Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Isaac's stomach hurt this morning and he felt too sick to go to school so he stayed home.  I think he is doing better though.  Poor kid can't get over this cold.  I walked this morning and that went well.  Oliver had a wellness check and he is doing good.  I asked about his feet and legs hurting.  She said that his calf's are really tight and we too stretch him before bed.  She looked at his feet and when he stands he looses his arches so I need to take him to a foot doctor to get some arch supports.  While Oliver was at school we got out some the the Christmas presents we haven't built and did those.  Isaac build a shooter thing.  Me and Ruth made lip gloss and some perfume.  Oliver made some slime when he got home.  Me and Ruth helped in Oliver's class and that went good.  Isaac helped me make dinner which was nice of him.  He likes to cook.  Isaac was jumping and doing somersaults on the couch and hurt his neck.  He can't move it and his muscle is swollen.  Love you guys and I am glad that everything is going good.


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