Saturday, March 7, 2020
I had a fun day as well. Mom already covered what we did so I won't repeat it. I hope everyone had a great day and don't forget to spring ahead tonight. Bye
I am sorry Dad is so sick, that is scary. I hope he feels better soon. I am glad that everyone had a good day. Ours was nice too. We slept in and went slow this morning. Ruthie had a ton of money so we went to red balloon and the kids spent their money. They had fun. Calleen and Allen came down to get some wood from the neighbors before they move. We took them to lunch at the puppus place and it tasted good. We worked the yard the rest of the afternoon. I may have seen a bit also. A lady at bookgroup said a movie JoJo Rabbit was good so we rented it and watched it. Love you guys and I hope Dad feels better soon.
Spring Ahead
I didn't realize that tonight we put the clocks ahead. I hate that. It is hard to go to bed. I put some pictures on from the museum. I took some to help Karen and she said to put them on the blog. I was unsure how to do that so I learned something new. The museum was really nice. I enjoyed walking around. Karen took me to Joe's crab shack for lunch and it was so good. We didn't realize that there was a soccer game so traffic was interesting. After that we went to Winco and Sam's It was so interesting to see no water, wipes or toilet paper at Sam's. There were a lot of empty places. Crazy. Dad was really sick last night. Around 11 we thought maybe if we walked around it would help his stomach. We went to Walmart and he got really sick. We got him home and he just rested today. He hasn't had any solid food at all today and he says his pain levels are a lot better. I am going to call the doctor on Monday and see if we can't speed up the antibiotics. He was really suffering. We are just going to take it easy tomorrow and let him rest. Karen made it home safe and sound. Rachel, I hope you got some yard work done. it was so windy here. Robin that is sweet to help Jeramy's sister. I am glad she got the car working. LOVE MOM
Today was good. We had to go to Provo to help Jeramy's sister. I know pita pit is there so Jeramy dropped by so I could get one. It tasted good. Then I think we figured out his sister car problems after watching you tube. We just had to reset her throttle. Basically we had to do a weird set of ...on and off with the engine and gas pumps but it was running better after we did it, so hopefully the vodu worked. Then I had craps so we just took it easy the rest of the night.
Friday, March 6, 2020
I made it down to mom and dads place. Things are going good. Mom said to say hi. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye
It was so nice it was Friday. They called me in and they got the ok for the new promotion change. I got a dollar and hour more. I was kinda shocked I didn't get more but then it's nice because I don't feel bad of I ever end up moving lol I will just plan on Tuesday I already took the day off of that is ok. I thought I would leave after traffic andake it up.there by the after noon. I dont mind the drive. Thanks again for watching him
I walked this morning and we went to exercise class which was nice. I was getting Oliver ready for school and Isaac called and said that he didn't feel well so I went and picked him up. I was supposed to help in Oliver's class but he had a substitute today. So we went and picked Isaac up from home and ran some errands which was fun. Mom and Dad ordered us Sushi for dinner and it tasted really good and the kids were really happy. Thanks again. Have fun at the art museum tomorrow. I love going to those. If you want to meet up Sunday Robin let me know.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Big busy day
I had a lot of meetings today and it seemed busy. I like not having meetings. Robin, just think your first weekend at your house where there is not moving agenda. That has to feel nice. If you want to meet in Ogden on Sunday, I will buy dinner and then you can exchange Jenkins. Just a suggestion. Karen is coming down tomorrow and we are going to an art museum for her art class. I am excited. I have never been to an art museum in Salt Lake. I keep feeling like I am catching a cold but never do. It is interesting. We stopped by the bakery on the way home. One of my friends is retiring and I am bringing cookies to her party. Rachel, thanks for the book suggestion. I need to read more. Everyone have a great Friday. Next Friday is Friday the 13th. I am so glad the kids got to play outside. It just nice to be outside. LOVE MOM
That sounds good to get Jenkins on Tuesday. We can even met you somewhere if you want. Even Sunday evening we could meet. Whatever works best for you. Today was a busy day but it was good. I walked this morning and it is getting warmer. We helped decorate the school like the Wizard of Oz for the one book one school pta thing. We started at 9 and I helped until I had to feed the kids lunch and then took them to school. I cam back and helped in Isaac's class and then helped the PTA until it was time to pick up Ruth. The school looks really nice and the kids were all so excited. None of them knew about the wizard of oz which was funny. We walked home after school and then the kids played in the backyard jumping on the trampoline. Ruthie made a bird feeder at school so we hung that up. They all had Popsicle when they came in. Tonight was literacy night. It was the wizard of oz theme and it was fun. Their were a million people there so it was crazy. They had free pizza so we had that for dinner. Isaac ate four pieces which was crazy. Casey met up there after work and then I took off and went to book group. We read The Moment of Lift by Melinda Gates. It is a amazing book and I would recommend it. It is really good.
