks out before so some of the same colors touch but it is so crazy it is hard to tell.  It was a really fun quilt.  I started to cut out the class quilts but the directions weren't making sense so I emailed her and will see what she says.  Oliver had a friend come over and play after school and they had a fun time.  They are cute together.  We made the rice crispy valentine treats after dinner.  Love you guys and stay safe with all this snow.



Today was busy but I made it out alive. Alyssa came over after work and tried on some dresses. I think she found one that she liked. It was pretty. Then Jeramy bought me a papa Murphy's Pizza for dinner so that was sweet of him.



I didn't have to shovel when I got up this morning so that was nice. It did start snowing about 2 though. Work was good. It was meeting day so that was most of my day. After work I did have to shovel a bit. Then I  am still congested and have a headache so I called into that online doctor. They gave me an antibiotic. So I pick it up at food town. Hope it helps. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, January 13, 2020

Payroll Monday

I went to work early but not way early because I worked yesterday.  It went really smoothly.  It helped working yesterday.  They told me my new job today and I will have one boss and work for all her reports.  I won't work for Ryan any more.  I think it will work out good.  I am not sure when or how but at least there is a plan.  I laughed at your recipes.  That is just me all the time.  Thanks for posting that.  It snowed here all day, I was worried you would be buried Karen and Rachel.  Dad still has a fever so I guess he isn't going to work tomorrow.  He says he is fine.  I am not sure whether to wait or take him to the doctor.  I always call it the 100 dollar decision.  I did leave a little early today and got my hair cut.  That felt so good.  It is suppose to snow again tomorrow but I can't see where it is going to get really cold so that is good.  LOVE MOM


Oliver's foot hurt last night so we didn't sleep great.  I went to go walking and it was snowing so I turned around came back.  I shoveled before school and it went fast.  We did High at exercise class and I got a lot of steps in.  It is pretty fun.  Oliver was emotional afterwards so we stopped and got a pizza and he felt better after he ate something.  Mom gave Oliver a pillow and they have been sliding down the stairs all day yesterday and today with pillow.  It keeps them buys.  We walked to get the boys and it was a pretty afternoon.  Isaac went with to his friends house and played.  He had a fun time.  Isaac wanted sushi yesterday so Casey made that for dinner and it tasted really good.  Isaac was walking on his toes again today which is frustrating.  He has been really good to do his exercises so hopefully he stays stretched out.  Love you guys and I hope that everyone gets some rest tonight.  Feel better.



I was tired as well today. I had to shovel snow in the morning and then after work. I am hoping it doesn't snow tonight so I can sleep in tomorrow. Work was good. Just the usual there. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye


I'm feeling better today but I still have a cough. It keeps waking me up so I'm tired. Work went by fast which was nice. I'm tired of the snow and ready for summer. It's so gloomy out. 


Sunday, January 12, 2020

Ready for some warm sunshine

This cold never wants to leave.  It just hangs on.  I sure had a nice time yesterday as well.  I am pretty excited for the class.  I love my fabric.  We just hung out all day as well.  I went to work for a couple of hours.  I figured I would never make it even if I went in at 6.  This way I don't have to go in so early and I will sleep better.  Dad just vegged all day.  He can't shake this cold.  I loved going to cactus and tropical.  That is such a fun store.  Have a nice week.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun day yesterday.  I love the fabric we got for our quilts and I am excited for our class.  Thanks guys.  Today was pretty good.  I had a meeting this morning.  Casey and Oliver shoveled the walks and the trampoline which was nice.  Casey worked the rest of the day and we went to church.  One of my subs didn't show but I found someone else and primary went well.  The kids were all happy.  Ruth loves her new class.  The kids just played the rest of the day.  I wanted to go on a walk but they just wanted to play in the backyard which worked out fine.  Everyone have a good Monday and I hope that you guys feel better.



My day was pretty lazy as well, except for snow shoveling. I shoveled about 3 inches at 10 this morning. Then about 530 I shoveled 4 more. I cooked salmon for dinner it tasted really good. Then I did laundry. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


Today was nice we just slept and relaxed. I still have a cold and cramps so I was a dud all day. I'm sad tomorrow is Monday. I really don't want to go to work. I'm ready for another long vacation. Thanks again for the quilt class. Hope everyone had a good weekend.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...