Saturday, April 9, 2022


 We had a really good day and got a lot done.  I am feeling a lot better and able to do more.  Ruth went and played with Emily this morning.  My sewing machine doesn't work very well so Casey took a look at it and it is working better.  He also fixed the vacuum and the bathroom sink.  We went to Lowe's and got wood for the tree house.  When Ruth got home we went to del taco for lunch and the playground was open which was fun.  Oliver got in trouble for spitting on Ruth so he had to clean the van.  While he was doing that I cleaned the garage.  It really needed it.  While Casey was working on the tree house I worked on trimming the fruit trees.  Isaac made ham fried rice for dinner and it tasted good.  Me and Casey went on a run/walk with Tony.  It was really nice.  I am glad everyone had a good day.

Love Rachel


 We had a nice day. We went down to Lehi and help jeramy and robin. One of jeramys coworker passed away so they went to the viewing and we babysat Luna. She is so Dang cute. She stands all by her shelf. She is going to walk real soon. They got the water heater etc to the dump and then we we went and drove by the new house. The people were moving out. We got some boxes and got a lot of their kitchen packed up. We came home and bought a new movie on vudoo and just vegged. Karen I am glad you got your homework done. Rachel I hope you got some work done on the tree house. Love mom


 My day was good. I got my operations homework done today so that is nice. My only other exciting news is that I got pizza for lunch. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Friday, April 8, 2022


 We are getting in a bad habit of sleeping in and staying up late.  Today was good.  Ruth's Emily came over to play this morning.  Me and the boys got the rest of Oliver's birthday Legos out and built them.  It was fun.  After lunch the kids wanted to go to the park to see if the new section was open.  We went and it was.  It looks fun.  Oliver and Ruth were fighting near the end though.  I didn't bring Tony because I just wanted to watch the kids.  Casey took him for a walk after dinner.  The weather has been so nice and the kids are getting tan.  My hand is slow to move again but I am able to do a whole lot more without the pins so their is progress.  I haven't had to take any pain medicine since they came out also 

Love Rachel


 Work went fast I only worked half day. I took dad to get a shot and it went well. He says he feels a lot better. That was good. We are going to lehi tomorrow to help robin pack up. It will be fun. Have a nice Saturday. Love mom


Today was good. I was so glad it was Friday. Nothing amazing so that is nice. It was a really pretty day out so our walk was nice. 



 My day was good. It was quiet at work so I just worked on my to do list. Then I was just lazy today. I am going to work on homework tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye 

Thursday, April 7, 2022


 It was real quiet today and I am all caught up. It felt nice. My team from work went to dinner at olive garden and it was good. I have enough left for lunch. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I am working half a day and then taking dad to get his steroid shot. I hope it helps. It was so pretty outside today. Have a really nice Friday. Karen not too much longer and it will be just work. Robin Luna is so cute. I am glad you had a quiet day and the house came back good. Rachel that is nice to get to hike. Love mim


 We took it easy this morning.  Then we headed to the dentist.  The kids are all going to need braces.  Isaac's jaw is misaligned and Oliver has an over but.  Ruth has a bunch of little cavities so she has to go back.  We had lunch and then went hiking up green canyon.  I started lower than normal.  The kids complained until the recognized where they were.  We hike to a steep hill they like to climb and just played there.  Their wasn't anyone around so Tony could walk off his leash.  He loved that.  We had steaks for dinner and Isaac marinaded them this afternoon.  After dinner we went to the park and played until it was dark.  Casey ran around the park with Tony.  We are going to try to hike again tomorrow.  

Love Rachel


Today went alot better. It was nice to not have a million things happen. We heard back from the inspection of our current house. It was all nit picky things but instead of fixing anything we are just going to take 1,000 off the house. So it wasn't too terrible. When Jeramy got home we went on a walk. I'm glad your hand is doing better Rachel



 I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. My day was good. I really don't have anything exciting to report. It is just the usual here. Work then school. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, April 6, 2022


 That sounds like a crazy day Robin.  I am sorry.  My hand is doing good.  It feels really nice to have the wires out.  I worked on moving my fingers alot today without much progress but it will come.  We went slow this morning.  Then we went on a hike.  The kids were kind of winny at first but everyone has a fun time.  It was nice to be outside and felt good to walk.  We came home and made pizza for lunch.  The kids had their hour and then played outside all afternoon.  They didn't want to go to the park or anything.  I tried ironing and sewing.  It is a lot better without the pins in.  I still have a hard time holding a ruler down.  Isaac made the salmon for dinner and it tasted good. Thank you again Mom for all the dinners.   Oliver had his first soccer practice tonight and had fun.  I forgot his shin guards and had to run them back to him.  Randy and Terri came over and brought an old Fitbit for Casey to use for his running.  It was good to visit with them.  Tomorrow the kids go to the dentist to get their teeth clean.  Hopefully it is an uneventful visit.

