Thursday, May 30, 2019

One more day

It was rough to go back to work today but I made it through. Me and Jeramy took Jenkins to the dog park. It was fun. The we watched some more Alaska frontier. It rained so hard tonight it was cool. I gave Jenkins bath so he was cold and snuggly all night. Jeramy is good with dinner on Saturday. Thanks again for everyone coming down Robin

I have a plan

I am excited for the weekend.  I dragged all day today.  I did get my work done but just wasn't wanting to move very much.  I am so excited for this weekend.  Robin, are we still OK with taking Jeramy out for his birthday dinner on Saturday?  Lots of fun celebrations going on.  Everyone drive safe tomorrow.  I am excited for the shower.  It will be a lot of fun.   LOVE MOM


Today was good. I went walking this morning and it was a pretty morning.  We took it easy this morning and went slow.  After lunch we walked to the park.  Isaac's class was spending the day there and we played with them.  It was fun and really hot.  Poor Isaac got sun burned.  The kids all had a good time.  We drove to pick up Isaac and went and got plants for the garden.  We stopped at Great harvest and had a after school snack which was fun.  The kids were really excited to get plants.  We planted them after dinner.  Randy stopped by to pick up the trailer, they are rebuilding their deck.  When we were done planting a thunder storm came in also which was nice to water everything.  It is a smaller garden than we have had in the past which will be nice.  I hope that it works out well.  Love you guys and we will be down tomorrow later about 8.



Well I kept hoping today would turn out to be Friday, but alas it was still only Thursday. It was so nice and clear this morning. But about 5 a thunder storm rolled thru. I really like thunder storm. Work was good. Nothing too wild and crazy to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sound asleep

I have been having a hard time sleeping. So Tuesday night I decided to take half of a Lortab and it helped so much.  So I took one last night also.  I feel sound asleep about 7 and never woke up.  Rachel, I would love it if you came down tomorrow.  I was going to call and make plans.  Gary was planning on watching the kids and taking them to this is the place.  I want to go to the mall and look for dresses after the shower.  Everyone have a great day.  LOVE MOM

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


It was jeramys birthday today. We just had a chill day. He wanted me to learn a Xbox 360 game but I kept dying and it was not my game so we ended up watching Alaska home frontier. I have to go to work tomorrow so that is sad. But luckily it's just for 2 days.



I like your hair and jacket Robin, you are beautiful.  I hope that Jeremy had a fun birthday today, tell him Happy Birthday.  Today was good and it felt like a normal day which was nice.  I was able to walk this morning and then I had my work out class.  I didn't have to leave early to take Oliver to school which was nice.  After lunch we walked to the park and played for a while.  The kids had fun.  Their was a lot of debris on the canal from blown over trees. The trees had all been cleared away.  We walked to pick up Isaac and it was a pretty afternoon.  Casey finished tilling the garden tonight so we are ready to plant it.  Isaac had scouts this evening and they made paper airplanes and he had a blast.  We were thinking this weekend of coming down Friday night after work.  The boys and the kids could go to the zoo or something while we are at the shower.  Is that alright?




Things are going good here in Kamas. Work was good. Then after work I watched an orientation video for online classes. Nothing too shocking but it was good to watch. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


I keep forgetting I can't post pictures in the blogger app so here are some pictures :)

Too early

Today was good. I has the day off so that was nice. Me and Jeramy went down to go get our marriage license. But I guess it expires in 30 days, so we didn't end up getting one. We just need to figure out a day we can both take off again to get it closer to the wedding. I went and did a hair test for my updo. She just did it loose to get the feel and didn't do the full up do. She only charged me half the price because she said it was a test. So that was nice of her. Then I finished the invites and sent them out. There were only like 30 so we figured just mail them. I will get the Gumm side on Saturday if that is ok. That will work for us to do jeramys party on Saturday night. I worked on my jacket the rest of the night. I'm finally on the sleeves :)