I am glad that tomorrow is Friday as well. They are still waiting for a part for my car so it still isn't done. They also haven't gotten an ETA on when they will get so who knows when it will be done. Other than that things are going good here. It was so pretty outside today. Then after work I did laundry. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
Work was still busy but I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. Of it's still ok I'll take Jenkins up to Logan on Tues. I gave Jenkins a bath today and he hated it and has been wild all night. I hope everyone has a good night
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Poor Issac
Rachel you might be in for a long night. Neck pain is the worst. I hope he is OK. I am glad you got Oliver's legs checked. He will have to do Isaac's exercises with him now. Karen that sucks about your jeep. I hope they fix it soon. Robin, I am so glad you went to bed early. You have been under so much stress. Boxes will be there. You have plenty of time to get organized. I can help if you need me to. Work was good. It was busy and I ended with more emails that I started with but I did good. We went to Sprouts after work and got some probiotics and then came home and I finished by taxes. Dad is going to give them to Tom. Everyone have a wonderful Thursday. LOVE MOM
Isaac's stomach hurt this morning and he felt too sick to go to school so he stayed home. I think he is doing better though. Poor kid can't get over this cold. I walked this morning and that went well. Oliver had a wellness check and he is doing good. I asked about his feet and legs hurting. She said that his calf's are really tight and we too stretch him before bed. She looked at his feet and when he stands he looses his arches so I need to take him to a foot doctor to get some arch supports. While Oliver was at school we got out some the the Christmas presents we haven't built and did those. Isaac build a shooter thing. Me and Ruth made lip gloss and some perfume. Oliver made some slime when he got home. Me and Ruth helped in Oliver's class and that went good. Isaac helped me make dinner which was nice of him. He likes to cook. Isaac was jumping and doing somersaults on the couch and hurt his neck. He can't move it and his muscle is swollen. Love you guys and I am glad that everything is going good.
Still no jeep. They are still waiting for a part to come in. It sucks but what can you do. Work is going good. Then after work I went to Walmart to get my prescription. Then I was just lazy the rest of the night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sorry I didn't blog me and Jeramy went to bed at 8. I was so tired and it slipped mind. It was nice to sleep..the gowns left for that is good. I'm ready for it to be over I'm going to try and get someone to go with me next time to train so I only have to go one more time hopefully. I unpacked a few boxes today so that was nice. I still have a million but going to make it one day lol.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
That is weird about your jeep. You think they could give you a better estimate. Today was pretty good. I walked this morning and it was a bit warmer which is nice. Isaac said he wasn't feeling good this morning. I gave him some medicine and he seemed ok so we decided to try school. He ended up calling me after lunch and I went and picked him up. He seems ok not super sick but he still has a runny nose and a cough. Poor kid. Oliver and Ruth matched this morning so I took a picture. Ruth has been sleeping in Oliver's room this week and it has made him tired. He was emotional all morning so we took it slow. Love you guys. I don't have anything too exciting going on.
