Thursday, May 30, 2019


Today was good. I went walking this morning and it was a pretty morning.  We took it easy this morning and went slow.  After lunch we walked to the park.  Isaac's class was spending the day there and we played with them.  It was fun and really hot.  Poor Isaac got sun burned.  The kids all had a good time.  We drove to pick up Isaac and went and got plants for the garden.  We stopped at Great harvest and had a after school snack which was fun.  The kids were really excited to get plants.  We planted them after dinner.  Randy stopped by to pick up the trailer, they are rebuilding their deck.  When we were done planting a thunder storm came in also which was nice to water everything.  It is a smaller garden than we have had in the past which will be nice.  I hope that it works out well.  Love you guys and we will be down tomorrow later about 8.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...