It was raining again this morning so I couldn't walk but I was able to put the binding on my quilt and finish it.  I quilted clam shells and I really like it and it went pretty fast.  Isaac had a read a thon at school so they read all day.  I was excited for him and sent too many books.  He had a fun time.  Ruth needed more pajamas so we went to Kohls and used the Kohl cash and got some new ones.  Then we went to story time.  Oliver was able to come because of no school.  He was so excited and talked the whole story time.  He was cute and he is so big.  He is one of the big kids there which is so weird.  The weather cleared up so we walked to get Isaac and it turned out so be so hot.  Isaac had a present from his teacher for me that he forgot so we walked back but she had gone.  Then Oliver fell and scrapped his knees so he was sad.  We were walking on the road and I was trying to move over for a car and I hit a pot hole and the little kids fell out and hurt their knees so they were both sad.  Oliver laid down when we got home and feel asleep.  Imogene played for a bit until we did Isaac's stretches.  We had hamburgers from the grill and ate on the deck which was fun.  Me and Casey worked on the garden for a bit and made some progress.  Love you guys and this week is going so fast, it is already Wednesday.


We're back

We made it back to the real world today.  It was good and I felt really strong so that was nice.  I hadn't thought about pro biotics but I started to feel sick and figured that I needed them while I am on antibiotics.  I had a mammogram today and a bone density test.  I know great fun.  I left a little early to have that done.  I am excited for the weekend.  Is it still OK if we have a birthday dinner for Jeramy on Saturday?  Everyone have a nice hump day.  That sounds really good that the week is almost half over with.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. It was tough getting up in the morning. I missed sleeping in. Work went well. I was in meetings most of the day. Nothing really exciting to report. I hope everyone had a great day.  Bye

Monday, May 27, 2019


It's amazing how fast a day can go when you don't work. It's nice to have some time off. We met up with mom and dad for lunch it was fun. Then my place was a mess. So I spent the night cleaning and making banana bread. It was nice

love you



Today was good and we got a lot done.  We laid the membrane out this morning, it is more work than it looks.  Now we need to hang the backer board.  After lunch we took the kids to the jump zone and they had a really fun time.  When we got back the weather had cleared up so we fixed the fence.  It looks nice.  Casey was able to till the garden a bit so hopefully we can plant that this week.  I am glad that everyone had a good weekend.  It is the last week of school.


Quiet day

I am so not ready to go back to work.  I am really enjoying just laying around.  We did hook up with Robin and Jeramy to go get bubble machines and Costco was closed.  Weird so we had lunch at Wingers and went to Sam's. It was nice to visit and shop around.  Karen, I am glad you had a nice day as well.  Rachel, I hope your holiday was good also.  Everyone enjoy your short week.  LOVE MOM


Things are going good here in Kamas. I am glad that I got my lawn mowed yesterday because it rained off and on most all of today. I did get my laundry done, so yeah I was productive. I have enjoyed having an extra day off. I hope everyone had a great day off. Have a great week everyone. BYE

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Doing good

I am glad everyone had a nice weekend.  Rachel, I am glad you got to go hiking and Robin, I am glad you got to go to Lava Hot Springs.  Karen thanks for coming down and going to lunch.  It was nice to get out of the house.  I am doing really good.  Tomorrow we are hooking up with Robin and buying some bubble machines.  I think that will be fun.  Not much else to report on my end.  Everyone enjoy having memorial day off.  LOVE MOM

Full weekend

It was a busy weekend. Me and Jeramy went up to lava hot springs area to meet his foster sister. We went to pocettello and met up for lunch at wingers. She has two little ones and it was good to visit and meet her. Then we saw Aladdin and stopped at the hot springs for a bit. Jeramy was worried about Jenkins staying at the PetSmart so we tried out his sister's house. We picked him up today and he did good. Jeramy s birthday is Wednesday and he took off the week. So I took off Tues and Wednesday so I have a longer week. It will be nice. I'm hoping to finish my jacket. Love you guys



Today was good.  Casey didn't work today which was nice.  We went to church after being lazy this morning.  We grilled hot dogs for lunch which was fun.  We went on a hike and it was a really pretty day.  It is slow going with the kids, we walked two miles in two hours but it was fun.  Ruthie picked some flowers and said that they were for Robin's wedding and carried them around everywhere.  When we got home Casey made a fire and we roasted marshmallows and played outside until bedtime.  I hope that we have good weather again tomorrow.  Love you guys and have a good day off.



I slept in this morning which was really nice. Then I went down to slc and meet mom and dad for lunch. We went to Red Robin and then a book store. Then we just hung out and played bubble bobble for a bit. Then I came home had a quick dinner and mowed my lawn. It was getting really long. It looks really nice now. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...