I left work at 2 and took dad to the doctor. They are going to give him that antibiotic he has taken before but it has to be approved by insurance. That might take a while. They said they have samples if we can't get it approved. I hate insurances. We did walk around Target after the doctor and then we came home and I worked on taxes for a little while. I am going finish it up tomorrow night. Robin, I am glad you got all the dresses shipped. That was a nightmare. They need to do better on that. Rachel, I am sorry that Isaac is still sick. Poor guy. He got that cold bad. Karen I am sorry your jeep isn't done. I think that will be fun to go to an art museum. LOVE MOM
no luck
Well I still don't have my jeep. They are apparently waiting for a part to come in and it is being slow. They have given me a new pickup date of Friday so I will have to see if third time is a charm. I hope that dad's doctors appointment went well and they had a magic pill that made him all better. Work is still going good. It was meeting day so the morning dragged on a bit. I hope that everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye
Monday, March 2, 2020
Today was busy although I feel like I didn't get alot done. Tomorrow we are getting everyone on board and hopefully finishing by 10-11 ish. I hope the final push will get everything done. I can't believe I leave next week. I feel like it's still forever away. I worked late so Jeramy bought me a pizza and we watched end game the avengers. We hadn't seen it yet. We watched it on Disney+. Thanks Karen! :)
So I made it to work this morning. That seemed like a lot. Work was quiet and I got a few things done. I bought Oliver pizza for crashing. It is fun to do that. We just vegged tonight. Dad has a doctor's appointment for his stomach tomorrow. I hope they can help him a little bit. Of course he had a perfect night tonight. Robin I hope you survived your wedding dresses. I was worried about you all day that they had set you up for failure. It so isn't fair. Karen, I hope you get your jeep tomorrow. Have a nice Thursday. It is suppose to warm up a little bit. My car was covered in snow when we left for work and when we came home it was all melted. That felt nice. LOVE MOM
I walked this morning but I skipped exercise class. Their was a PTA meeting at the same time so we went to that. They are gong to read the Wizard of Oz this year and they have some fun decorations planned. Oliver hit his head on a table and has a goose ache, poor thing. We went grocery shopping afterwards. We walked to pick the boys from school and it was a pretty day. Casey had a dentist appointment to get his teeth cleaned. He picked up some lottery tickets so we may be rich soon, just kidding. Mom and Dad ordered Oliver pizza for dinner because he was hurt. It tasted really good and it was a lot of fun to get. Thanks again, we are spoiled. Randy came and visited for a while and it was good to see him. Love you guys!!
Take two
Well tomorrow is the new date they have told me my jeep would be done, so wish me luck that it is done. My day was good. It was a nice sunny day but still on the cold side. After work I came home and did homework. I am about halfway done with the assignment so I will finish it tomorrow. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Sunday, March 1, 2020
In like a Lion
So March came in like a lion for use. That was a lot of snow. We went to sacrament meeting today and then just vegged. I think I napped all afternoon. I made chili with roast and I like it with hamburger better. Just experimenting. It is suppose to be a nice week so that has hope for us. I am with Rachel. I do like the sunshine more. Spring is coming. Not much else to report on my end. I did work on my taxes a little bit. I am going to finish them up this week. LOVE MOM
The Weekend
We had a good weekend. The weather between yesterday and today is so drastic. Yesterday we took the kids to pizza pie cafe for lunch, we had some coupons from Valentines day. We cleared the snow off the deck. Then we pruned trees. Casey worked on the apricot tree and I started on the pear tree. It was nice to be outside. Today we got a ton of snow. Casey shoveled this morning before he went to work. I had a meeting this morning and then church went good. I like being in primary. Me and Oliver shoveled the deck again today so it is cleared off again. I am glad that you apartment is cleared Robin. That is fun. Everyone have a good Monday.
It snowed here all day, but it didn't stick to the walks so that was nice. I was just lazy for most of the day but I did do some homework so I was a little productive. I hope everyone has a great week.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...