Love Rachel


 Robin, I am sorry you had a rough dentist trip. I always hate going. My day was good. Work was just the usual. Nothing too wild and crazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 My day was quiet. I tried to catch up at work and did really well. I miss the commotion after I have been with the kids. Robin I am so sorry about your teeth. Man you have had a month if if. So did the appraise your house? You will need a vacation in may. Karen I hope all the snow melted. It was still cold here. Rachel I hope your hand starts making great progress. Love you all mom


I woke up early because I had a dentist appointment during my lunch and I was making up hours. Luna was great and slept through the night finally. It was amazing. I got my fake crown and some cavities filled. So I was extra numb. When I was done with the dentist I had a million missed calls and messages. I guess they wanted to do an appraisal on our house but forgot to tell me. The next door neighbor decided to sell their house with the same agent and they got their wires crossed. So we figured it all out and he came back after I was done with work. So I took Jenkins and Luna on a walk. Then I went and got a shake because my mouth was sore. On the ride home Luna feel asleep so I worked for a hour to make up more time for the dentist since it too 2 hours. Then we had dinner and bed time. Quite the day. 


Tuesday, April 5, 2022

They are out

 The wires are out of my hands.  They don't numb you hand or anything.  They just pull them out.  It hurt but it wasn't too bad.  It feels good to have them out.  I am still wearing the brace and take it off every hour to move my fingers.  I can't move them much but I am hoping it will get better and better every day.  The bone isn't completely healed but they can't leave the pins in the whole time or your fingers will be frozen.   It was really nice to have Mom and Dad here.  We went to my favorite sandwich place for lunch.  The jump zone was over capacity.  So we went to the mall and did the painting.  It was a lot of fun.  Thanks again everyone for all the support.

Love Rachel


 We got up in snow and drove to Logan. It stopped at lagoon. It is was nice all the rest of the way. It was cold and windy all day. Rachel got her wires out and hopefully it won't hurt so bad. It was sore and bleeding but it has to be better than wires. We painted ceramics and that was fun. I am back to the real world tomorrow. Dad is getting a steroid shot in his back on Friday. Love mom


Today was good. I went into work a bit early because Luna had a doctor's appointment. She is doing great and we go again on her 1 year birthday. Then we met Jeramy at rcwilly. We found a fridge that we liked in the clearance section. So that was a bonus. Then we went to slim chickens for dinner. Luna ate dinner late because we were out late. So she had a harder time falling asleep. But I just turned on wiggles in my bed and she cuddled in and fell asleep. It made me so tired. It really was relaxing lol. I hope your hand wires go well Rachel. Hopefully it wasn't too painful. Mom they haven't said anything about the inspection yet. I texted our realtor and she said she didn't hear anything yet.



 It was a cold snowy day here. Work is moving along. My visiting teachers came over tonight. It was nice talking with them. I hope getting the wires out of your hand wasn't too traumatic Rachel. I  hope it makes your hand feel better with it out. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, April 4, 2022


 I was tired also today. It was payroll and I got that done and got some of my to do list. We came home and just vegged. We are going to Logan tomorrow. Yeah Rachel you made it to getting the wires out. Karen that is nice you vt at coming. I hope they are nice. Robin just go slow it is going to be a crazy month. Did your house pass inspection? Love mom


 Lagoon wore us out yesterday.  Luckily it is spring break this week and we were able to sleep in.  My visiting teachers came over this morning.  Then we went to the park and did Oliver's rocket.  Isaac threw the ball for Tony who had a lot of energy.  We missed Casey so we met him for lunch.  The kids wanted their house so we did that when we got home.  It was cold this afternoon but they played outside for most of it.  Isaac made a smoothie and we ran out of milk so we went to the store.  Ron brought over burritos again for dinner.  They are really good.  I get the wires out of my hand tomorrow.  Thanks again for coming up Mom and Dad.

Love Rachel


Today was a long day. The time just went by slow. Between Jenkins and Luna I didn't sleep very well. Jeramy worked till 7 so we just took it easy tonight. Luna has her 9 month check up after work 



 Things are going good here. Work is going good. I am just working on my to do list. I came home and cooked dinner. My visiting teacher called and they are coming over tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, April 3, 2022


We just took it easier today. We went on a walk then looked around at fridge's. We are going to rcwilly sometime this week. They are closed on Sunday. When Luna took a nap I worked upstairs again. I didn't move terriblely fast but it was nice to just putter and not have to move a million miles a minute. Then when Luna woke up her and Jenkins were wild so we went on another walk. When Luna went to sleep I glowforged a bit. I tried to make the writting board for Ruth but it was too small. But I just need to take off the masking and it can be something just to play with. Then a lady at Luna's daycare was interested in the glowforge so I made her a small ruler.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...